Is it really work if you laugh all day? Ulog 18b & Comedy Open Mic Round 23

in ulog •  7 years ago  (edited)

A JOY to go to WORK!

If I laughed this much with a co-worker, I would constantly be worried that the boss would yell at us. But the BOSS is the one who causes all the laughter! The things that come out of his mouth (usually rapid fire and dead pan) have me DYING laughing! NO... not my normal giggle... the EMBARRASING, WHEEZING kind of laughter!!!

Today - right as the phone rang, he yelled over to me that he wanted to answer it with clicks. I didn't know what he meant until he started practicing this "clicking" language... right before picking up the phone!

I laughed so hard, I couldn't breathe. Really!!!! And him??? He just answered it completely professionally; the person on the other end was none the wiser! Had I been the one answering the phone - sigh.... well, could I REALLY get in trouble if HE was the one causing it???

Thankfully - I DO actually do some WORK. And apparently, I am fast and efficient at it. (maybe that's why Boss feels so free to joke with me? He knows I'll get my work done - even with the stand up routine!)

The following is the conversation that happened today. Please tell me - Is this as funny as I think it is??? Or am I just sleep deprived??? LOL

This is VERBATIM what happened. I kid you not.

(Dreemsteem finishes the latest task and signs off on it to Boss)

Boss: YEAH! High fives! (high-fives Dreemie's hand) You're a PRO!!! .... and not the other kind.

Dreemie: (arches brow) What other kind of PRO is there???

Boss: phylatic! Prophylactic. (I immediately bark with laughter as he walks away and mumbles under his breath, "I don't even know what that means.")

Dreemie: (covering my entire face with my hands because I'm laughing so hard) Are you serious?!?!?! (now doubled over with laughter) Ummmmm. It's a condom.

Boss: Um. Oh no. Um. Oh my gosh. Well. There it was! Thought I was being clever - and I'm just a creeper.

*three seconds later*

Boss: I don't know words.

*three seconds later*

Boss: Oh my gosh. I need a dictionary for my birthday.

*three seconds later*

Boss: Please don't sue the company.

*three seconds later*

Boss: Maybe someone called me that as a kid? And I never asked what it meant cuz I was too embarrassed.

*three seconds later*

Boss: Why did I think it was a probiotic suppository that made you poop???

and.... at this point, I was done. I couldn't talk, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything but laugh my life away. As soon as I recovered, I promptly wrote down the ENTIRE conversation on my phone, and told him -

"... and THAT is going in my post today!"

He felt a teeny bit deflated, because just the day before I was telling him that all my commenters were saying he was a wonderful, mythical creature - like a beautiful unicorn. (you know - the boss that actually makes you happy to go to work!)

But before he got too depressed, I told him, "Don't worry. I'm anonymous, and I'm not gonna use your real name!!!!"

But I'll give you a hint. His name rhymes with Pichael Pohnson.

tee hee! just kidding!!! (or am I?)

I will nominate two of my funny friends to participate!!! hehehehe @bengy (of course!!!!) and @c0ff33a (of course!!!) hehehehehe

Just Laugh image source edited by @dreemsteem

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Nope, not sleep deprivation (ok, well maybe you have that too but ) Yes! It really was that funny.

Now go buy Michael Johnson a pocket dictionary or teach him how to use his PHONE "Siri define prophylactic."


LOLOLOLOLOLOL right???? i could NOT breathe!!!!!!!! i didn't mention the part where he was dancing around the office - admitting that he's a horrible dancer.

i think that my laughter is just encouraging him more!!!! but a suppository that makes him poop? LOLOLOL what in the world?!?!?!?! hahahahaah

enjoyable read. I too have a funny boss, although with a very different type of humor. It definitely makes going to work not all bad!

