try to get Unreal Engine IDE running on linux

in ue •  4 years ago  (edited)

not for the faint of heart ...

(bottomline : i didnt make it to "hello world" before dawn ...

Earlier this week 'it' said : unreal engine tonight :

as it turns out : it CAN be done

little did i know : twas a trap Lol - i was amazed at what Unity gets away with as a company listed on exchanges but even more so now at Potomac Computer systems and their 17 billion worth saying "sorry we didnt have time to get a linux installer yet"

But if you sign up for github (property of Crotter Inc.) and then link it to your epic account, which is conveniently built to login to all accounts at once (how convenient) and THEN login to github after linking github to epic and confirming in the mail a few times that you actually wanna do that you can actually clone the whole repo and compile the engine from scratch

...?!? Tim Potomac and all his 17 billions never heard of fiverr i guess to have some starving coder do an appimage and maintain it for a can of noodles a week

but well ... it seems to be - i cant say "the american way" since unity is danish (i think) ... "the way to do things" then .. they hand out free games that would cost up to €40 a week on the epic store

but they wont pay a guy on fiverr to maintain a linux launcher and UE - appimage ... cuz linux - ... unity HAS and unigine has even better heh - so it comes down to

who da salesforce and

whats fashion-able

so whats new - i wonder if i can make it to hello world before the sun forces me back into a dark corner today - I know the cloud is fashion-able too but ever since Crotter Inc. decided that i couldnt have my data "for no reasons given" and "we dont have to give you a reason , you violated EULA . <- period" after looking for a contact address that didnt have an auto-voice or recurring FAQ section (you know where they go like "or fill in our form" and you realize 40 minutes later that you're in a maze going in circles and there might actually be no form left anywhere

So i never trust cloud and considering the price of home-kept rackspace its folly to pay for a sub where someone else holds all your data (and the power to let you access it)

despite that - i seem to run into 0 bytes left on device and i deleted about everything but your sisters panties

today must be one of those days ... wakes me up after two hours, eyes burning, headache and then going like "now UE on linux" to discover that actually doesnt really exist - how big is this thing at the core ??? DUDE ...

okay - try again ...

need bigger drive - you know if it werent for that drm and licensing it could be a simple folder you could just put on any drive but thats too much to ask i suppose so it looks like ill need one system drive for Unity , one for UE and one for Unigine - good thing we have money in ample supply.

Did you just say "pick one" ? DID YOU JUST SAY "PICK ONE" ? That sounds an awful lot like "why dont poor people do something else" to me ... if i were black id sue you right here and now for that.

run number seven i think i deleted about everything but my drive itself now - i can hardly remove unity, now can i now ... if this is precursor of whats to come then UE might sit on the back of the bus until linux-supported im afraid - its not like i need it or something. Its like i thought "why not do every zone with a different engine if possible" but so far i only have three that show some kind of performance id want and come at affordable

disk full

right lets see - wo how, that things i 30Gb already (unity about 14 and unigine about 7 i think) so thats gonna be the most visualest editor ever packed with 1 million free assets to boot , or what?

hm ... it should come out with 1gb spare after this (should)
time a plenty i wonder if dice or frostbite are open to the plebs - my guess is not lets see
guess not ...

last verse if this aint enough space then i simply cant fit UE4 on this systemdrive

4am now - i think i started at about 1 after it tried to wake me up at 10 ...

but hm : ... free && linux ...

eh - something seriously wrong with the counter it seems to use 1.5 to 2x the space it says its gonna download

gah done - setting up stuff - ahh - "downloading toolchain" ??

this is fun (ahem) i can imagine lots of people going for it but i can also imagine tim potomac not caring much about the smallfry - i dont think they do at unity either, they just pretend nicer
"no third party libs needed to be built locally"

*** SUCCESS *** setup succesful, i havent used a compiler like this since i tried to get fallout running under wine with some patch from a board

setting up unreal engine 4 project files ... i see .py extensions OMG
yea, guess i'll add a spare drive to the crowdsourcing necessities hah - ..fudning ...

4:30 - it looks like every time it says 4gb then it stops at 2 and it has filled 5 or something, one thing left : remove unity editor 2019 - - if that fails then i fear i dont need a sep drive for each but i need a double sized one just for UE (i wonder the size of UE5 and im really curious what UE4 comes with standard at that size then)

ah "make" ...

"this could take up to an hour" ...

fine ... baking takes up to 12 ... and so


original comment on video :

woaw - and i thought "womg Unity is baed for loonix" ... guess things can always be done worse , i feel like my existence is ignored by potomac computer systems - it even downloads an msi installer when i login from Mint ...

for a 17 billion dollar company - ...

total fail, never heard of appimage ? giving games away for free weekly but no appimage installer for linux ?


bad karma
compile and build from scratch huh, i havent done that since trying to run fallout on wine when i was in diapers - im old enough to be in diapers again soon now tsk


WOW - on top of that it wants to force me to get a github account ?

hard pass then ... i'll check back later - oh

looks like i still had one from before Crotter inc bought it ... MAN WHAT A DRAG, TIMBO ...

