Instead of a post.

in ulog •  7 years ago 

If you hadnt noticed, dear reader, my interest in posting here has been on the wane.
Banging my head into the brickwall that is the greedy bastards here has lost some of its appeal.
If they are gonna take the largest part of the pool for the crap posts of their sycophants, why not let them have it?
Its not like anybody is willing to flag the crap out of them.
The pool has been abandoned to them by the folks that could effect change.
The responsible whales would rather do nothing than stand up for us, and their investment.
They had that resolve, a couple of them anyways, when they gave us votes that mattered with the whale experiment, but the hardfork put the kibosh to that.
All hail, stinc!
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As a child i never really wanted to be a writer, i thought about it, and decided i was better suited to being a reader.
What i wanted to be was a philosopher!
The greatest ever!
To create the magic words that bring peace to the world!

Well, L Ron Hubbard beat me to that, if you ever take the time to read the material rather than listen to haters and malcontents, you will know why i say that.
I reccomend starting with the Science of Survival, if you dont want to take the time to do it right, otherwise Dianetics comes first.
Its pdf is a couple pages in, i used to be able to link directly but lawyers have stopped that.
Dont be surprised if this link is blocked in the united snakes, they know how helpful this technology is to folks.

SOS is more of a handbook, where Dianetics is a technical manual.
That link has the high level materials if you are inclined to seek a deeper understanding of the tech, or the prurient details of a science fiction writer turned self help guru.

No matter what, if you dont catch on, its not gonna help you.
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So, i guess i will have to settle for simply being the best.
Ron has left us and the hands he left his tech in have failed to deliver on its promise of an insanity free world.
I may fail, too, but not for lack of trying.

It took a while to find my answers.
One doesnt live an experiential life in an ivory tower!
One doesnt learn life from a book.

You cant really know what it is to be poor, unless you have been poor.
All you 'save the homeless' types need to do more than pitch a tent on the sidewalk to really experience homelessness.
As long as you have options, you are not really homeless, nor poor.
You dont have the full experience, though something is better than nothing, im sure giving up those options would explain the why's of the homeless' contempt for your halfass efforts.
To them you are condescending in your attempt to share their plight.
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So, i had to live a few mistakes in order to understand what is wrong in the world.
And, viola!
My biggest mistake brought the answer.
It didnt come right away, it followed moving out of the ivory tower that is going along to get along.
Until i found my motivation in having nothing but time to think, i hadnt condensed my ideas into soundbites.
This is required to reach a crowd. Crowds dont rationalize, they react.
If your philosophy doesnt fit on a protest sign its too complicated to reach the morons that go along to get along.
You have to be able to grab them by their emotions.
Thats when the riots can bring change.

But, now i have it, soundbites, and everything.
And, nobody could care less.
Give them a flashylight box and enough money to live, and they do not give a fuck.

So, for those of you that have had your interests piqued, here is world peace in 20 words or less!

Its wrong to force a person to do anything that that person doesnt want to do.

So simple that we all accept that forcing people to comply is wrong.
Nobody likes being robbed, pillaged, or plundered.

But what is the first lesson we learn in life?

Do as you are told, or violence.
Why did you go to the indoctrination center known as school? To avoid violence.
Why do you wear your seatbelt? To avoid violence.
Why do you pay your rent? To avoid violence.
Why do you pay your tax? To avoid violence.
Why do you drive on the same side of the road as everybody else?
To avoid wrecks, some customs are necessasary when living in a large group.
Why do you buy insurance for your car? To avoid violence, and the out of pocket expenses of wrecking.
Why do you tell your kid not to stick the fork in the outlet? Because you want him to be smart enough to learn from others.
Is he? Many are not.
Some see it as a challenge, these are the ones that change the world.

So, why do we embrace being ruled by force?
Mind control.
Its easier to go along.
Take your pick.

When will you stand up and push back?
When do you tell people around you to stop threatening violence to get their way?
Probably not today, huh?

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Did you see l0k1's/elspice's/calibrae's past threads?

Yes, i encouraged him to get it done.
You should read my comments on his posts.

You got a 25.00% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @stimialiti!

@youtake pulls you up ! This vote was sent to you by @stimialiti!

You got a 7.27% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!

I will check that link out thank you, and also a massive thank you for helping me get to 500sp, I have reached it tonight, so feel free to pull that delegation, I am surprised you stuck to the promise when so many do not, now my turn to pay it forward, thank you my friend, hope you have a fantastic year.

Its easy to spot the loving caring folks, they are forever loving and caring,...I will pull that delegation and likely find somebody else deserving.

Im glad you are here and cant wait for you to sponsor some dirt track racing on your spread.
That would make for some exciting posts.

Funny you say that, I spent hours today riding around the fields, working out a nice route, doing it over and over to lay the tracks, maybe bro, just maybe, you never know. Here is a vid from a few years ago, me doing the same, though in shorter grass.

Oh yeah! A couple whoopdewhoops and hairpins and you got a track!

Are the roads there good enough for outlaw racing?

They sure are, have another of my vids.
It was only me parking a bike under the bank, though you get the idea.

Oh, this battery is killing me!
I will have to figure out how to strap on a camera, too.

I use a small unit that looks like a gopro, it only cost $12 though from off the net, when I remember the gadget site I bought it off I will let you know...

Man, thats cheap.
Would you have guessed that in the eighties?

Why not start just now, this very minute? :D

Its wrong to force a person to do anything that that person doesnt want to do.

I agree, and this reminds me of a definition of 'evil' from M. Scott Peck which paraphrased is "anything that detracts from the ability of another to exercise their free will".

"Evil then, for the moment, is the force, residing either inside or outside of human beings, that seeks to kill life or liveliness. And goodness is its opposite. Goodness is that which promotes life and liveliness.”
― M. Scott Peck, People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil

Its hard to have conflic when everybody is doing only things they want to do.

...and when there is a sense of abundance = no need to hoard, envy, accumulate etc, everything available at the very point of need :D

Right, material goods dont bring happiness.
The only hoarding under my proposal will be responsible stocking levels in the warehouses.
Folks will value time more than trinkets.

I enjoy your philosophizing, so I give it a vote. Not because I'm going to "get" anything for that, but because it's deserved, according my own possibly arbitrary sense of values and morality... which I have zero expectations anyone else should give a rat's rear end about.

At one point, I had a blog called "The Jaded Idealist." It died because some schmoe who probably wanted to buy a 90-foot yacht decided to put the domain behind some paywall and I just went "Yeah... whatever."

Some people rail against the system; some follow blindly like sheep... I've always tried to just understand the system, and then try to use the tools it gives me to change it from within, sometimes through sheer stubbornness.

Humans are so weird, and want so many different things. I still feel it's a small miracle that we all (more or less) stop at STOP signs.

Soundbytes... yes.

In our increasingly ADHD-ish and information overload society, that's all you GET.

Thank you!

If you study real hard what is offering, you can stop stopping at stop signs, too!
Just be sure not to cause a crash, that would still be on you.

I hope all this crap is just growing pains. Keep your head down and keep steeming on. My gut tells me this is still a good platform. My heart not so much these days. I get it though, It's hard to listen to my gut when it's been hungry for a while. Just ask yourself would you feel the same if steem was $5.

Yep, i wish it would go back to a dime, even though it would end my mexico adventure, it would give us a chance to buy some cheap steem.
The greedy bastards will eventually move on to abuse another coin, then we can see what steem can do without them crippling it.