Insight Into How @ulogs Will Enhance Content-Creation And Even Content-Curation On Steemit, Using A "Celebrity-hood/Fan-hood" Paradigm On #ulog

in ulog •  6 years ago 

Please digest this post. Then join in and become a Ulogger today.

If you haven't followed @ulogs, kindly consider doing so as this is a grand steem-related project; a creation of @surpassinggoogle and a subsidiary of @steemgigs

@ulogs is called a subsidiary of @steemgigs because the witness that supports it is called "steemgigs" and being that is also the dream-building center for every initiative or innovation of @surpassinggoogle; @ulogs is bound to stage on there before it is established as "viable" as a standalone steem-based website.

If you were present at the talk show on discord related to ULOGS and ULOGGING, we gave out personalized ULOGGER GIF headers/footers that you can use especially with your ULOGS or as certified ULOGGERS, but just incase yours wasn't able to reach you, you can simply pick them up from here: 

The listing contains around 117 ULOGGERS:

























































































































































































































The level of activity created on #ulog since its birth some 9 days ago is really grand and this is a beauty. 

2029 steem posts and more than 6,000 comments the last time we counted, just 6 days into the birth of the tag. 
#ulog has created beauty. 

This is great for the steemit community and it is especially timely too, at this stage in steemit's evolution, with other blockchain-based social platforms popping up and perhaps, shaking the conviction of several, in relation to steem. 

"The above" was part of the triggers, for the birth and start of #ulog

Pretty-fast, it is time to consider grander things for #ulog e.g enhanced curation, conceptualizing ways to attract curation from steem-power holders towards #ulog, educating ULOGGERS, inciting sustained creation of ULOGS, creating and sustaining inspiration for ULOGGERS etc

Among other things, we want #ulog to become the favorite tag for curators and guilds focused on curation. We want to use #ulog and the movement it carries, to enhance content creation and curation on steemit. This is very possible and we simply want to prove that it is. With #ulog and an entire movement, we want to appeal to the celebrity-hood of each steemian, so much so that they realized that they are "true celebrities", not because of responsibility, reputation or because the steem blockchain is bare and they are being watched but because they are true celebrities. 

We want to attain levels organically, where every post on #ulog is a ULOG. We want to attain levels where every ULOGGER consciously evolves each day as they have come to be about ULOGGING and have become about creating awesomeness. We want every ULOG to reshape the very internet with "freshness" everyday, serving the search engines with content that constitutes daily pieces of us.

The whole process requires a curriculum. For instance, 2029 posts and 6k+ comments is not easy to curate. It is an exercise, even a feat. Now, the kind of curation we want to accomplish under #ulog is a even harder; "a movement".

So at this very point, we are already conceptualizing a model for enhanced curation. Normally, we like to play out an innovation on steemit for a period of time, to feed off of unadulterated feedback from steemians before jumping into a steem-based app. 

Thus, i am conceptualizing an enhance curation-style and movement that involves every lover of the ULOG concept and together, we will try to tap into a "true fan-hood" paradigm in our curation style, under #ulog

We will also help curators in general to adapt this model starting with #ulog as they imbibe the culture, extending across steemit.

Note; we have tried this curating #untalented and there are testimonies that what we seek to accomplish is accomplishable. With un(dis)talented, our first line of action was to try to "remove barriers to entry" with regards to content-creation and we experienced a ton of success there. #untalented is among the popular tags on steemit till date. On the curation aspect, we applied a paradigm that allowed a measure of flaws, further removing "barriers to entry". 

With ULOGS, we took "removing barriers to entry" especially with regards to content-creation, to newer heights. Note that ULOG also applies the un(dis)talented paradigm; "flaws allowed" but in this case, more like "flaws from being humans"; moreso, than "flaws with regards to talent".

@ULOGS now celebrates you and the pieces constituting "YOU" (your ULOG). 

On the curation side, we want to remove "all barriers to entry as well". Basically, anyone can curate on #ulog but more as a fan, than with the responsibility of curating. By this means, you are allowed to truly care about ULOGGERS. You are allowed to have them relate even their flaws and even when they make some flaws with regards to actual content; you are allowed to educate them, more as a "true fan". 