i guess that means UE5 will be for 2025 or something ?
it keeps baffling me ... Potomac is worth 17 billion and they dont bother getting a simple appimage by outsourcing it on fiverr and unity is listed on exchanges and they dont even have decent triplanar mapping for their terrains -

its all about the sales isnt it

BUT YOUR TUTORIAL HERE ROCKS MY PANTS MAN ! it feels like im exploring a bear cave again ;-)

i wonder if i can make it to hello world by morning

well i sure hope that install is portable and i can just flick it to another drive or im gonna be slightly discouraged to start over next time - i'll need C++ too (which i kinda never have so far) i see i see

yagh well - since dark&light and such i thought "why not try -the forest down below(name pending)" with unreal engine and the dungeon with unigine (for the fabulous physics) which leaves "what shall we do for the mudpits)

and then the floormanager goes like "STICK TO ONE THING" and i slap the bitch on his two front teeth and its all trouble over again

maybe sticking to one thing would be possible IF i had been normal AND (logical &&) had not been sharded into all kinds of me stuck in the same head living in a place called hell since 15 ... maybe ... now its better to have all kinds of chaos so it follows my flow - no one to outsource and since i cant pay them and NDA them no one id trust anyway

might as well check to see if theres no new demos yet for the top vid, looks like the compiliings gonna be a while

hm - 't immediately shows that the c64 scene still seems to be aliver than ever, the "january 21 demos are coming out by the dozen"

oh ... /Linux/CrashReporterClientEditor : No space left on device (thats what ? 23 times now tonight?)



i swear ... people with billions for brains ...

they have REALLY strange habits

now what ...

5:40 am ... still compiling, im trying to archive unity folder bits to a flash drive, hoping im not screwing up the whole system here

definitely found "the" demo for the week - not just your average mathematical shiney - but a whole storyboard in 128 k and ... again : look at the credit roll and how many people involved to fill up 128 kb of goodies but

agh - 640mb remainig and "building editor 1/2100andsomething)

guess im screwed

...uuuhh huh - im gonna have to see what it says when i wake up - re-compiling and compiling thats gonna take over an hour if it has to do 2700 items on top SO

advice by AlleyCat (the director) of Janes Onderground : "we now understand why most indiez go for unity3d - obviously - what we really want to find out is if UE4 is worth all that extra hassle so be advised : get at least a 240gb system drive or install it on a backup with at least 120gb space on it (i dunno about you but poor people dont tend to have 4TB ssd drives lying around - and we are personally somewhat opposed to drives that are too large since just one malfunction means ALL terabytes lost ... from decades of experience with teethgrinding loss of "that tune" or "that segment" .. in the middle of THAT HUGE DRIVE i'll take 10x240 over 1x2TB any day of the week, thing is programs growing larger ... ARK is over 100gb if im not mistaken and this IDE alone seems to go close to that

but it seems to also compile windows executables so maybe also mac and c64 .prg files while its on linux?


we have an excuse : we are dirt poor and also mentally thrashed since years

whats yours?

u huh - if you say "cloud" im gonna slap you with satellius and Crotter Inc. - they decide when you no longer access your data, dont let you get a backup, dont give an actual reason and ... what's it cost to store 100GB permanently in the cloud (excluding assets and program files - for reference : unity (the ide ) is about 8gb while my one project folder for the one cutscene / anim / intro leading "up to the tunnels" is around 10gb in size, smaller after compilation but i havent found the "clean up all unused assets burtton in unity and starting to think there aint one)
you wanna perma-pay all that to keep in a cloud that might tell you "access denied" ?

i see only one reason for cloud storage :


which i dont have




4 in parallel huh ...

12:09 - slept like hell (as in bad) and fell asleep again this morning twice io once and now feel like total excrement but

Increasing per-process limit of core file size to infinity.


wait a minute i didnt compile discord, right ?


heh , yup - and then it

starts compiling shaders and



left to compile : 1350 ... i hope it doesnt have to do that every time on boot ... "running engine without a game"
that looks like its gonna work, heh

time for dinner anyway - AH the good old days of "press play on tape" - take a shower have breakfast , smoke a fag and then

play duckshoot ...

wow : 12:30

and thus it came to pass ...

now - i forgot what license i clicked-in-a-hurry-to-get-started


OH! 13:00

this is like deja vu - and no one sued anyone over "this is MY layout" ? i guess not everyone is tek-6 (yet) ... YAY - gud i'll see what it says next time fate decides its unreal engine night then

nope - i just succeeded now in getting a liftplatform move up and down in an fbx file imported from an export from blender (after a lot of flipping (normies)) which is ...
(in Unity) - tonight

less ca va de soi as they would like you to believe unless you've been in it for a few years and know c# and all that stuff

AND make it wait for 5 seconds (moddable) so slow players can get up when it hits the bottom ...

just getting all the quads to look outside is quite herculean (but maybe theres pro tips i dont know about like "how to edit your vide so it looks like you did it in five minutes) exporting from #blender to #unity - then there's this thing about blender using Z axis for up and down while Z in unity is forward

its all

really intuitive

(cough ... cough cough ...)

after a fashion

as the guy in the vids says on : the trick is "be wary of giving up" (lol)

O DEAR I GOTTA DENTIST IN A FEW HOURS, removing a nerve, thats a lot of drillwerkz at the price of a few hundred euros

i hope it gets the desired result

and also for extended lockdowns or else enough money to move me and my cat to a place where i only hear humans and feel alpha waves when i choose to do so and

that RTX card i ordered 2 or 3 months ago ?

but longevity vaccine and mars would be nice too

cuz i fear the moment the noise comes back i'll be braindead again expending 99% of energy just to lie on the floor not flipping out

yea ... some people dislike the quiet and distancing i hear ...

mundanes, i guess ...

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