in ulog •  6 years ago 

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I forgive myself for not realizing within the art of self-forgiveness - The giving and gifting of the best support and assistance . I realize My- Self-Author-Ship & Self-Author-EYES is within my ability to SEE HERE/HEAR MYSELF and GIFT GIVE Myself that which I NEED.

I forgive myself for not reallizing how painfully sore it is to wait for someone else to give me what I can gift give to myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having abdicated my best responsibility to gift give self-forgiveness as who and how I am here. I realize and understand it's an on going expression of myself here and my best response abilities are within and as my capacity to be honest with myself in correctly identifiying what I need and then giving and gifting myself that very support. I realize, undertsand and know that self-forgiveness is a tool to best support my creative abilities.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a relationships with "sorry" and "sorrow" where it's this point of co-dependency where it becomes a point of self-inflicted-victimization...where it's a slave mentality in a way, and becomes very burdensome where there's this point of weight and waiting.

Within the above...

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I abdicated my best responsibility within waiting and weighting - compromising the best living of myself - within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing COMPROMISE itself as the very self-inflicted restraint in giving an gifting myself what I need as the specific self-forgiveness that i've been hiding/avoiding/destracting myself from and as.

I realize it's best to gift give myself what I need as soon as possible without delay as the surest way to support my very best living.

I realize and understand that my best relationship with "sorry" and "sorrow" is in simply recognizing and understanding when and as a I am sorry and when and as I am sorrow. I realize It's only in suppressing "sorry" and "sorrow" that there becomes a real problem with feeling sorry for myself and having immense sorrow. I realize what I am speaking of is an example and consequence of not being practical about letting go and moving on through understanding and awareness.

Sorry is to understand and know how we become sore.

Sorrow lived in a practical way is to sow your best seeds by learning from that which is difficult, challenging and even dissapointing.

To take what can be given and honor the best living of the seeds that can be sown. In this way we row our life boat in the best ways possible, always utilizing the resources that have been gifted - realizing our capacity to share is an outflow of our first taking the time to craft our very best self-care - reaping the fruits of our labor and continuing to expand the harvest by planting/birthing new seeds of awareness - the planting and birthing of new seeds of awareness is a celeberation and expression of our best self-enjoyment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand my own misfortune and miss takes within and my starting point within starting new relationships. I realize that the starting point in which relationships are formed will determine the outcome and unfoldment of the relationship itself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be ignorant of my consequences in life as my self-created consequences to be faced, realized and corrected - Taking responsibility for my participation in all ways best. I realize it's my response ability to best take care of myself and my relationships as my relationships are an extension of myself and my reach in the world. I realize it's a real honor and privillege to care to be here. I am grateful.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to at times forget about my breathing and to for a moment get lost within the now of consciousness as energy - I realize and understand my rock...my anchor in this life is with and as my BREATH as it is within and without BREATH where I hold myself accountable here.

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When and as I see myself...

When and as I see myself shifting responsibility away from myself, I stop and breathe - I realize the ridiculousness of abdicating my best response abilities. I realize sharing in my best responsibiliites is a real pleasure. I realize and understand the practicality of managing my responsibililties - meaning, from a point of practicality in living - there's only so much I am able to manage in a day - i realize my external management abilities/responsibilities is so much so an outflow of my internal management responsibilities as how I best self-manage my best responsibilities.

I commit myself to growth, development and maturity in my best managament of responsibilities.

I commit myself to continue fine tuning for myself, the question - what does it mean to be a responsible human being?!

When and as I am beginning a new relationship, I stop and breathe - within this, I take a look at the starting point being formed within the relationship and I commit myself to exercising/expressing my best response abilities. I commit myself to testing, challenging, and sharing my effectiveness in relationships.

Freedom exists within our Response Ability.

By creating Responsibilities for ourselves we have a structure in which we can creatively express ourselves. There's a real freedom in our capacity to manage responsibilities in our day to day living.

Our Responsibilities we live says a lot about who we are and the meaning we give and gift to our lives. There's a whole range of ways in which we can create responsibilities for ourselves, our environements, our communities and so the world at large.

Responsibility opens up enagement and creative collaboration because responsibility is about care taking and the care taking is an outflow of the care we have for ourselves and so the world. The freedom to express is the outflow of our practical living of our responsibilities. In many ways "Responsibilities" become the Structure that is possible to substanitate the building development of our best Life.

Cheers to exercising the living of our Best Life - Responsibility and Freedom - The Keys to our Best Independence and Interdepence.

Make it easy to do things daily that help systematize a structure that helps plans formulate and come together over time.

It's a Plant World. Plant it.

Previous Post in this Series of "Word(s) of the Day"

Freedom Only Exists Within Responsibility

Significance - It's in the Story

Compromise & Principles







































Decentralized Media Broadcasting is the Future - Sharing Because You Want to

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






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