in ulog •  6 years ago  (edited)


It's fascinating every single time I take a closer look at a word! I mean, each and every word is so multidimensional. There's just so much possible connection to each and every word. What I find interesting is that as I allow myself to question my existing understanding, and definitions - I enable so much possibility and potential to come through as new beginning's in a way where it's like fresh eyes in realizing something new - another way of looking at things - expansion.

This to me, the process outlined above is an ongoing playwright relationship with myself where it's like expanding the depths of me through the awareness in and as my words. My words are alive and my living is synonmous with my words.

My play.

My work.

My Life.


You heard right/rite/write!


  • (chiefly of large mammals) roll about or lie relaxed in mud or water, especially to keep cool, avoid biting insects, or spread scent.

  • "watering places where buffalo liked to wallow"

  • synonyms: loll about/around, roll about/around, lie about/around, splash about/around; slosh, wade, paddle;

  • "pigs wallow in the mud"

  • (of a person) indulge in an unrestrained way in (something that creates a pleasurable sensation).

  • "I was wallowing in the luxury of the hotel"

  • synonyms: luxuriate, bask, take pleasure, take satisfaction, indulge (oneself), delight, revel, glory; enjoy, like, love, relish, savor;

  • informal: get a kick out of, get off on

  • "she seems to wallow in self-pity"

  • an act of wallowing.

  • "a wallow in nostalgia

wallow mud.jpg

I've done a fair bit of wallowing throughout my lifetime. I didn't realize the extent to which I've formed somewhat of a dependency upon wallowing. Various ways of wallowing, like there's been this point of relish in me - creating the Question - Is it to my benefit or detriment to wallow?

It's been a challenging point of sorts because initially I didn't really want to see the extent to which I've allowed myself to wallow in my own self-pity. It's kind of ridiculous in a way because I would get comfortable in my discomforts to such an extent that it's like I at times forget that I am in "wallow mode" and just basically allowing myself to slosh around for more time than is necessary and or appropriate in working through things....directing.....living, the creation of my best life.

For me, "wallowing" has been a bit of a coping meachanism and way of living to an extent...where it's like wherever I am in my environment there's usually a point of wallow at some point - I mean this can be the way in which i sit or lay down and or it can be about the emotions to a relationship,- there's various dimensions to the wallow - what I am opening up for me is the overall regard for "wallow" - I realized deep within me, I had judged the "wallow" and defined "wallowing" as somewhat problematic.

Wallowing isn't problematic in and of itself - it's if there's no clarity to the "wallow" and the living of "wallow" - it's like if your starting point isn't clear in your living...in your self-direction - your wallow will be short sighted and limited from the perspective of "being direct and clear about your wallows"

  • Aimlessly wallowing isn't very self-serving nor a practical use of one's time here which is precious.

Some self-forgiveness to iron out the kinks...

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define, "wallow" as a bad thing mostly with a negative emotion to it as like this low and a loll of like a heavy weighted down that superimposes a relax and letting go experience.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a relationship with "wallow" where "wallowing" is like a coping and defense mechanism for the unresolved issues existent within me internally.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make wallowing to be an external exercise as a way of gently fighting with my internal reality I am mostly destracting and hiding myself from.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to see both the "good" and the "bad" of "wallowing". I realize that there's always multiple dimensions to any one thing I am investigating. I realize the wholistic approach supports me in keeping a solid balance in my assesments - keeping me grounded in my realizations.

I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how difficult it is to practically in fact live words when there's not a clear relationship starting point within and as the very words. I realize "wallow" is a word that I am opening up and expanding my realtionship within. I realize "wallow" is a word I have mostly suppressed and taken for granted for having existed in me and even knowing on a very surface level.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing nor really seeing, understanding and knowing the depths that exist within and as "wallow".

