#ulog: Online Shopping Via Interactive Live Chat

in ulog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Uloggers,

Good afternoon,

My children are soon going back to school in June, I am sure parents like me are all busy now preparing. Kids already enrolled, books bought, new sets of uniform and school bags all ready. I am happy I am almost done except for the shoes.

The kids had grown up so fast and the shoes that we recently bought do not fit anymore. I do not have an immediate schedule on my list to go to the downtown market so I scouted online shops. I saw a lot of beautifully shot photos of shoes but I want to check the quality. We need to be meticulous when it comes to choosing the right products for our family. I am already tempted to buy because time is running.

My friend on social media referred me to this live video broadcast. I couldn't believe there are people using this to sell their merchandise.

This photo shows a sales lady attending to customer questions. I read on the chat someone is looking for a specific size and this sales lady went searching and showed to online viewers what she got. This is a physical store. Instead of going to this store we can do a video chat and see what they offer. This is indeed helpful to save time.


Look how this saleslady seemed to be enjoying the interaction. People can hit a like or send all sorts of emojis just like a normal chat. This broadcast had been live for hours now. I didn't find the right shoes but this is definitely a cool way to shop online. I hope you like it. Thank you for reading my ulog.

Until next ulog


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Thank you for sharing this post. It is an excellent idea to add this feature to merchant's ecommerce websites as a feature. A Buyer would benefit from the feel of a comfortable purchase and Buyer Friendly Customer Support.