RE: Crocheted Fuchsia Flowers

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Crocheted Fuchsia Flowers

in ultimatecrochet •  7 years ago 

I just planted some green cotton. It will be my first fiber crop. I am motivated to learn crochet and knitting. I guess I need a spinning wheel too. I could send you some of the green cotton when it's ready. Do you spin?

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Green cotton, I never heard of it. I will try to look it up. Knitting and corcheting are things I really enjoy. I find certain projects can be meditative. I don't spin but it is something that I want to get into. I have a friend that might be able to spin it.

what made you decide to plant green cotton? I wanted to plant cotton this year but we can only plant artic cotton because we are so far north. When I read up on artic cotton it didn't have much uses.