Smartphone raid healing services Uber's apps Most users use only when needed for cars. But there are some more features hidden in this app.
With these features, this report-
ETA shares
Uber's app has solved the problem - it is late to go somewhere in the traffic jam, waiting for the waiters to wait for the traffic congestion. When traveling, you can send text using the 'Share status' option. The customer will get a link in that text so that the sender will be shown. If a friend of a passenger is looking for him, then the details of the passenger's car and the trip can also be found in that status.
Coordinate with the calendar
An alarm note sounded exactly half an hour before an event in the smartphone calendar app. There is no need to rush in such a situation. If you turn on Sync Options in the Uber app, it will take information about where to go from the smartphone calendar. When you open the application, it will display the destination address in the calendar app.
Specialized promo code
If someone does not like the code sent from the machine and if you want to send a referral code to the friend, then sign up for the account on the Uber website. There you will find an option below the user's profile. You can claim your referral code there. Users and their friends will get the discount after signing up with this referral code.
Rider rating
The number of the app's user name is expressed in the ratings below. This rating is not shown unless someone has yet to leave. At the end of each journey, the rate is given by the user as it can rate the driver. It helps in generating mutual respect among the passengers and the driver.
Rent sharing
If you travel to Uber with a friend, then you do not have to calculate how much you rent. Before the start of the journey, it can easily be done using the 'Split Fair' option. When a friend invites, he will receive an SMS in his Uber app. At the end of the journey, Uber's App will calculate the rent of each passenger on its own.