Ulog #39

in ulog •  7 years ago 


Hey hooo everyone!😁

Tomorrow finally is a planting time. Even the farm is not yet finish just lil bit more than a half but we have to start.
We are still in time. The planting will takes estomated 3-4 days. Hope that is still enought to male the rest of the farm.

The funny thing is that again many people stop to watch me😂😂
For them is like a show that a "white" man is working on the farm😂😂😂
But i dont mind i really like this. So even the team will come tomorrow i start alone so tomorrow i can show them the techinc how to make it. Because as far as i know i am the first in the area transfering plants that much early age. Today they are 8 days old. And hope we can finish before they will be 15 days old.
Here the locals they use to trandfer grom 15-25 days old plants.
But i made a research and earlier the plants are transfered they make a potential bigger plants and of course bigger harvest.
But the first part i planted the locals already told that it looks very good so lets see. Maybe later i will be the one teaching here the local people😊

Thank u gor staying with me and following my blog. Have a nice day for all of you!😊

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following your journey of planting rice,i pray for success this time..

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank u so much!😊 i think i am different like others because i do it with passion. Many people like to have a farm, but they let others to manage and they just enjoy the income. But me i really like it to take care everything. Today i made a trial planting from 12-6pm. Just to practice the new method so tomorrow i can show to the team who are comming to plant.😊
And it must be a sucess because i belive in it so much. And my parents teach me if you want something and you do your best for that, than you will reach your goal😉

thats a real farmer spirit! it is sad to say that farmers here are undervalued. For instance in my province, less and less people who are into farming especially the younger ones. I grew in the farm most of my life though we don't have own land, we used empty lands of our neighbors who did not work on it and when the harvest came, the owners had there share of course.

Me neither i dont understand. If they dont do they work there is no food. To be honest i was a manager before in a hotel. But since i stay in philippines i feel myself complete even i do a job that others dont like. But nowdays because the population is growing and there is not enought food the price is going up and up so maybe later it will worth more.
I also have a friend. A catholic sister. They have a orphen house. And they want me to show to the boys the farmers life. But unfortunatly this time they cant come. Maybe next time. Even the boys was sad that they cant come but maybe they cant imagine how hard is the work😊 next time😁
Me since my young age i am addict to the nature and animals. So for me that is perfect. Important that i can give all the needs to my baby and wife. 😉

keep doing what you love to do, just remember Philippines can't live without rice, rice is neccessity, and its true, inflation sucks!

Egyszer egy kertépítős cégnél dolgoztam, és egy balatoni strandon csináltunk gyepszőnyegezést.
Elég látványos munka, mert fél nap alatt a csupasz földből tökéletes, haragoszöld pázsit lesz. Körbe kellett szalagoznunk a területet, mert kb.3-4 ember folyamatosan jött minket nézni, és nem csak mondjuk kisgyerekes családok, akik elmesélték a csemetének, hogy mit dolgoznak a bácsik, hanem felnőttek is, és csak álltak, és néztek minket.

Poénból kitettünk egy sapkát némi apróval, de nem jött be az üzlet :D

Hat lehet nekem is azt kellene. De amugy itt sem jonne ossze😂 itt mindenki olyan tipikus oregasszony stilus. Imadjak nezni ahogy mas melozik. De az hogy segitenenek az smafu. De meg a csalad is. Kozoltem veluk hogy most nem tudok adni rizst mert ugye beminuszoltam. Na azt lattad volna a sok ideges fejet. De az asszony is. Muszaly volt adnom nekik 4 zsakot. De az hogy segitsenk az neeeeem. Az ossze testvere az asdzontnak doglik meg lazul egesz nap es egyik sem kerdi meg hogy segitsenk-e? De a rizst tomik ket pofara.
Jo lenne minel hamarabb lelepni innen kulon koltozni de eloszor ezt a farmot helyre kell pofoznom.

Sok sikert! Remélem gazdag termés lesz!

Jaj koszi. Izgulok nagyon. Ma 6 orat ultettem. Hat ne tudd meg faj mindenem. 😂 holnap kiderul milyen csapat jon remelem jok lesznek. Beleadok apait anyait sot meg tobbet is. Szoval sikerulnie kell. Ettol most nagyon sok fugg. Ha jo lesz akkor vegre sok ev utan haza tudok latogatni es az anyumek is mar nagyon szeretnek latni az unokajukat eloszor az eletben. 😊 szoval sikerulni fog mert sikerulnie kell🙄

Drukkolok neked! Hogy van a szemed? Azt be hanyagold el! Jó?

Koszi! 😊 hat a szemem az erdekes. A ball szemem fajt picit 2 napig. Aztan azt figyeltem meg hogy homalyosan latok vele. Pl. A telon csak kozelrol lattam a betuket. Tavolabb tettem a telot akkor osszefolyt. De a jobbal siman olvastam. Aztan ma mintha jobb lenne neha meg behomalyosul de mar jobb mint tegnap. Bem tudom mi ez. De itt eselyem sincs az orvoshoz mert a gatyam elkerne mivel feher kulfoldi vagyok😁 de rabizom a termeszetre. Szeruntem jobban lesz csak valami huzat vagy kitudja. Csak most kevesebbet telozok meg semmi szamitogep. Igyekszem pihentetni. Amire az ultetes tuti jo lesz😁 irtam is a zold szin nyugtato😁 hat legroszabb esetben majd hazamegyunk ha sikerul aztan lesz egy kis szemuvegem. Ugy meg inteligensnek is nezek ki😂

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