Embroidery – it is the current name of the traditional Ukrainian embroidery
male and female shirts. Embroidery is one of the most important element of
Ukrainian culture, which ranks a very important role in our culture.
It is known about the materials, from which embroidery was made - a leather,
fabric, felt, silk. Ukrainian embroidery dates back to the late Neolithic period.
Among the earliest finds of art - things are dated VI century. According to many
researchers residents of Kiev Russ were embroidered clothes and after the tenth
Embroidering was one of the most respected professions. Sister of Volodymyr
Monomakh had organized in Andrew's monastery in Kyiv a special school. Young
girls were taught to sew in silver and gold. Interestingly, despite the impact of
culture of the other peoples , embroidery remained virtually untouched - the
creative potential of the people and respect for traditions are so strong, that they
created their own unique style. Many of the ancient traditions of embroidery are
survived - some of them are slightly changed.
More or less modern features Ukrainian embroidery were founded at the turn
of the XVI and XVII century, during the heyday of Ukrainian Cossacks. During
the Second World War, many Ukrainian designs of embroideries were burnt and
destroyed and the most valuable of them were taken away.
Everyone knows, that embroidery is a model of national arts and crafts
Ukrainian people of course all depends on the region. There are certain
differences in the use of elements of ornaments, aesthetics of the location, range of
colors and use of certain techniques. The Ukrainian embroideries of old model
organically embody all the principles of aesthetic life of the Ukrainian people, the
ideals of goodness and beauty, the desire to perfect and elegance.