Welcome to my first ulog! Maybe it's a ulog...pretty much an online diary right? I've been meaning to start one for a while now, I've that I'm planning on calling "Diary of an IT Guy" or something similar. Well with how stressful my week has been so far, maybe now is a good time to start it.
I called it Day 1-ish because I need to do a few days of backstory to get everything caught up.
Day 1-ish
I really appreciate the sunrises out here. I take my kid, Aedan, to the bus stop every morning, and we almost always have lovely sunrises. I enjoy the colors, the clouds, the way the mountains glow. Then the but arrives and Aedan is off to school and I get ready for work.
Aedan and I think this cloud looks like the Pokemon Swinub.
I work in IT for an airline. It's a fun experience, and the flight benefits are pretty sweet too. My job is to make sure all the computers remain operational here in Denver and at our other stations as well.
Not I'm also a developer, and I go the extra mile to write little utilities to automate many of our tasks. One such utility is a tool to configure our self check in kiosks. I even learned c# to make it, and I've spent Manny week's worth of time developing it to make it as smooth and complete as possible.
This month has brought us a massive kiosk update, and I needed to make several changes to my code. At the same time, I was researching how to use async tasks properly in my code. Async tasks help in either making multiple tasks happen at once or monitoring tasks to complete before starting the next one. It's this second one that I was after.
On Monday I had it! My app can now copy necessary files, then run an installer, wait for it to complete, edit configuration files, and give real-time updates to the user. I uploaded it, packed up, and left the office for the night.
Tuesday was my birthday! I went to work extremely positive and excited that I would meet my deadline for getting my app over to a coworker who was building the new kiosk image. He told me he'd be ready for me after lunch, so I got ready and headed over after lunch.
Only I wasn't ready for what lay ahead of me. The image was not complete like I was told and some of my big app updates I was told were for software we weren't using. Uhh... We've been using it for over a year! Now we have to go back to some other security software we were also told we had to stop using in favor of some newer one? And then the image became corrupt in its capture, so we lost all the work we've done so far. Now all this wouldn't have been as bad if the other people involved didn't keep accusing us of doing things wrong the whole day. I just wanted to have a happy, positive day for my birthday, but it was really turning out like I was being served a nice slice of frustration cake with disappointment frosting.
We finally left when someone else insisted because she had dinner plans. I decided screen this place and this whole mess and I went home. My wife, Zara, called and tried to cheer me up. She said there was a fish 'n chips truck in town, and it sounded amazing. I pulled up at 7:04, only to find out they closed at 7. Another glob of disappointment frosting. I decided to grab something from the liquor store and go home.
Wednesday morning I was feeling a little better. A little worse too though because I stayed up too late destressing with video games. But I made it in, albeit grumpily. I vented my frustrations to my team, and they were supportive and understanding. I started feeling better. I managed to get focused and make all the necessary changes to my code. I got out late every day so far this week, but I felt good about how my work day ended.
When I got home I found out Aedan will be in the gifted program at his school, has a field trip to go see a play downtown coming up, and will be joining a "Makers' Club" after school program soon too! What a nice positive spin to end this post pleasantly.
We'll see what happens tomorrow!
This post was made from https://ulogs.org