We feel that this is core in our model and in accomplishing our feat. Other "barriers to entry" that we will try to remove in relation to curating is the "curation-fun-factor". Real curation is a tough exercise that requires a ton of responsibility, time, reading, engagement, art etc and being rigorous can easily remove or exhaust "fun". By opening the curation of #ulog to "everyone", the task of curating becomes less rigorous. Ultimately, ULOGS are bound to be fun, fresh, news, exciting, intriguing and when you add some "no books involved"; ULOGS come out very down-to-earth, restoring loads of fun to the art of curating.

Note; with everyone curating #ulog as fan, the art of "educating", involved during curation becomes less rigorous as well e.g you may have visited with a post on #ulog, that contains mostly pictures resourced from the internet, text-content resourced from the internet etc and you are about to leave a comment like; "Hi Steemian, a ULOG affords you the ability or even luxury, of having at least one steemit post a-day, wherein "content" can be completely fresh and entirely "our creation". Why not afford this and become a ULOGGER today. You can start by getting your ULOGGER banner here; then go ahead and read this post" but then, you spot a similarly-intended comment from a fellow fan and you decide to move to another post or take rest etc


Curating as fans will reduce monotony. The tone of our engagement will carry excitement and fun and will incite further ULOGGING; grow steem and fire up ULOGGERS.

So don't you think we can enhance content-creation & curation, right here on steemit, by means of @ulogs; "us all"? 

I very much believe we will.

Basically, ULOG has two core parts, covering "everyone";

  • True Celebrities
  • True Fans

However with ULOGS, we will apply "beautiful disruption", adding some "Mathematics" into English, with this simple infinitely-looping equation:

True Celebrities = True Fans + O; where letter "O" equals loop

To accomplish most of the feat that we aim at accomplishing, we will keep @ulogs alive with a curriculum of posts, not only to raise steem power, enable visibility but to actively curate and instill the curriculum and culture over time, in as many as reachable.

As much as you may want to curate #ulog alone, if you fall in the category of steemians who have busy schedule and can't handle much curation, we decided to add @ulogs as a trailer on steemauto. You can decide to follow the trail of @ulogs manual curation here:

We will also look into creating a really solid community. It can easily be said that @ULOGS has a ready-made community on the SteemGigs discord. However, we will use ULOGS as further avenue to get to know SteemGiggers down to their superstar; down to their very tiniest elements; down to their cookies.

Allowed to be yourself in your ULOGS; "we your fans"; you are bound to shine forth.

To a large extent, we will create concepts and curriculum to build great ULOGGERS; "true celebrities". As we are focused on #ulog for now, we will create contests, feature publications etc to improve the substance of ULOGS. 

Yes, a ULOG allows you to be you; "flaws allowed"; however, as we always apply the un(dis)talented paradigm, we will incite ULOGGERS to attempt out-of-the-boxness each day. 

Yes, ULOGGERS are allowed to stay private as well. Inanycase, we want your ULOGs to shine "you" forth still. 

We are creating a concept that will celebrate each ULOGGER, public or private figures alike. We will try to play this concept out further.

A way to mine true celebrity-hood using your ULOGS, requires that you endeavor to keep every ounce of your ULOG, your own creation 

E.G even if you are to stay private in your ULOGS and you have use your an avatar, pictorial etc, consider creating something. 


  • It is quite easy to use paint create simple pictorial graphic, if you can't photoshop
  • You can even use you autodraw; a simple tool that uses AI suggestions to help you draw.

Overall, we want to take #ulog to levels where each post on #ulog is entirely authentic, fresh and curation-worry-free. 

We want each ULOG to be on the white-list of every fan or curator, by default.

Now, you have at least one steemit post a day, where you can afford to keep everything "fresh", so why not afford to do so. 

You have no need to use #ulog, if you don't consider your post a ULOG
#ulog shouldn't make you change your normal steemit routine. There was steemit-life before #ulog!

Ulogs containing only text will be celebrated too! So, if you don't have images or a video of yours, your location etc to share, there no real need to resource them online, when you are doing a ULOG. Simply keep it "all text".

We will have fun contests to use ULOGGING as a conscious effort to evolve each day e.g we can create contests involving daily themes, beautiful dares, resolutions etc

We will also look to feature locations, events etc. The Internet needs this! We need new results in the search engines and me and you can do this by ULOGGING daily. 

