Today was another good day :)

in ulog •  6 years ago 

I woke up early today because I thought that it was Monday (early morning meeting scheduled), but it was Sunday. So I was sleepy on my free day, duh, but I decided to get up anyway to fix my sleeping schedule.

Remembering my dream, it was vulgar and ugly. I remember being in an all-women room where one fat woman was washing a skinny woman and they were calling each other, and me, many names like whore, bitch, etc. I decided not to write that dream down or post it due to its vulgar nature.

Then I spent the day playing games, programming, writing, programming, and in the afternoon, my dad decided that it was family day! So we all went out together to drive all around the city and buy desserts to eat. We drove through the south-eastern part of the city and got to the mall we were going to.

The mall hasn't even opened its doors for the first time, it seems, so we went to other malls all around the south until we reached another mall in La Trinidad. There, the only thing open was a supermarket, so we bought cookies, food and soap. Then we went to a churro store and bought churros.

Some churros. (source)

They were way more expensive than we thought they'd be, but we bought them anyway. We were on the most expensive side of the city anyway. We ate them together and stared at the children playing. We conversed, took pictures, joked and talked about the things around us. It was very casual, but it was a well-needed rest for my mind.

Today, I also made my first kinda-nice-looking tutorial. It was a complete mess at first because I used a new SteemPress markdown plugin to publish it. I messed up the tags, and the lower half wasn't normal text but in "code" format. I had to come back at 7 pm, when we arrived from our 4-hour vacation, and fix it all, and it was alright! I got a couple enthusiastic comments.

And tonight, I discovered a lot of things that are making my programming efforts very easy. Starting with AlpacaJS (what a cute name and logo!). I also got my first Steem Monsters card:

Big thanks @the01crow

I also discovered that keyboards are kinda cheap. Just around 7-10 Steem in the local stores. So I will be able to replace my keyboard soon! I'm really sick of this one, even though it's saving me from the trouble of not having one. :P

My favourite part of the day was the going-out. We drove through cold streets and the air hit my face and my hair and made me feel so refreshed at last. I put my head out in various parts of the trip just to feel like a little happy dog. The mountains were pretty, and there were beautiful plants and flowers all along the way. There were also many houses far away, and the part of the city we visited wasn't as ugly, dirty and unmaintained as the rest of the city. It was instead a very pretty place with well-painted buildings, most of the time, and much cleaner than the rest of the country.

There were also a lot of decent people. There were a couple slightly uncomfortable incidents like a long line to leave the garage, but at least in this case I was able to get down from my car and go to the front door and pet a very pretty dachshund dog that I found. Well, they were three:

I went to the door and 3 cars before the one that was paying, there was a car with the windows open. Peeping out from the window, looking at me with curiosity, was one of the cutest dachshunds I've ever seen. I went to it and petted it without even asking the owner. I just moved my hand slowly toward it watching the owner's face, and since he didn't show disapproval, I petted it. Then I went to the ticket window and asked about the reason of the long line, and when I was going back to our car, I saw the dachshund poking out from the other window!

Cute dachshund picture I found at Unsplash. (The ones I petted were way cuter!)

I went to the dachshund and petted it and told the owner that it was following me. There were two men in the front row seats, and my guess is that they were a gay couple, but I cannot assume (there was also a kid in the back of the car). The owner on this side of the car instead told me that this was the female one, and that the one I was petting was on the other side of the car (he pointed toward it). I looked to the other side and there was another very similar dachshund! I looked at his arms and there was a tiny puppy dachshund too.

When he noticed that I had noticed it, he quickly took the baby and poked its head out and I petted it too. Pets for all the dachshunds! Then I went to the car and told my parents about my exciting adventure, and when I came back home, I dutifully cleaned my hands because I'm actually very allergic to dogs (and to all hairy or feathery animals). Worth it!

What did you do this Sunday? :D

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Hope you will have a great week

I really like how you tell us your day <3

A Busy Sunday, go to the Nature Park with family. So sunny :)
nature park.JPG