The Singapore Government is working on the Ubin Project

in ubin •  7 years ago 

 What is the Ubin project?

In  November 2016, MAS announced that it had created a consortium of  financial institutions with R3, a blockchain technology company, and a  concept project to implement bank payments using Blockchain technology.

The  Central Bank of Singapore and the relevant authorities proved that it  was far too versatile to block the potential of Blockchain and crypt  money. "The project aims to be a pilot system in which the  Blockchain infrastructure is used to transfer resources among  participants," MAS said in his first announcement.

Everyone  knows that Blockchain has the power to provide "financial transactions  and processes with more transparency, flexibility and lower costs." As  noted in this preliminary announcement, it was also stated that this  experiment could lead to banking alternatives: "This also made MAS and  the industry easier to use and helped them to develop more effective  alternatives to today's systems." 

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