Is there ever a good reason for military intervention?

in ukraine •  2 years ago 


I think I have strong opinions about many policy positions, but military interventionism isn’t one of them. And I’m thoroughly shocked by everyone who seems to have a strong opinion on this issue.

From what history I do know, it seems clear there’s been times military intervention was the right thing to do and times it was the wrong thing to do. But growing up as a millennial and watching my country make up reasons to invade sovereign nations, costing billions of dollars and ruining millions of lives, it seems clear that we often lie about the moral foundations for interventionism.

The more I focus on the subject of interventionism in general, the less sure I am about when it’s morally right or morally wrong to invade another country.

I’m terrified at what responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could mean for the entire world, and I’m deeply saddened for the current plight of the Ukrainian people.

Why on earth are so many people sure about what the right thing to do here is?

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