in ulog •  6 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday, my sister and I went to the mall to buy school supplies for my cousin and little sister. The mall was very crowded at the ground floor where supplies are displayed. Uptown and downtown people gather all together before summer. There were always long queue in cashiers so we moved to the kitchenware department. Then we ate our lunch in Greenwhich.

As we moved to the 2nd floor, I saw myself in the mirror side-viewing that left me in despair. Seeing my decreased wrists myscles drained my my self-esteem again. My head was almost exploded as we rode at the escalator while I carried the heavy bought things. There is another insecurity born. Living in life with an enviousness welcomes hatred and anxiety. I was very angry why that for all of the people, why me? I lost my excitement to eat good foods when my sister asked what I wanted as we queued. She was upset by my reply:

"Can I order one for my immediate death if there is any?"

I wasn't a good role model to her who is younger than me. I showed weakness without second thoughts. A good role model to her young siblings is she who is the brave and joyful one.

If we are suicidal, we lose our focus in everything but always think of death. My sister said that it'll be me who'll suffer an eternal life to the fire for ending up my life.

"I don't care! Blame Him who gave me a burden like this!", I replied.

She was again upset about my wicked thoughts so she treated me a lasagna from Greenwhich while hers is carbonara to cool me down. I can't hide my suicidal behaviour because it's very difficult to feign and not to express it to those who are willing to listen. While waiting for our orders, I commanded my cousin to get me Dunkin Donut coffee. Atleast, it treats my headache.

After that, we rode in a tricycle back home. There were many times I didn't answer my sister's questions because I had my own world.

I am just a human in weakness in times I notice the decrease of my tissues in swollen affected areas. In times where I am negative, I need a family and friend to comfort me as their advices is one of my chaos mind's remedies. I always need someone to talk to express my unwanted sadness.

I also live with reminescence. I covet to turn back the juvinile eras to inform myself not to do such things that can disturb my physique.

When the tricycle stopped to the house, I quickly opened the gate, ignored my family watched tv in the living room. I locked the door to my room to ask God a cure. I turned off the lights and revealed everything to Him in sea of grief. Then, I read the Bible.

My ancestors believed in woman deity. They were not really Christians. They never knew Jesus Christ before because they worshipped the wrong God. My grandma was a supernatural fighter. She said the enchants are green blooded. She lived 135 years with complete strong teeth and sharp eyes. If she becomes sick, there will be a ceremony to offer a fresh blood from a wild hog to the goddess so she'll be healed. Then, she reached that age. My grandpa can also walk at the suface of the water and can run like the flash. My mother said that he would fly before when going to the market and killed many witches. During the time where my brother was in an accident and he was confined to the hospital, my grandpa chased the witch predated my wounded brother. When my father passed away, he saw him smiling at the window handsigning farewell. But these ancestors converted to Christianity and threw their powers away. If those suprnatural stories exist in real life, why not God? Everytime I hesistate to believe on His real existence, I become thankful to my ancestor's past.

What can allevuate my narrow thinkings is the Bible. After I opened the chapters in Psalm, I brainstormed what posts to write again. I saw my sister online on Facebook and told bout my problems. She thought I was depressed with my dead dog. When the night came, I heard a cute woman's voice calling my name outside the gate. It was our church's allies.

"Are you alright?", pastura Joy said.

We talked in the living room along with my granny and mother who never knew my phsychological condition. I told to our Christian friends I was okay, but my eyes cannot lie. Before I spoke again, I bowed my head in humility while tears fell down to my clothes . I covered my cried face through my blouse so my family can't see the intense desperateness in my face. Pastora Joy said that my elder sister reached them on Facebook. She was worried I was suicidal. This word was super easy for me to say if our lives are thrown yet and we don't know how to solve the problem. My sister said I was dumb and stupid for thinking shallow and negative things. My younger sister said I should be ready in hell if I do that. You know what my reply?

"I don't care 'coz I lived in hell from the day I was born. If I'd end my life, blame not me but He who granted these struggles ," I said.

Together with my family, the church people comforted me through the voices of the Lord. Remembering what I said to my younger sister when we were in the mall, I said that if not because of mom, I committed suicide already. That barrier reminded my narrow mind that if I do it, I'll add her another burden. She just newly grieving when my father passed away in 2016. After my father's grave, my brother was arrested because he was suspected a mastermind of the Chinese busineessman killed in our town. That man is the rivalry of our family business. Then, my sister just newly moved to the US. Last week, my dog Lebron just newly died. These delimmas hindered my plans. Further, what if I do it? Surely, the people who like to drag us down will be happy and backstabbers will enjoy spreading my death over the phone and in social media.

