in ulog •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today was the 15K race in Cole Harbour. This was Maritime Race Weekend's 15K Tidal Trail Race on the Salt Marsh in Cole Habour, Nova Scotia. It was a sunny day and very windy, a difficult run to be sure. What made it even more difficult is that my running has taken a nose dive as of late. Since April 22 when I ran a bust race in Run Our Shore, In Liverpool, Nova Scotia, I have been dealing with a chronic situation that took a turn for the very worst ever.

It has felt like my right side was separate and did not belong to my left side. From the waist down to the knee and including the knee, the entire side including the butt. I had to literally pull my right leg along after laying down or sitting for a long period of time. So what has the issue been? EVERYTHING. Truly a runners nightmare, Piriformis Syndrome, IT Band Issue, SI Joint Issues, and Psoas problems, not to mention those nasty Glutes. So what came first and what issue ran into the other. Who knows? But walking, running, and moving from one position to another as been a nightmare. The pain at times excruciating and the stiffness and swelling unbearable. Not only a runner's worst nightmare, the day to day tasks have been incredibly hard. The simple tasks of cooking, and gardening, have been quite the challenge. Stairs a frightening experience. Getting in and out of the car, somewhat hilarious. Two day trips in the car to Ontario have only exasperated the whole problem.

Piriformis Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome

SI Joint Issues

Psoas Issues

Glute Issues

SO WHY DO I FEEL GRATITUDE? Because I ran a 15K race today in my very favorite place to be in the entire world, other than my home. On the Salt Marsh in Cole Harbour. With the same time as I had last year, when I did not have an injury. As well as we endured 70 mph winds ripping across the marsh.

SO WHY DO I FEEL GRATITUDE? Because I had a host of individuals who made this moment possible. A huge shout out to my sweet little RMT Stephanie Locke for her constant attention to all matters aforementioned. To her knowledge of anatomy, her willingness to keep learning and reaching higher in her field, her patience and her expertise hands. Together we are getting to the core of the issue and rising higher.

To my very special husband Craig, who pitches in where possible and who is never tired of running around and looking for and shopping for all needed items to assist in a complete recovery.


Foam Roller

Massage Roller

Tennis Balls

Spiky Ball

Knee Brace

Epsom Salts

Massaging with Lavender Oil

Not to be outdone by my situation, I decided to turn my office into a Yoga and Therapy room. He watched with undying patience and then helped me wholeheartedly. He is my hugest fan, my chauffeur, my chef and my constant supporter and cheering team. Standing in all types of weather patiently waiting for me to come across the finish line. Putting up with all the shoes and the running stuff all over the house. Sometimes even joining in the run. Maybe just to humor me I am not sure, but yesterday in my slowest race ever, at The Penguin Run in Enfield, he beat me good, he beat me bad. He deserved it. We both were so very proud.

To my New Yoga Teacher, wow you are an inspiration.

Gratitude to my friends and family for their continuous support and for Run Nova Scotia and it's members for believing in me with words of encouragement to not give this up. You have watched me hobbling away, you have maybe been there with a similar injury and your faith keeps my faith strong. This will not get the better of me!!!!

So my heart is bursting with gratitude, for my fighting this, for working through this and for the wonderful opportunity for this run, a most awesome run and for all runs still to come.




Images: Google Source

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Congratulations! Great story! I love happy, hopeful endings - we don't hear too much about those these days - so many unhappy, "cluttered" people who dwell on the negative without hope. The love and support of your husband is truly a blessing above all the rest. :-D

Thank you so much, it has been a long depressing haul. I understand fully how chronic pain can really get you down. I understand that we have full control of our health given the correct tools. Still have a long way to go and I can never really give up on the exercises and therapy. It is lifelong .

Wow! I could kill for that figure! You look so healthy and every other thing a runner should look like. I am glad you are on recovery channel. Take care.

Why thank you so much. I am also Registered Holistic Nutritionist. So I take a lot of care looking after and treating the Body like a Temple. Good food and exercise. Thank you also I am starting to feel much better. It was a long depressing haul, chronic pain can really drag you down. I am feeling good.

Then maybe you can place me on a diet and exercise regimen, I'm rather fat.
It's good to have you back.

I can...however, I have to say it is a huge commitment from your end. A whole life transformation. Requires a great effort and determination. Thank you, it is nice to feel somewhat my old self again. My heart goes out to people with constant chronic pain. The pain and discomfort was horrible. That was about 6 weeks for me, incredibly hard to handle. Be well.

I will give it a go, with you as my tour guide ofcourse. I am glad you are back to your old self again.

oh thank you. I would say 80% or so. Going to have to keep doing all my exercises and stuff...forever actually. Sadly I have to now spend two full days in the car. Travel 1800 plus km to my mothers home to get it ready to sell. So I am somewhat concerned. I am however taking my exercise things with me, and I have videos on my laptop.

Your mom is alive? Wonderful! I bet no one can outgrow mama's touch, I am sure you will come back feeling much better.

Oh sadly, I had to move my mother out of her beloved home in April. I have been trying to clear it out and I have to sell it. It however needs work done to it as well. But yes ..she is still feisty and with us. 86 years young. xx

Congrats! So happy you felt so well and truly enjoyed the day! It can be brutal dealing with injury/dysfunction in the body, so I know it makes it that much sweeter when you feel great!

Oh thank you so much. It has been brutal. It is about 80% better. But I felt good enough to go and take it slow which I did. Felt so good to get out. Will have to stretch and work this dysfunctional body for the rest of my days. No more just lacing up and running out the door,

Yep, I'm with you there! I am getting better about incorporating more yoga, but still have a lifetime of mobility work ahead. Definitely worth it to be able to keep running, though. :)

oh you bet. I felt so good just being out there, oh wow. I am still on that high. I purchased two really awesome DVD's on line ..Yoga for runners. I think in the winter, I will look for a local Yoga class that incorporates yoga for runners. Good to hear that I am not alone. I am pretty sure you look much younger, so I say do not stop with the yoga.

I'll need to check those out. I've been doing some of the running focused videos on the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel. I like her a lot, but can always branch out for more ideas. I'm still in my mid-30's, but know if I don't start now it will be a lot harder later. Or I risk really injuring myself. Just got done with my post-workout stretching now. :)

I will check that out Yoga with Adriene and I will be 63 on Sunday. Grandmother of 6. So yes start now, it will be so worth it. I plan to run till the day I die. I belong to a running group Run Nova Scotia and we have many members in our 50 60 70 and even 80's. It is a great way to stay fit and healthy.

Well not much to say here but, Well Done Girl.
You have my utmost respect. Im sure most people in your situation would be lying in bed feeling sorry for themselves. Let alone going on a run. So well done again. You are truly an inspiration. Namaste 😎😁

Thank you :)))

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

yes and yes and I love it there so much. and WE ARE GOING THERE FOR SURE.