Dysfunctional Ulog

in ulog •  6 years ago 

Happy Tuesday, Steemians, I hope you are having a good one. I am still being a hermit. I haven't left the apartment in ten days. And not just because it's been snowing on and off and cold - though that definitely encourages me to stay the fuck in - it's just a spate of chronic unwellness dysfunction. Even just sitting up for any decent length of time wipes me right out. I haven't showered in four days - be glad the internet isn't smellavision, lol. Yesterday or the day before I put ingredients for bread into the bread machine and started it, made a devilled egg and cut up an apple, and that felt like I had just run a marathon. I have been getting nothing done.


I promise the pins from the contest have been all packed up and ready to go for days, I just haven't had the energy to walk two miles to go to the post office. I'm sorry. I will mail them as soon as I can.


Normally, just running bread through a bread setting in my machine leads to a hard, small loaf. It doesn't have enough time to rise on even their longest setting, so this time I used a recipe I have before, but I ran it through two "dough" cycles - so the machine didn't bake it at that point - with an hour and a half, then an hour, rise time. THEN I ran it through a "bake" cycle. You can't set the times yourself, it's all preprogrammed settings, so I couldn't just change it to have longer rise times otherwise. The bread rose well - hooray! - and then as soon as I started baking it, it collapsed like a souffle. BUT, it is the softest homemade bread I have ever made, and it's GLORIOUS. So I think I'm going to keep doing that in future!

hearts and kittens.jpg

I was saving this meme for Valentine's day and I totally forgot, so ...here are some hearts and kittens! :D

I was legitimately almost out of food. My fridge and cupboards are pretty bare, and the things I could make with what I have was countable on one hand. I had like, one egg, the bread I made, tortillas, some leftover macaroni and cheese, one can of tomato sauce, and spaghetti. So I really needed groceries. But - haven't been able to leave the apartment in ten days. Hell, haven't really gotten out of bed much in ten days. I did not have the spoons to get ready, go stand out at a bus stop and walk in the cold and snow, grocery shop, and then lug it all back home on the bus again. But home delivery for groceries is EXPENSIVE. Ten dollar fee plus tip is a lot when you're poor and ordering under $40 of food to begin with because that's all you can afford, but ...I bit the bullet and ordered groceries and had them delivered this morning. Self care. It's only the second time I've ordered delivery.

So the funny part about that is, the shopper was super nice and all, but she goofed an item on my order. I asked for two sweet potatoes. I got potato rolls. As in bread. Which I can't eat because they have four different allergens in them. I wanted some vegetables. LOL

not vegetables

Anyway, Steem fam, I hope y'all are well. Stay warm!

That minnow your mama always warned you about

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Silly bread makers! I only ever cooked once in mine and reverted to just mixing in it, then putting it in a separate bread tin to rise and bake in the oven. The Teflon coating's peeling off it now, so I don't like using it. In two minds whether to get rid of it or get some wire wool on it and scrub the coating off.

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I scrubbed the coating that was half coming off of an old Corning glass skillet once! There were a few speckles I could never get removed, but otherwise it was all glass once I was done, or at least visually it looked to be all glass. I was never sure if there was some invisible residue...

Wow that was an awesome #ulog Phe! Are you able to send that bread back and get your sweet potatoes?

Sending you Hermit Hugs! So glad you ordered the groc, you will come out of your shell of pain on your own time, and it gladdens my heart that you did that for yourself.

The envelopes made me so happy too, the stickerzzz!!!! So perfect!! Take all the time you need with mailing, everyone loves you, accepts you and wants nothing but for you to be relaxed. You owe nothin to no one. <3 we love you unconditional YO! It's not about the mail, it's about how much you love your friends, and WE ALL (yes I can speak for all) Feel Your Love Every DAY!!!!! <3 <3

I emailed the delivery people but haven't heard back yet, that reminds me I need to follow up and see why they aren't answering.
Hermit hugs back! :)
And awwwww, thank you. <3 I do love and appreciate y'all! Especially for putting up with my cranky hermit ass. ;)

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

You have only got so many spell slots/spoons/hearts. I totally believe in using them wisely, as you are doing. I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself.

