in ulog-gratefulvibes •  7 years ago 

Today we traveled back in time, back to the old days. We visited Stevens Point, Wisconsin - where @paradise-found grew up. In fact we stopped and saw the house where I grew up. I moved out back in 1980, and my parents sold the house and moved to Florida in 1994.

Mr & Mrs Paradise & Lesly - behind them the home Paradise grew up in

Paradise has many awesome memories from this house and the neighborhood I grew up in. The home itself is a different color, and the neighborhood has changed some. But it is wonderful to relive the old days, even for a few moments.

Thanks for visiting, have an awesome day!!


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When I go back to Canada, I often go by one of a few houses I grew up in. I see some of the pine trees I planted back in 1980, and see the old neighbourhood. Only our next-door neighbour is still living there, and all the other houses have different families now. There is a forest next to my old house and me, my younger brother, and other kids from the neighbourhood used to play in the forest all day during the summer months. There was no cable tv, internet, and tv video games were pretty basic, so playing outside and playing sports were the ways we spent our summers. Thanks for writing this post, it brought me back 40 years and 10,000kms to Toronto.

Great Blog....Ii like it

Thanks so much!!


buen dia amigo,que casa mas linda,agradecida por su apoyo,espero contar con el ya que lo necesito,saludos y dios lo cuide

Just overturn some of the stones over there..you must have hidden something's when you were small and might find it haha...

I love to go home properly and relive and see some of the old memories, boy how things can change @paradise-found

I always go back in time visiting my birthplace and sharing memories with old friends.

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