ULOG: ulogdevotion~ Source of happiness

in ulog •  6 years ago  (edited)

Good morning my brothers & sisters in Christ , friends, fellow uloggers..

You have made us for yourself, Lord. Our hearts are restless until they can find rest in You.
-Augustine of Hippo

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. Philippians 4:12


There’s a space in my heart that only God can fill. He alone can give me true peace that matches my heart. God is the true source of happiness, in Him i am content.

My 🙏🏻 Our Loving Lord, i thank You - nothing and no one can meet my every need like You can.There is none like you.. I am forever grateful and thankful..

Photo Is mine using my iphone
God is good all the time
And all the time God is good
Thank you for dropping by❤️10122018
I am @catietan

Let us share God’s word through ulogdevotion
Keep spreading His love..
keep spreading His word..

The best is yet to come
God bless everyone

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