Ulog 18: Changing Faces

in ulog •  6 years ago 

What a weird day. This morning I picked up my two new pairs of glasses. I’ve never had to wear glasses before, the than occasionally playing with a pair of the off the peg reading ones when my eyes got tired on the computer in the afternoon. These new glasses are the “wear most of the time” jobbies- for whenever I am concentrating… so on the computer, driving, crochet, drawing, writing… most stuff really. For focused work and whenever my eyes are feeling a bit tired- which I have to face it, is most of the time.

Other than the sharp intake of breath at the cost of the test and a new pair of glasses, the whole actual test thing was relatively painless (apart from the puff in the eyes- hate hate hate that bit!) But choosing glasses- now that was painful. I mean- these things are like choosing additional bone structure for your face. And I tend to have epic eye-bags a lot of the time, so that doesn’t help- and it turns out that I have pretty weird shaped eyes too- so a lot of frames made me look a bit like a demented dodo.

Luckily my other half is very good at being decisive and telling me what suits me (and is very honest- eek!) He helped me pick a pair that felt comfortable straight away. He’s very patient, but once they had been picked- he had run his ‘shopping’ course for that day. He’d had enough. I however realised that there was a buy one get one free on the frames and started dashing around looking for something a bit more exciting than the simple black frames we’d already chosen. As is my custom, I hotfooted it over to the men’s section (I'm alway shopping in the men's section... can't help myself!) and picked out the biggest, geekiest pair I could find. I should never be allowed to shop alone.

Dear reader, I bought them.

I picked them up today… The black frames are still lovely and understated. The big red ones are still… a bit nuts. I think they kind of make me look a bit like a Thunderbird. I’m secretly a little bit in love with them.

So what do you think. Everyone at work kept telling me I looked more intelligent. I gave them a hard Paddington glare. Cheeky sods ;)

Until tomorrow my lovelies, just keep ulogging along,

Eveningart x

P.S. Update for those of you following my novelling process: 4927 words and counting on the dragon book. WOOT!

Sources: terrible selfies by yours truly ☺


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Some how I have escaped glasses so far, which is a surprise seeing as I live in front of a screen and that is supposed to be one of the worst thing for you eyesight.

The first pair are very distinguished, and certainly make you look wise. The second pair - got to say Deirdre Barlow (runs to @fiftysixnorth for protection! )
#thealliance #witness

Don't worry @c0ff33a, stand behind me.. I shall be your shield! Lol :)

Seriously... stand there and you will get tickled! ;)

I have faced danger before.. :)

I'm glad you've escaped them so far... mine have gone downhill fast over the past 5 years of being in front of a computer- but apparently it's because they're just lazy :) (my eyes have the same taste for exercise as the rest of me, clearly!)

Ahahaha - they are SO Deirdre Barlow, you're right (makes me love them even more ;) - no come out from behind @fiftysixnorth... I'm not that scary (am I??!!)
E x

I think you like quite posh. 😉 The mischievous sparkle in the eyes beneath is really what makes the red pair kinda fabulous.

I used to be a spectacled gal. Then I lazered my eyeballs in the spring of 2009. Best money I ever spent. 🌸 Sadly, my vision’s beginning to deteriorate again. So I may soon be pickin’ out my own pair of ’thunderbirds’. 👀 🦋

Hahaha - I promise I'm not very posh ;) I do like kinda fabulous though!

That's sad that your eyes are deteriorating again - but we can be Thunderbird twins. I think we'd rock that! I know someone who got lazered, but it caused his retina to detach. He's had sooooo many problems since, I don't think I'd dare risk it having seen that. E x

You are an artistic Thunderbird ;) Blessings

At boot camp they would issue the nearsighted recruits thick lensed glasses that all looked the same, and I hate to say it but they looked like yours, just brown not purple.
They were referred to as BCG's or "birth control glasses."
I'll let you make the connection =p
Does it feel like the floor is hitting you at knee level?

Ahahahahaha! Well that's one way of staying out of trouble I suppose 😁

hhaha! howdy from Texas @eveningart! you are so funny. is the dragon book going to be a comedy? You should definitely enter one of the comedyopenmic contests, this post right here would win one, I'm serious.
Your eyes are NOT weird shaped, lol. who told you that? shame on them.ha.
"a demented dodo!" lol.
great post..God bless you guys over there!

Haha - nope- not with the amount of blood and guts that are appearing in it, definitely not a comedy ;) Nooo there are plenty of people on here who are hilarious- I'm just a bit of a goofy nerd! I'll leave the funnies up to the others.

It was me that decided on the weird shape... or at least, the fashion for glasses with a tilted outer edge made me look decidedly odd!

Thanks for popping by - hope you have a fab day.
E x

ohhh, blood and guts..I like the sound of that!
no romance I hope? lol!

Ahaha! Maybe a little- but mostly blood, guts, dragons, armour and magic :)

that book sounds like a dream-come-true that should be made into a movie! lol. if someone wanted to make a movie from your book, do you know how that works? just pay you a big check for the rights?
I'm dreaming big for you! lol

Yep - I think your agent goes to work, gets you a deal, and you get a gurt big cheque... sounds ace to me :)

alright then, that's the way it's goin down!

Awww you look lovely :D - good choices!!

Haha thanks Andy... still getting used to wearing them, I've got to say...!

very cool, nice look!!!

Aw, thank you lovely x

i loooooooooooooooooooove both of them!!!!! :) thunderbird or elegant.... doesn't matter
the chick behind them is who i love! hehehehehe
but they're super cute!

Aw thank you Dreemie! I've taken to wearing the black most of the time as I've got anti-glare on them, and it's so bright at the moment, it really helps- but I think I'll be Thunderbirding to the max when the winter comes :)

I love the black pair! Not sure about the red, but I think that's because there's a reflection of a window or something in the lens...
I was delighted when I was first told that I needed glasses for reading, because I thought they made me look more intelligent. After a few years I got fed up with them. I only use them for driving now.

Haha- yes you're right, it's my computer screen you can see ;) I didn't get anti-glare added to the red ones as it costed more.
I'm finding them really handy for driving and computer work- and if I'm really tired watching a film- but am still giving my face a rest from them at lunchtimes and evenings. E x

Love them.... although is it rude of my brain to come up with these two words... Christopher Biggins?

So excited about your word count! Hope those dragons are NOT behaving themselves! :) So in a previous post you were talking about not killing off too many characters... you have a word count... do you have body count? ;)

Body count: 7
Oops. Poor peeps.
I've also got a spreadsheet with a list of injuries as I was losing track of how I had maimed who :)

Erm. I hate to say this, but that's not rude- just accurate!
E x

So a death every five hundred words or so... good going! :)