[IT] Underwater Crashed UFO who will retrieve it?

in ufo •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you still haven't seen this on google earth, just type in starbuck island, and you will see the island, in order to see the crashed craft just zoom in until you see a straight crash landing path along the island to the shore.

I wonder if this can be retrieved, its been there for a while and no government wants to explore.
I think if it can be retrieved then we can learn some things about the ship and probably reverse engineered it.
If you can see some of the UFO video on youtube you will find similar shape craft like this roaming around the Earth.
By the way there are more UFO craft caught on google earth if still did not know.

Like these one, but this is already deleted since the update, if this image is zoomed you can actually see the alien aboard on top of the ship.

What do you think?

Note: [IT] abbreviation of Interesting Things - I will be using it for non related cryptocurrency posts.

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