At Least the Art is Getting Attention...
While Larry was in the woods drawing a couple of folks stopped to enjoy the artwork and talk about its meaning. Then later, at the Library, a little girl approached him to do the same, as she was an inspiring artist. She wanted to buy one of the large drawings for $5 but, Larry had to explain his disposition to her and convinced her to choose one of the smaller drawings. Still a financial loss, as $5 will hardly even buy a meal anymore but, he was glad the little girl was happy. Keep in mind, fast food does not count as a "meal". It is more like a drug...
Dreamtree, Death Mazes and Art Sales
Mr. Dreamtree has a hit on his rideshare into California and is currently ironing out the bugs. The person seems flexible with their schedule so, Larry hopes he will be able to get the ride by this weekend as there is potential for a free haircut on Friday. I like Larry's hair the way it is but, I guess it keeps getting caught in his glasses and is slowly being ripped out of his head chunk by chunk anyway. At this rate, he will be bald and have no need for a haircut.
I certainly do hope he has an easier time getting to his camp tonight. No way you would see me out there navigating a maze that could potentially poke my eyes out at every turn.
Much Love, Yo!
Lucy Sage Dreamtree