Ubuntu Touch OTA-5

in ubuntutouch •  6 years ago 


Recently Ubuntu Touch OTA-5 was released for all supported devices.

Here are some of the main points discussed:

  • Ubuntu Touch is now officially built on 16.04 - This means support from upstream Ubuntu development.
  • A number of bugs were fixed
  • QtWebEngine browser, "Morph", is now the default browser. - Better webpage support, but there are some issues with tabs, and forms that are still currently being worked on.
  • Inclusion of community artwork - New official wallpapers, ringtones, and notification sounds.

There's still work to be done, and help is needed. Find us at @ubports on Telegram, #ubports:matrix.org on Matrix, or #ubports on freenode IRC. You can also e-mail us at [email protected] to let us know what you're good at.

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