I agree!!!! i walk in almost prepared to giggle! He usually will make a funny face at me when i first walk in!!! LOLOLOL not like a clown... but like - mischievous and ready to make me laugh! hahahahahaha

i think he found the employee that is the perfect audience for him! LOL


hi to you! LOL

Pretty funny shit! 😂🤣 you had me giggling! Thanks for the laughs 🤣✌😉❤

i'm so glad!!!! I'll be telling him tomorrow that his story got more than me laughing!!!! LOLOL

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Honestly, 🤣 i am doing more than laughing. To add to the fun, I am conjuring up this image of how hot and attractive he is and am liking it a lot 🤣✌🙏 Thanks so much for that little bit if escapism!! Hahaha ❤🎵🎶🤣😂

hahahahahaha well - I'm glad that you're having so much fun with your escape!!!!! hehehe I wish that you could go to work with me! we would both be giggling up a storm!!! for sure!!!!

Nice post

you're a nice post.

no you!

hahahahahahahahahaha OMG! You two are dynamic!

I love to hear that BOSSES are not as hell as yours! I like his energy and humor. Please do ask him if there is opening in your office, I would gladly apply first in line! hahaha

hahahahahahaha I told him that you wanted to be first in line when there was an opening!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

I totally LOVE working with my boss!!!!

Yeah i can see that! Lucky you! Hahahahahaha what did your boss said?? 🤣😂

He walked away from me - he didn't say a word..... just when he walked away - he danced like a robot all the way back to his desk

hahahahahahaha he's so cool

Hahahaha Please don't go to HR for inappropriate jokes hahha

Happy Birthday Dreemsteem all the best for you on this special day!!

was that not hilarious?!?!?!?!?! please don't go to HR!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaa

i have compiled the notes from my boss from this week! and that will be my ulog tonight!!!! :) he's so stinking hilarious LOL

hahahahaha I kinda feel for him as I sometimes get that feeling that I am witty but come out as hilarious by accident hahaha

This comment was made from

He is.... BY FAR... the funniest boss I have ever had!!!!

i thoroughly enjoy going to work for him!!!! hehehehehe

YES – I'd be pissing my pants, too! I'd much rather have a boss with a penchant for one-liners than some of the uptight arseholes I had to endure in my early 20's.

Pickle Pond-son sounds like a unicorn, indeed.

hehehehehe yes - my boss - Pickle Pond-son! hehehehehe

today was another good day :)

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Thank you to @matytan for the great banner

nice hehehehe thank you!!! :)

Hahaha wow such a great story teller and doing it with comedy is certainly beautiful hahahaha

hehehehehe oh man - it was so funny @josediccus!!!!! i just laugh all day - i actually look FORWARD to going to work!!! :)

I didn't know it meant condom either!! I only knew the medical term for it....disease prevention. Lol!!!

No he is funny....but that does not preclude that you are sleep deprived my love. The two do coexist .... 😝

very true! hahahaha the two DO coexist hahahahaha

and yes - i guess THAT'S the type of diseases that it was meant to be! LOLOLOL

Bahahahaha! I guess so!

OMG!!!!! This dude has no filter! I wanna be like him when i grow up!!!! The best!!!!

hehehehe isn't he crazy?!?!? LOL

If you learn to laugh and live happily, everything will automatically work

yes hehehehe

Laughter is the best medicine :)


Please don't sue the company.

:D :D :D I am glad you had such a great and funny day at work!

it was so fun and "please don't sue the company" was the funniest thing in the world!!! hahahahahaa

I too like to laugh.
And unicorns.
You know Pichael Pohnson? He gives me drugs after school. I mean candy.
Whenever I feel deflated I just climb back through the meat grinder, and get shredded.
All part of my intense fitness routine.

what in the world?!?!?!? LOLOLOL

Yeah it's funny and I can instantly remember some of those moments with co workers dying of laughing on the job lol :) I've had several funny bosses too I now remember :) Some had me sliding of my chair from laughter haha

hehehehehehe yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't you love those times when you're laughing SO HARD and you can't breathe!!!!! I have slid off chairs before too!!!! LOLOLOL

Yes that's so hilarious and it's good for you abbs too :) you can feel those muscles having a work out lol..

Hey buddy, gotta nominate 2 of your friends to participate, for the entry to be considered valid for judging. Also, could you put 'Comedy Open Mic Round 23' in the title somewhere, please?
Thanks~ :D

oh!!! yes i sure will right now :)