The church people reminded my anxious mind that the Lord will heal me. If he healed the paralytic man, the blind, and fool, and rose the dead one, why not me?

We should not assume we are sickly and most of all, never speak it from our mouth because the demon may tease us. Satan can hear what we say but can't measure our minds and hearts unlike Christ. When we almost commit suicide, surely he is happy to live in hell with us and who will win? Of course the devil. He will always find a way to take our souls so we can live with him in the fire eternally. He also gives us the struggles so we become angry to the Lord and perish our relationship to Him.

I almost committed suicide so my sufferring on earth will end and I will lose consciousness but it was a mistaken belief. If we will be thrown to the fire, we will suffer the heat forever and our consciousness is still alive. Our characters in this world is the same on hell. In heaven, all those negativities are gone because God will transform us into the new one. There will be no consciousness, temptations, and worldly desires. We will praise and worship the Lord forever.

I was comforted by the church people and blessed to have them. They encouraged me to always read the Bible in times of depression and suicidal.

Life is our greatest gift from God. If we will give a gift to someone and he'll break it, what do we feel? Like Jesus, He will perish us to eternal fire where all the bad behaviours in the world are gathered together and there will be no second chance.

Psalm 31:9-10 New International Version (NIV)
9 Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress;
my eyes grow weak with sorrow,
my soul and body with grief.
10 My life is consumed by anguish
and my years by groaning;
my strength fails because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak."

Disclaimer:The content and illustrations are original.

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Suicide is not the solution and it will never be a solution.

How to overcome Depression that leads to suicide

Isipin mo lang ang nagmamahal sayo at ang mga bagay na mabuti na dapat mo pang gawin.

its right

@elizahfhaye, thank you for your comment and the link. I will read it. xoxo

Suicide is not the solution and it will never be a solution.

How to overcome Depression that leads to suicide

Dear friend, Your struggles are real. And they are difficult.
Just as your friends and family are real. They are loving and helpful.
I'm grateful for your faith in the mighty Lord of heaven and earth.
God is also real, and he has power over all things!! Amen!!
From the bible we read:
2 Thessalonians 3:3 - "But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.
1 John 4:4 - "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
And I'm grateful for you knowing these verses. I have them from your post 4 days ago.
Just as Jesus overcame death, our Father in heaven can help you overcome this struggle.
Stay near to Jesus, and praise the name of the Lord!!
Also from the bible we read:
Isaiah 61:3 - "Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."
This means when we are depressed, we need to praise the Lord.
God can lift this feeling of depression and make you whole!!
Please my friend, also remember the many friends and family who love and care about you.
Including me, Papa Bear. Sending Bear Hugs and prayers!! x0x0x

@paradise-found, I am glad to have your comment and I appreciate it. It also makes me happy I have another friend from Steemit who is Christian too. Correct, in times of depression, we need to praise the Lord. xoxo

Prayer is one of the Antidote of Depression :) Good to know you are surrounded by godly people :)

@jejes, correct. I am blessed. Thank u friend.

@lebron I plead with you to stay strong in the faith no matter how weary your heart is know that God loves you and wouldn't want suicide to be your case.
We love you so much and I pray Gods healing hands on you overcomes the health challenges you are passing through.
Hold on to Him and He has promised He would never let go.
Much love from a Ulogger eunireal1

@eunireal1, thank you and I am happy to know you. Even though we just newly met you are very affectionate for telling that you love me. I love you too! Please stay with me often. I need good friends like you.

I thank the people around you who give you support and do not give up on you. Think about them. When we suffer, they suffer. Keep them close for they are your source of strength. Do the same thing for them.

I am blown away by this:

My ancestors believed in woman deity. They were not really Christians. They never knew Jesus Christ before because they worshipped the wrong God. My grandma was a supernatural fighter. She said the enchants are green blooded. She lived 135 years with complete strong teeth and sharp eyes. If she becomes sick, there will be a ceremony to offer a fresh blood from a wild hog to the goddess so she'll be healed. Then, she reached that age. My grandpa can also walk at the suface of the water and can run like the flash. My mother said that he would fly before when going to the market and killed many witches. During the time where my brother was in an accident and he was confined to the hospital, my grandpa chased the witch predated my wounded brother. When my father passed away, he saw him smiling at the window handsigning farewell. But these ancestors converted to Christianity and threw their powers away. If those suprnatural stories exist in real life, why not God? Everytime I hesistate to believe on His real existence, I become thankful to my ancestor's past.

