in uganda •  7 years ago 


The U.S. Embassy has just been moved officially from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

This makes Jerusalem the official capital of Israel. As other countries are already preparing to follow in the steps of U.S. to cement this unique historical event.

This incident took place exactly 70 YEARS since the nation of Israel was born on May 14th 1948. Are you still in doubt? (2018 - 1948 = 70) Read (Jeremiah 29:10)

The number "70" is very significant in the life of Israel and the fulfilment of End Time Prophecies(Daniel 9:2)

How close are we to the Rapture of the saints? How close are we to the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy? Are you still in doubt? Read (Daniel 9:24)

Are you born again? Are you living for Jesus? It can happen any moment!

Remain blessed in Jesus name

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Good to know you are born again. Lets get prepared because rapture is any time.

Check out my blog if you don't mind:)