Why they fight (the Ukrainian cause)...

in ukraine •  2 years ago 




The French medic who went to Ukraine to help the Ukrainians was shocked at all the war crimes he personally saw the Ukrainians commit. He is personally putting himself in danger by reporting this. He even covers the shelling at Bucca and indicates it came from the Ukrainians.

He personally watched and filmed the Ukrainians taking Russian POWs from vans carrying 3 or 4 at a time...asking them if they were officers. If they said no they were shot in the knee. If they said yes they were shot in the head.

He told the French government about it and the French media. They wouldn’t touch it because it went against the narrative the West is pushing.

Here’s another look at the people the West is supporting:


A Ukrainian Nazi reveals the regime plan on Tv 2015 - says #Donbass is overly populated with people nobody has any use for (useless people) and sitting on rich resources and in order to exploit those resources 1.5 million #Donbas people have to be exterminated

#Odessa #Mariupol

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