
in ulog •  3 years ago  (edited)

1)keep/get your nose out:don't be involved(注:仅用于口语中,a little rude)
例句:Keep your nose out of my business and worry about yourself!

2)bite my head off:to speak very angrily and quickly 勃然大怒😒严厉斥责
例句:I made one mistake in class and he bit my head off before I could explain anything.

3)talk my head off:to talk my ears off;talk a lot, too much 喋喋不休

4)spit it out:痛痛快快讲出来;但讲无妨

5)rule out (v-ing):to eliminate an option 不考虑;排除
例句:I'm going on a diet, so that rules out eating cake tonight.

6)grab a bit to eat:have a quick meal or snack 随便吃点东西
例句:Hey, let's grab/get a bit to eat.

7)on the same page:have an understanding of the same information 同频;达成共识
Are we on the same page? Do we understand each other?

8)right under your nose:(very obvious) right in front of (you)恰恰就在你面前

9)keep an ear out for:留意倾听
例句:I requested a song for you on the radio.
Really? I'll definitely keep an ear out for it!

10)give an earful:to complain or yell; to give a long speech(长时间的)数落
例句:She's going to get an earful from me when she gets back.

11)keep at an arm's length:避免与...亲近;保持距离;不即不离
I didn't hear such good things about her, so I'm keeping her at an arm's length.

12)put your face on(usually just for woman通常仅限女人👩):put on make-up or to get ready 化化妆或做准备

13)be on the look out for:

14)meet (me) halfway:make a compromise 让步;折中方案

15)out of my element:to be uncomfortable in a different environment 水土不服;别扭
例句:What do you think about Akihabara(日本地名"秋叶原" Field of Autumn Leaves)?
It is definitely an interesting place, but I felt a little out of my element walking next to people dressed in costumes.

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