While installation of cdo (clima data operators) via apt tool in Ubuntu ran with no errors, my first running experiment had no such success history. On my screen the error:
error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.58: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After some search the question posed was that libicuuc.so.58 need to be installed. And it SHOULD be the .58 version. The solution was to compile it from scratch, according the following steps.
After some search the question posed was that libicuuc.so.58 need to be installed. And it SHOULD be the .58 version. The solution was to compile it from scratch, according the following steps.
First, I downloaded it from
or directly
unpack it ran the commands:
cd source &&
./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make check
sudo make install
Then, trying run cdo from command line again I got another error:
error while loading shared libraries: libmfhdf.so.0 ubuntu
The solution came from apt tool by installing libhdf4-dev, simply as
sudo apt-get install libhdf4-dev
And then it ran perfectly!