ULOGS can also be filled with utmost creativity, if you applied yourself to creativity on the day of your ULOG. If you are a VLOGGER, simply follow freshness; "become a ULOGGER" and let's take this fresh trend "#ulog" to new heights. 

A VLOG contains you and can be fresh. Simply make it a daily endeavor and you can adopt #ulog.

On steemit, we want to attract as much curation as possible towards #ulog and we can accomplish this, together. 

Simply join in curating the tag and however, let your curation involve true care, love and fan-hood. Look to inspire and engage with ULOGGERS and look to educate aspiring ULOGGERS or adopters of #ulog, who aren't doing things well. 

There is no pinpoint right or wrong except full-blown plagiarism etc, Thus, simply adopt fan-hood in your curation approach as you admonish adopters of #ulog on what to do. 

Again, "ULOGGING is very simple! If you have one steemit post each day, where you are allowed to write about you, events and location in your day and you are allowed to write even only-text and in any language, with ever-present fans celebrating "this you", then this is simply affordable.

Each steemian, human, even kids can create ULOGS. ULOGGING is that simple and even utmost fun. It is the closest thing you have to Facebook's "what is on your mind". The major edge in the case of a ULOG is; 

you have ever-present "true fans".

Kindly get your personalized ULOGGER GIF header/footer HERE!!! 

@phantum04 offered a Gig on, where she makes those amazing Ulogger GIF footers/headers. 
So do visit and get yours. It's fun!

@ulogs is a part of an entire curriculum as initiated by @surpassinggoogle and a subsidiary of Basically, this account represents a project, a community and a home of a special niche of steemians called ULOGGER. It will also be home to a special breed of steemit posts that looks to celebrate each humans, institute "freshness" into the internet. Each Ulog to contain 

As the number of ULOG posts grow really rapidly, please help matters by making sure to read posts explaining what ULOGS are and how to use #ulog 

e.g To make easier for curators all over steemit to reach your post more easily, here are tips:

  • Please use #ULOG only when you consider your post a ULOG. 
  • A ULOG is typically "once a day". (Don't change your normal steemit routine. You can add ULOGGING to your existing routine)
  • We want to make #ULOG the home of purely "fresh" daily, authentic content containing "YOU", your day, "your shine and evolution within that day" and your freshly-made creations, when it comes to graphic media, pictures, GIF, text, VLOGS etc.
  • If you desire, you can decide to maintain your privacy while ULOGGING e.g you can talk in an undertone, use avatars instead of your pictures, use pictures of locations and events, friends etc (No worries, even when you are private in your ULOGS, you can be sure that "You" will shine forth still.) 
  • A ULOG can also be only "text".
  • Please add #ulog in title and try to number your ULOGs e.g #ulog (Day 1) or #ulog (001) or #ulog 1 etc
  • Use your ULOGGER footers/headers
  • Use #ulog or #ulogs as your first tag
  • Try to state the own images, videos etc underneath your ULOGS
  • VLOGGERS can also be ULOGGERS!!!
  • etc.

Let's keep reshaping the internet with "freshness". Let's serve the search engines with beautiful pieces constituting "You" and grow steemit/steem, promoting it "a home" away from the rest of the internet.

Let's tell people that they can now also join steemit to become ULOGGERS. 

They can come on here and be true celebrities and we; their fans and as fans, let's be fans for real. Let's get on #ulog henceforth and show care. Let's curate that #ulog or #ulogs. Let's engage with ULOGGERS and peer into their world. Let's cater to them and learn of ourselves in the eyes of the world.

You can follow @ulogs as it curate #ulog. If you are to busy but you want to share your voting power in inspiring ULOGGERS, click HERE!!!

Let's visit #ulog to re-tell each ULOGGER of "their shine". Let's be keen about their evolution. Let's cater to them.

Humanity is the brother next to you. @surpassinggoogle.

Like ULOGS Facebook page:

If you are on Reddit, kindly visit the url below and please help me upvote the post the raise the karma of my steemit account, so that i can setup a sub-reddit for ULOGS:

Join the community HERE!!! 



"The World Needs To Hear From You. Even  Steemit Is Calling!" Now, You Can Answer. "Become a ULOGGER Today". (The  "U" in "Ulogs" represents "YOU".

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

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Thanks brother for the footers! Also, thanks to @phantum04. More power, and more support for @ulog.

Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! This journey, the steemit journey is getting more fulfilling by the day. Thank you Terry for bringing it on. I am off to get my gif asap.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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More power and more grease to his elbow @surpassinggoogle. He is indeed an amazing fellow and his ideas and initiatives have always had positive effects on the steemit community

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Me and you belong to @Ulog. Happy to be ULOGGER

Oh really yes. I belong to @ulog

I too belong to @ulog. Thank you

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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in just 9 days and that much Log created?
This is just beautiful......

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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"Hi Steemian, a ULOG affords you the ability or even luxury, of having at least one steemit post a-day, wherein "content" can be completely fresh and entirely "our creation". Why not afford this and become a ULOGGER today. You can start by getting your ULOGGER banner here.

Now this is so cool!!!
I buy the idea of fan curation, giving everyone the opportunity to drop comments on other people's post will increase the fun and indeed reduce monopoly. It would also increase interaction on the steem blockchain.

Indeed #ulog is the closest thing you have to Facebook's "what is on your mind".

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Wow, its really a great project.But the sadness is, I don't know how to be a part of steemgiggs and how to become a witness.

You don't have to be sad.
You don't have to become a witness before you become a Ulogger.
Simply go to and use it.

thanks for the footer! i lurve it! more power to #You-Log!

More and more power ... Making people coming back to check how a day went years later with a big smile on their faces

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Thanks much for the footers.
I'm gonna flaunt it like a true Ulogger

Would love to have one too @julietisrael

This is such an awesome initiative now we can all be a celebrity and fan of each other! Thank you @surpassinggoogle for always bringing us such a wonderful project which serves as a venue to celebrate each and everyone of "US"

Much thanks sir terry,. and to @phantum04 thank you for the free GIF, glad I'm one of the many who receives a free footer. God Bless You

#ulog is just about to get more interesting with the curation idea. Watch out guys

I got my gif footer.. Yeehey. Thank you so much.

Thanks a lot for the gif @surpassinggoogle... I really do appreciate it.

Also, I love contest and I can't wait to partake of that when it's lunched... Keep up the great work sir Terry... God bless your efforts to the growth of the steem blockchain as a steem witness.

Wow ... Ulog is really a great deal and I am so really happy rir this great idea by sir terry ajayi ... Keep up the great job ulog

It is most definitely a great deal

As I read through those letters and words up there, the image of a man full of love and concern for steamians sprung into my head.

I know how many days I have left my blog empty just because I feel there is nothing creative to put down. But our daily activities are there and thanks to this initiative @surpassinggoogle have brought...steeming might become a lot easier and fun for most steemians. I am proud to have @steemgigs as my witness and @surpassinggoogle as my proxy. I once looked up my witness list and you have done a great job on my behalf. Thank you.

I will make my first #ulog today, it is high time i start catching fun.

I'll be looking forward to seeing your first Ulog today....

Become a Ulogger today

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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You got a 33.33% upvote from @botcoin courtesy of @infoslink!

Loud and proud uLogger ! sharing this to my facebook wall how proud I am. Thank you for the the one who did the html of this :)

as a uLogger, I was able to make a journal of my daily happenings and still make a positive turn-out of events from all the negative things that happened to me that time since I am able to make closing statement of what lesson I have learned from this particular day.

Thankful for this platform and I hope each and everyone will come up with their own styles.

Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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Wow just saw my name included here. Thanks for the footer. Love it!

We now all have stories to tell and write about. #ulog is bae

Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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#ulog is already taking over steemit. Thanks @surpassinggoogle for giving us #ulog. Everyone now has something to post about everyday

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Congrats to your innovative platforms @ulogs. In which every individual here becomes to be an instant celebrity. Thank you for making this kind of platform.

Yes he is doing a real great job for us here on the platform with different new great ideas every time

Absolutely your right bro!

Thanks @ulogs for making steemit fun for me, the massive turn out of people turning into uloggers still amuses me.
This initiative was perfect and is a testimony on every ones lips including mine.
I love been an Ulogger

Let's keep reshaping the internet with "freshness"

Let's tell people that they can now also join steemit to become ULOGGERS.
And here is a part I can't stop doing ama keep sounding the alarm because @surpassinggoogle loves steemians.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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this is very cool, thank you very much @ulogs for the information, it is very useful for all of us, i am very happy to all @surpassinggoogle project, because all that can help us all in work in steemit for more success in the future, and hopefully all projects @surpassinggoogle will further develop for the future. thank you... :)

Ok. Beat kah ulog-ulog nice post thank you

#ulog makes steemit more alive! It give ideas to people what to post everyday..

