Laundry Day Blues...
Yeah, so ol' Larry had to buckle down and do laundry before his attempt to hitch hike out of beautiful Arizona. Of course, this means he didn't have much time to generate anything art related for Steemit. So instead he told me unearth this live "show" he did in his buddies' basement back in 2017 when he was drunk, bored and stoned as all hell. He does a decent Gene Ween impression. This should make the ladies wet, right? Um, yeah, of course it does.
Dreamtree, aka, Brandon Covers Ween (full set)
He mentions his cancer (or at least prostate issue) in Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down). Gives the song a whole new flavor. Like his transition between Don't Get Too Close (To My Fantasy) and goes right into Buckingham Green. Watch it for funsies! Feel free to make fun of the dude, I know I do, lol.
Much Love, Yo!
Lucy Sage Dreamtree