7 years after the UK voted to Brexit, and almost 4 years since they actually Brexited, the results are in.

in uk •  last year 


The UK has not only dramatically underperformed the rest of the global economy, and the EU, it has flatlined. Actually, it has worse than flatlined. Real UK GDPpc is lower now than it was before COVID.

But this is uninteresting. Everyone with even a minor interest in economic policy knew that Brexiting would be an economic catastrophe.

The interesting question is whether the people without any interest in economic policy would learn their lesson, and reverse themselves.

And the answer is, for the most part, “no.”

While Brexit is slightly less popular (56% of Brits polled this month believe Brexiting was a mistake, as opposed to the 48.1% who voted Remain), even massive, conclusive, irrifefutable evidence has only persuaded 8% of the population—around 15% of Leave voters—that they made a mistake.

What does the other 85% think?

Are they making excuses for the failure, the way socialists blame evil billionaires and corporations every time their plans make things worse?

Or are they just happy to suffer if they believe (rightly or wrongly) that they’re imposing greater suffering still on the Continentals and would-be migrants (especially from Poland, North Africa, and Central Asia)?

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