Mike Tyson:比特幣同以太幣,邊樣好啲?

in tyson •  3 years ago 

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Mike Tyson 響 Twitter 上問:比特幣同以太幣,邊樣好啲?
歷史上最偉大的拳擊手之一米高·泰臣 (Mike Tyson) 響 Twitter 出咗個 post,令加密貨幣社區陷入瘋狂。 他問佢果近 600 萬 followers 佢地鐘意邊種加密貨幣多啲 — 比特幣定以太幣?
這條推文在加密貨幣粉絲和社交網絡的其他用戶之間引发了一場有趣的辯論。 有些人選擇了比特幣,有些人選擇了以太坊。 但他們的選擇背後都有不同的動機。
有些人選擇比特幣作為先驅。 其他人說比特幣是數字黃金,而以太坊是石油。
有人說石油的需求總是會變的,但黃金的需求永遠不會下跌。 其他人則另有說法。
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【Mike Tyson: Bitcoin or Ethereum?】
On last Saturday, former heavyweight boxing champion, Mike Tyson, asked his 5.6 million followers on Twitter which crypto asset they prefer: bitcoin or ethereum.
In the comment section of Tyson’s tweet, there’s a myriad of responses from the crowd. Of course, the Tyson tweet also led to a number of bitcoin fans and ether supporters battling.
Tyson’s tweet on Saturday not only got attention from a great number of crypto supporters but also legendary rapper Busta Rhymes.After Tyson asked: “Which do you prefer, BTC or ETH?” Rhymes replied and said: “Mike, I’m right there with you. Spent the last 30 min reading the comment section.”
幣信成立於 2014 年,係全球最大同埋歷史最悠久嘅數字貨幣錢包, 7️⃣ 年以黎數百萬用戶提供先進可靠嘅錢包服務,希望將易上手嘅數字貨幣投資帶比普廣大眾😊 一個錢包可以儲幣、交易、質押、吹水等等✌🏼
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