#i am proud # i am ulloger..

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Yaaaaaay!. I see familiar handles here. This is really huge. Well done @ulogs and congratulations to all of us. Thank you for all that you do for us all. You are impressive as always.

This is getting bigger and better.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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#ulog is trending. And it's going to get better with curation.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Ulog is the future, when people are able to share their day to day events it brings about originality and everyday will be a different day. With its own freshness, its own uniqueness. Thats @surpassinggoogle for the #ulogs initiative

Yes!!! Up ulog ... The boss himself at this again 😀

I love my footer. Thanks @surpassinggoogle and @phantum04. Though I haven't ulogged yet, I can now do so with style. I want to properly digest every word so I'll read this again and again later. I'm glad the height ulog has attained already. And I love the future I see.

Thanks to the team, especially @surpassinggoogle. The future always seems more certain with you in it.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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My blog definitely looks more fun and is cooler with the gif ulog header. Thank you so much @phantum04 for creating all those gifs. And of course to sir Terry @surpassinggoogle for allowing us to be a celebrity and have some fans.

Thanks ks so much sir. I and my colleagues belongs to #Ulog. I will make sure I follow you in all you do

Thank you for the treat of gif footer @surpassinggoogle. :)
@ulogs is a blockbuster. #ULOG posts are pouring in since day one.

Greetings sir @surpassinggoogle! Super thanks and more power! With "ulog" Everything is Possible! I am so thankful for having an opportunity to do a ulog style of presenting my self in new dynamic dimesions! Mabuhay....

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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This is another initiative gadget. Thanks for all this. I too below to @ulog

I haven't made my first #ulog but I am planning to create one and be part of this ULOG fever.

VOTE for steemgigs as witness!

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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@surpassinggoogle created a new invention which has made our day means #ulog day.
I have already post on #ulog.Please check it on my timeline.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Thank you so much kuya Terry @surpassinggoogle @ulogs. I am proud to be #ulogger. I am now a certified #ulogger. 😀💖

Thanks @phantum. I love the gif footer. 😀💖

I will have to check this out. Everything from @surpassinggoogle always great. Thanks so much. I belong to @ulog too

Thank you for the initiative. It really gives a huge exposure to newbies like me who are struggling on this platform and encourages them to keep writing. Brilliant idea @surpassinggoogle.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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This is great and beautiful...i support this idea and am loving it already. Thanks to @surpassingoogle for this great work... More power to your elbow sir...

Thank you so much @ulogs/sir @surpassinggoogle for free gif #ulog’s footer but I already got mine earlier as I requested to @phantum04 because I was so excited to have it.

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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can the whole story be told in simple language

I'm impressed

Ulogs is really just like a journal. Hehe :) :)
I'll be sure to help out in curating ulog posts as a fan. :) It's actually fun to read ulog posts. :) You get to know more about the person and it's fresh! :)
I even experienced that myself when I had a relationship problem. HAHA! :D A lot of steemians are there to give me advice and to make me feel lighter and better. :) :) Because of ulog, I was able to write out all the pain I had inside and received advice from people. :) That was really COOL! :)

I'm happy @ulogs is growing very fast. I really love the footers. I think I should get mine too. Thanks for heads up

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Thank you so much for the mention and for the free gif ulogger. It is amazing and precious.

ALZAMNA (1).gif

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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This is amazing, this is extraordinary. #Ulogs has indeed created beauty to curation and contents alike. #Uloggers , you’re a star and we are your fans. Everyone is a star . Keep steeming and touching lives

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Beautiful explanation there sir. This is an all round summary of everything it has to be.

As the number of ULOG posts grow really rapidly, please help matters by making sure to read posts explaining what ULOGS are and how to use #ulog

So I also made a post explaining what ulog is, wouldn't want to spam you with links. Maybe you check it out. I feel it has been lost in the whirlpool of ulogs.

Good morning to you and have a wonderful day ahead

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Really found interesting post and individuals, who seem to have been given a lease of life via this tag. Great initiative

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Well done for creating ulogs and also for creating steemgigs!

