Recent meals

in uk •  last month 

So, I've been quite busy lately, with no time to bake...


Lunch on a day out

I recently went on a day out, and had a lovely lunch that felt so healthy ! The picture above is the salad & sandwich I had. It was a *mozzarella and pesto sandwich*. I absolutely love pesto so I really enjoyed it. Not only was the sandwich delicious, so was the *salad* that came with it! I'm not too sure how to describe it, there was a serving of coleslaw, green vegetables (like rocket) and chickpeas I think. I'm not a big fan of raw red onion and rocket though. Altogether the lunch was £10, which is 60 STEEM.


Tea and a scone

So this one isn't so much a lunch but more of a snack haha. I loved the teapot and milk jug's design. It was so cute! The scone was with cream and jam, which was so satisfying. This was £5 (30 STEEM).

Last but not least...


Carbonara with fried tomatoes

I know that traditional carbonara uses a special pasta called Tagliatelle, but I didn't have any, so I used wholewheat fusilli (also a bit healthier). This was my second time making carbonara, and I consider this a big improvement!
The first time I made it, I cooked the eggs too quickly, which resulted in it scrambling (which isn't a good thing for carbonara).
So when I made it this second time, I made sure to be slow and careful while cooking the egg sauce (which had grated parmigiano reggiano and 2 eggs).
I felt like this was very simple, but I know that I used a non-traditional method.
This meal didn't cost me anything as I used ingredients I already had.

That's all today, see you next time!

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