To remember is to live

in ulog-quotes •  6 years ago 

Cuando le dedicamos un momento al recuerdo, a lo que fuimos, seguramente encontraremos que hemos cambiado, pero que nuestra esencia permanece. No es quedarnos en el pasado, es solo mirar hacia atrás para poder entender el presente. Si revisamos fotos, escuchamos canciones, nos van a remitir a un tiempo que ya fue y eso es suficiente para alegrarnos porque seguimos vivos.

When we dedicate a moment to memory, to what we were, we will surely find that we have changed, but that our essence remains. It's not staying in the past, it's just looking back to understand the present. If we look at photos, listen to songs, they will take us back to a time that has already passed and that is enough to make us happy because we are still alive

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