Thank you!

When you are allergic to the mistake do they give you a discount?

I emailed and asked for a refund on that part, so we shall see, lol.

I did not know i was supposed to get harts and kittens 14 feb, i got nothing hahaha

Well now you got some hearts and kittens from me! ;)

I hear you about the hermit mode. Your post made me suddenly wonder how many days that I have been stuck inside. To be honest...I have lost count! Hahaha. Ugh...just have no spoons to spare either. What kind of allergens do you have in bread? I recently perfected coconut flour flat bread which might not seem as exciting as fluffy sandwich bread but it has been a freaking lifesaver. I have way too many allergens. By the way...I love stopping by your posts because you always have the most interesting new things to check out in your footers. I have been considering Patreon for awhile...but it feels too intimidating and full of professional pressure this early on in my journey of getting more 'out there'. So far...Ko-Fi looks much more relaxed! <3

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Coconut is safe for me too, I understand about that lifesaver feeling! These rolls had potato (I am allergic to potatoes; I wasn't sure if that test result included sweet potatoes or not, so I tested it on my own and can eat them), corn, soy, and whole wheat. I am allergic to wheat generally according to the tests, but I only rash if it's whole wheat and not white. So I presume it's like rice, which I can't eat brown rice because of the nickel content, but take the hull of it off and I can eat white rice with no problems. So whatever it is that sets me off must be in the bran.
I do like ko-fi! I don't have monthly contributors, but you can set that up with ko-fi gold (which costs I think $6/mo, so really only worth it if you know you'll get contributors). You're much more prolific with your art than I am though, so you would probably get more patrons!

Coconut is super allergy friendly...it's just wonderful stuff that can be used in so many ways. Can be expensive for some recipes though. I can't think of the word right now...but there is something in white potatoes that does not show up in sweet potatoes. That might be what you are reacting towards. I don't eat either one! Or corn...and no grains including rice...almost no starches and I am also entirely gluten free. Dairy and eggs have for some unexplainable reason...become major problems just in the last year. At least only reacting to the bran part of wheat leaves you with some affordable baking options. Allergies and sensitivities are becoming more and more common..and it's scary to think what might be triggering them in people who are getting sick from whole foods they used to be able to eat just fine. It would be all too easy to blame gmo...but something else seems to be at work. I have found that chemicals can also very much change the way our bodies react to even natural substances. This planet sure is a confusing place to live in. I am excited to set up Ko-Fi! I have lots of new art to upload so there wouldn't be a shortage of new stuff to see. It's hard finding the energy to keep up with everyone else though... :D

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Yeah, I saw some PBS special where they said something like, a generation ago 1 in 300 people might have a food allergy, but now it's 1 in 50, or something like that. People ask me what I'm allergic to, expecting one or two things, but really at this point it's easier to ask what I'm NOT allergic to. XD I'm grateful I can do dairy foods, because they are a major staple now. I used to be vegan, lol.
I have bought coconut flour before, because before I saw the allergist and had all the testing, I was trying to figure things out on my own, and so I tried kind of a cross between WAP-GAPS-Wheat Belly type plans, so I was using all the alterna-flours. Nuts are on the no-no list now, so no more $12 almond flour, but yeah $7 coconut flour I can still use! Quinoa flour too is OK, and white rice flour (which I actually found on clearance at Target, and I've never seen it elsewhere), but of course generally I'm using all purpose white wheat flour, since I can and it's cheap. ;)
I know it's trendy for people to mock gluten sensitivity online, but honestly, I wonder in that particular case if it's because of what the Wheat Belly doctor said - that 50 years ago, wheat was as tall as people, and had lower gluten content. Nowadays most wheat has been modified to be 18" high and have higher gluten content. Everyone mocks sensitivity like, "Humans have been eating wheat for ten thousand years, wah waaah" but we haven't been eating wheat like THIS for ten thousand years. The wheat our grandmas ate is now specifically called Einkorn wheat, and you either have to get it from a specialist farmer, or imported - Jovial is the only brand I know where it specifies that it's Einkorn - and that's from Italy!
But yeah, we're inundated with so many random things in our environment - even organic food when tested shows various pesticides in it, because it blows over in the wind, mothers' breast milk has so many toxins in it, we're breathing in who knows what, the water is flammable near fracking wells - for all we know the allergy epidemic is just our bodies being bombarded from every direction and freaking out, and not just how wheat or whatever is now, but that plus the pesticides plus the air pollution plus the water plus...