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not really understanding what it means to wallow.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted to clearly define for myself what is wallowing and what are the different ways in which wallowing exists.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging wallowing as a form of depression and that it is simply a negative trait and it is something that is bad and not appropriate.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a sort of rebellious relationship with wallow as like a bit of a belief in me that it is something i shouldn't do, but I do it anyways. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and udnerstand the extent to which I wallow in my own self-judgement - policing myself on what is an isn't acceptable for me...but doing it in an wallowing like way that is kind of depressing and heavy - like not really serving my best benefit and in a way just kind of exasberbating and perpetuating an inferiority and inadequacy within myself where it's like just existing within a sort of survival state of 'getting by' and 'passing time'.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to entertain myself within wallowing about the past.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to utilize wallowing as a sort of emotional dependency outlet...where I go into behaviors of wallowing when and as I have a sufficient build up of suppressed emotional baggage within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for placing so much external influence on utilizing external resources to aid me in wallowing as a form of coping with my inner acceptances and allowances.

I realize simply expanding my understanding of myself and wallowing - that I create a new awareness within and as "self-wallowing" - I realize this is a point of expression or suppression - my starting point determines whether or not I am actively engaging in the participation of my expression as "self-wallowing" and or whether or not I am suppressed in my wallow and simply coping with things. I realize the ditinction starts within myself and my starting point decisions within and as my moment to moment participations.

I realize each and every moment of me is Significant. It matters. I matter. Life matters. I realize it's this 24/7 regard, respect and honor for myself and all life matters - that I make it easy for myself to live the best care taking of me here as what it means to be a responsible human being. I realize within and as my self-awareness, "self-wallowing" existing in the very best of ways and it is indeed and indubitably a real pleasure to express the very best of "wallowing".

I commit myself to living the best of "self-wallowing" and sharing the "art of wallowing" with my mates. I realize there is so much fun and enjoyment within and as the very live sharing of the "art of self-wallowing".

When and as I see myself wallowing in an inferior way - I stop and breathe - I look at my starting point here and how I accepted and allowed this inferior state within myself - I make the necessary adjustments and fine tune my starting point to "equality and oneness" - I embrace me here and create best accommodations for my engagement and participation in the moment. I realize one of my greatest gifts is the ability to share in the moment without restraint - to really enjoy/share in the best wallows of life here.

  • To Be Continued with "Wallow....not finished!"

Cheers to exercising the living of our Best Life - Responsibility and Freedom - The Keys to our Best Independence and Interdepence.

Make it easy to do things daily that help systematize a structure that helps plans formulate and come together over time.

It's a Plant World. Plant it.

plant planet.jpg

Previous Post in this Series of "Word(s) of the Day"

Existential Forgiveness

The Ridiculousness of Justification

Forgiveness for Me and For You - The Art of Forgiving Yourself

Freedom Only Exists Within Responsibility

Significance - It's in the Story

Compromise & Principles







































Decentralized Media Broadcasting is the Future - Sharing Because You Want to

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






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LOL I have to tell you a family secret. A secret between my husband and myself.

Sometimes he says, "You're so stuck with me!"

And I reply, "Nope, I'm not stuck! I'm Wallowing! You're the one stuck with me! Just ask my family!" (only in the south of the US we say waller'n )

The more I tease my husband about it and consider the joy it brings to the animals who engage in free form wallowing, the more I think the phrase "wallowing in self-pity" is an oxymoron.

It's a mighty fine thing to wallow in love and joy and to share it with others.

Enjoyed your writing :-)

I'm going to recommend a study of the word disappointment and it's evolution.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

"Waller'N" - Awesome!

Thank you for sharing - it really is appreciated.

Will write about Disapointment - thanks for the suggestion!

I think you will find the evolution of the word from it's classic definition to modern definition rather revealing.

freedom is a need of every one but its very useful if we live it with discipline ,undisciplined freedom always hurtful

WALLOW is my word for the day. Thank you for emphasis on this new word. I have not encountered it before. Its a good addition to our brain database.

Overall, i love your passion for writing. It reflects on your post. I was actually smiling reading this.

Cheers! Ulog on!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Heyyyy Cooool!

Thaaaank You for the feedback and Awesomeness you enjoyed!

It really is so cool when we introduce new words to our living :)

Learning has to stop buttom.. new discoveries ars always welcome..

@research-mind Excellent post and content, I want to wallow in the puddle when it rains, because I feel free, I remember my childhood, I laugh with laughter of happiness, releasing all the stress feeling renewed, we must leave our routine and be free like the wind, thanks for sharing and reminding us to wallow, a great greeting and happy day

that children feel free and develop freedom as a first option. I agree