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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I'm so intrigued by this movement, guess some guys are gon like themselves after some time. It sound really fun.

Kudos @ulog

Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I salute your goodness! I am very glad and happy to have this header/footer of mine.... I am proud #ulogger here! Thank you very much @surpassinggoogle of this!

God bless!



Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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Thanks you very much for keeping me updated in #ulogs... Keep it up and God bless

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Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Thanks for this new exiting project helping steemians, you are so kind

Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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Million Thanks for [email protected] to be an Ulogger...great result @surpassinggoogle

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Thank you so much for the footer, I'm now a certified ulogger. Beautiful work @phantum04

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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How do you do Terry? Very interesting to try ulog, Thanks for Recommended :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @phantum04 for making our footer and to Sir Terry for editing the URL as well and for initiating this idea #ulog, more power and blessing on your way! I'm glad I got my footer already.... :)

Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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Thanks sir Terry for my free #ulog gif footer. ULOG is such a great project. Thanks also to @phantum04 for the footer :)

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Obviously, everyone will have say on steemit.
Yet to make my first #ulog though.

I am new to steemit, and I want to learn and fill with knowledge I am going to join

All I see is Ulog😍😍😍
I got my footer thanks @phantum04
Let the Ulogging continue 💃🏼💃🏼

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Thank you for the footer and I will incorporate it soon and embrace being the Ulogger celebrity within.

I saw new channels in Discord and hope that more people will use it to connect and be awesome.

Terry, thank you so much for this! <3

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Congratulations on your success!!!

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Woahhh. This is great!

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

Got my first ever footer here in Steemit. can't wait to use it on my next post. Thanks @surpassinggoogle and @phantum04.

The curation of #ulog is very impressive and interesting. I salute you all the teams wh created this new category. I am very roud of you guys to many communities on this platform they dindt even know how to be a perfect uloggers....specially me a new users on rhis platform.

I am an avid fan of @surpassinggoogle and all @uloggers.It is a great move of our mentor.I will #ulog you,you #ulog me and we will be so fun ang happy..
Hank you Sir Terry for the footers..

I am fully in, nothing is drawing me back. Am just so glad #ulog is taking it shape.

Thanks @surpassinggoogle for everything

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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Thank you so much for the footer @surpassinggoogle and phantum04 bless all your good deeds😊

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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So happy to be a part of #ulog family :)

I am so appreciate for this wonderful gift @ulogs. More power to your elbow. And also thanks to our father here @surpassinggoole for the privilege your kind sir.. I love youuuuuuuuuu sir

Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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can someone please explain to me what #ulog is all about? i have been seeing posts carrying its tag on my feed for some time now.

wanna know its aim and features. Thanks.

Disregard if you have participated!

Hi family, note that the whole ecosystem for the Teardrops SMT will be built around "certified uloggers". It will reward "proof of tears" or "mining the human" and will be used also as a token of influence on 3 steem-based interfaces,, and macrohard all of which are modeled to "mine the human" into its awesomest version and all of which will be built around "a growing list of certified uloggers". It is time to grow this list and gather now. Note that the teardrops smt will seek to reward "past deeds". It should be loved and succeed, bulls or bears because "human" is involved. Thus, we will build this token around "certified uloggers" as these ones are "true celebrities" who are also "true fans" of human and ofcourse of the "teardrops token", which is "an emblem of human".

It is time to gather now.

Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up, if you have done a post at any time, under any of these tags, #ulog #untalented #steemgigs #teardrops #surpassinggoogle.

If you have never done a post under any of the tags mentioned earlier above, please read this form carefully and participate, by filling it up:

Consider contributing a video ulogacy for uloggerstv

We will gradually be sending out a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

Please share appropriate form to any friend or acquaintance, who has a steem account.

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Already got my footer and used it too! Thanks @surpassinggoogle and @phantom04 :) I am currently on my Day 5 of #ulogs and Im really enjoying it!

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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I'm really excited about the new ulog project, I support 100% Mr. Terry! Thanks for your initiative and excellent work!

Hi certified ulogger, it is time to gather now. Kindly help me participate by going through this google form and filling it up. We will start by sending you a URL linking to exclusive chat-rooms for "certified uloggers". We will send this in an email.

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