It's great that you have come to realization of a higher being. Yes, we are weak but let us not make that an excuse.

@leeart, thank you for your ever support and for being always supportive with me. I am also lucky to have many friends like you online not just the people around me offline. God bless you.

Friend Shane, please know there are alot of us who truly care. Message mo ako s fb anytime. I miss you and praying for you. Big hug 💕💕💕

@bloghound, okay friend I miss you too. I will msg u in times na mag attack na naman ang depression ko.


Stay strong sis. kaya mo yang labanan.
God will make a way..
Love and prayers xoxo

@sunnylife, nice to meet you friend. Thank you. Yes He will make a way.

amen sis. Kaya natin yan. fight fight lang tau!

Beinh depressed is a hard situation, you can't understand your emotion, and sometimes you want to isolate yourself yo many people. But I think God is always there he is our companion, prayer can help us. Also your family, and together with yoir friends can help you to cope with depression. As your Steemit family, we are here to listen you. Always take care

@shula14, I am glad you can also relate about depression. Correct, it's very hard to control and understand. Sometimes I just cry with my cracking head. What can alleviate me is my friends, family, and the Bible and I am glad I have an audience in Steemit who are willing to help, listen, and understand.

Yeah, we hope you'll feel better

Thank you for having the courage to post this. I, too, have and had friends who suffered from this -- and it's so hard to see someone I care about suffering but I don't know what to do. Just remember that you are loved and noticed, and that this depression does not make you bad. You're right that it's a psychological condition, but like I said, we're always here to help with anything

@ben.jles, what syndrome are your friends experiencing? It is very hard but I want to live normal.

I can feel your because when we depressed we didn't get anything and its easy to say that always think positive think camly but that pressure is only know who suffering for it. I just want to tell that don't be depressed and think about our family how much they love us also friends too. I know its hard to handle situations but keep trust on goftat least because he never let us in trouble for long time. I miss you and please forgive me if i did anything wrong dear.

@birjudanak, your msg makes me cry. I miss you too.

Hala wag kang ganyan. Side effect kaya yan ng iniinom mong gamot mga ganun? Dapat 'keep busy' lang po. Ako dati yoko ng tumitingin sa salamin para di ko makitang ang payatot at mukhang pulubing pulubi na ako hehe naddepress ako makita sarili ko 😊

sabe rin ng doctor baka side effects ng mga gamot friend @pinay

Oo may mga ganun talaga akong nabasa online kaya minsan di makontrol ng utak natin kahit alam natin sa isip pero iba nararamdaman dahil sa effect lang ng kung anong gamot :(

I am very sorry for your struggles @lebron2016, it brakes my heart to see people struggling like this.

I am so glad you found some peace in the word of God and I am praying for your healing @lebron2016.
The word of God is not just writing on paper these words have power, they are the truth, they are the life.

God has a purpose for all of us in the world and you also have a great purpose and there are so many people that love and care for you my dear and remember " And it shall come to pass" Acts 2:21

Psalm 34:17 “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.”

Psalm 34:18-19 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”

First Peter 5:7 “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

"You will call Me and come and pray to Me,
and I will listen to you" Jeremiah 29:12

@joalvarez, thank you for these verses. It helps me a lot today and I am emotional. Correct, the written in the Bible is not just what we see on papers but it can powerfully transform a person. We humans are very blessed to have bibles.

Hi, Nice to meet you and Upvoted you :) !

very nice view, perfect for a leisurely stroll while enjoying the natural scenery

Suicide is haraam to God
be strong

suicide is not a solution.

Suicide would only make the problem become complicated and huge.

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very nice view, perfect for a leisurely stroll while enjoying the natural scenery

i think this natural location very amazing post .

I am sorry to hear that you are having a tough time in your life right now. Just remember that everything happens for the reason. You may not understand it now but in the right time you will. Just keep on staying strong and living your life no matter how hard it may seem. Smile. It will help. Fake it til you make it as they say. Wishing you all the best. Hugs

Stay strong ma'am and if you are feeling blue just pray.
God will always love you and He will never leave your side.

keep on moving my friend just like me I was also suffering like what you are. But I decide to be calm and relax, Marami pang magagandang bagay dito sa mundo na dios lamang ang nakakalam. kayat kumapit lang tayo sa kanyang mga pnagako. dahil hindi lahat natatapos sa mga bagay na hindi natin hawak ang ating kapalaran.I will pray for you,in Jesus name Amen.

Keep strong maam

Dont give up on this fight

You are already a winner