honestly i sure some already did i had survalliance done of me for researching this so called lizard freaks who apparenlty live on earth u probably have heard of... from what i gather our frequency is to low for them to stay in our realm for long so they have been interbreeding with humans to use them to produce hybrid offspring in our reality so they can manipaulte alot of world goverments and large corporations and silly ***** like that... although ive heard alot of them have been getting removed lately sense we've been asking for help form other benevolent societies who monitor our planet honestly im grateful for them they give great advice that and some have shutoff nuclear silos and missles cause im pretty sure ww3 would've happend as there's been many ufo sightings reported over nuclear silos from what i've heard from multiple humans n stuff. funny *****... sounds crazy i know but honestly id rather believe in alot of it cause otherwise life is just boring and i feel personally some of this is going on out in the galaxy and farther for sure.....
how have u been?
personaly ill take all the assitance that i can get to a extent id dont wnat everything done for me as i incarnated her for reasons to learn and grow as a soul...
not have my hand held all the time like a goofball u know heh
but little help here and there is perfeclty alrgith but really we dont need it as much as we might thinkg but i wouldnt mind a tiny gift in physicality soon from et's or other dimesnionsals * hint hint