Lol...I can relate to saying what you aren't allergic to being easier than listing everything you are. Some of the reactions can be kinda funny though. I was on a strict meal replacement drink diet for months because I was literally reacting to everything. That finally tamed down enough to test and figure out what works all over again. I am turning into an accidental vegan. With the exceptions of honey and fish. As far as I know...there isn't really a label for that...lol. While dairy is your staple...nuts and seeds are mine. I absolutely hate it when people mock gluten sensitivity...or laugh at these specialized diets that get a bad rap because they seem trendy or celebrities are following them. Everyone should just do what works for them...end of story. Asking for gluten free options in restaurants almost always comes with an eye roll. One $7 bag of coconut flour can last up to a week if you only use a few tablespoons per day or per recipe. It's the oil and the milk that are freakishly expensive. It's really sad how times have changed and they ruined wheat...and other crops. This is most definitely not the food our bodies were meant or designed to eat. We also have way too many toxic environmental factors...but antioxidants can repair or reverse some of the damage. The hard part is just getting enough of them.

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Yeah, mockery pisses me off to no end. It's so ableist. If you are healthy and can eat whatever you want? Great. Not everyone has that luxury. And just because someone is trying different diets and doesn't necessarily have an allergy, generally speaking if they are desperately trying different programs, it's because something is wrong and they are trying to fix it. I was diagnosed with "IBS" for many, many years before I had the allergy testing done; if they had just tested me for allergies then, they might have saved me from years of suffering,because 90% of those symptoms went away when I started avoiding my allergens. That's kinda why I hate the "IBS" diagnosis - it's like anything with "idiopathic" in front of it: "Yep, you have a problem, but we don't know why! ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯ " Like maybe run some tests, doctor...
But I digress. ;)
When I had the coconut flour it lasted me ages, but I was mixing it up with almond and flax at the time. Nowadays I could mix it with the all purpose and white rice. That's what I do with the white rice flour now, and I also use it as breading for things like chicken by itself. It tastes pretty good like that! Coconut flour did, too - I remember trying it that way as well. I use the oil a lot now, too - as really the only oils I can use are coconut or olive. I use coconut for any baking recipes that want shortening and it works really well for that; depending on what I have on hand I also interchange it with butter (like right now, I'm out of coconut oil but I have butter, but more commonly I'll have run out of butter and use coconut oil, lol). A big jar costs me about $7 for that too - or at least, on sale it does, and I usually wait for a sale.

I was 'diagnosed' three times with different stomach conditions that ended up being wrong before I finally realized doctors were just grasping at straws and I was on my own. Well...I knew that before with the chronic pain but somehow managed to hold onto some deniability with the next major condition. Most IBS like symptoms can be managed with diet...but unfortunately the road to finding out those triggers is a long one. Coconut flour seems to be the same price here but the oil is almost $30 and the milk $3 per can! Anyway...if you ever want to chat about anything...I have Partiko installed which has a neat messenger button on the bottom and push notifications just like text messaging. <3

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HOLY CRAP that's absurd, $30! Where are you living, again? 😮

Sweet potato... potato roll.. same thing !tip

Instacart (who delivers for King Soopers now) even added, "customer is expecting a weight around 1.75" which I didn't care what the weight was, I just said two sweet potatoes, but they note what the average size sweet potato is since it's charged per pound, and there was a photo of sweet potatoes. Maybe on her little phone screen, they looked like bread rolls, but I wonder what she thought the weight note was about. LOL

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