What is Ulog ? (Posted back because the first post didn't appear in the marlians)

in ulog •  5 years ago 


Are there any of you Indonesians who are still confused about the meaning of ulog, or don't even know anything about the ulog and how it works.

Apakah ada diantara kalian orang Indonesia yang masih kebingungan tentang pengertian ulog, atau bahkan tidak tahu sama sekali tentang ulog dan cara kerjanya.

Maybe you really want to join Ulog but don't know the meaning of the ulog, or even you don't understand what content you should publish about Ulog.

Mungkin kalian sangat ingin bergabung dengan ulog namun tidak mengetahui makna dari ulog tersebut, atau bahkan kalian tidak mengerti konten seperti apa yang harus kalian publikasikan tentang ulog.

Let me explain briefly the meaning of ulog so that you begin to know the basis or essence of ulog.

Mari saya jelaskan pengertian ulog secara singkat agar kalian mulai mengetahui dasar atau inti sari dari ulog

"A ulog is simple a kind of post that doesn’t resource from the internet. Created fresh each time with all aspects of it including images, videos etc create entirely by you". That is an explanation directly from the developer of Ulog, which is @surpassinggoogle

"Ulog adalah jenis posting sederhana yang tidak bersumber dari internet. Dibuat segar setiap kali dengan semua aspek termasuk gambar, video, dll, buat seluruhnya oleh Anda". Itu adalah penjelasan langsung dari pengembang Ulog, yaitu @surpassinggoogle

Now you have understood what is ulog, so what are you waiting for, let's join now with Ulog and get a certificate as an official ulogger in the following ways.

There are 4 steps that I/you must do:

  1. Send 5 STEEM to @marlians with a memo of '1 month certification'

  2. Write an ulog post like this one via marlians.com with a title of 'how you became a certified ulogger'. Make sure to use 'ulog' as one of the tags on the list.

  3. Subscribe to UloggersTV YouTube

  4. Fill up the google form

Simple right, let's join now

  1. Kirim 5 STEEM ke @marlians dengan memo 'sertifikasi 1 bulan'

  2. Tulis posting ulog seperti ini melalui marlians.com dengan judul 'bagaimana Anda menjadi ulogger bersertifikat'. Pastikan untuk menggunakan 'ulog' sebagai salah satu tag pada daftar.

  3. Berlangganan YouTube UloggersTV

  4. Isi formulir google

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Thanks sir