Ultra fast keto boost : Loss Belly fat Without Exercise : how To Weight loss Without Dieting

in ultrafastketoboost •  5 years ago 

But does the Blood Diet really work?

Ultra fast keto boost #@$:- In general, the blood diet stimulates the consumption of vegetables and suggests a drastic decrease in the intake of processed foods and refined carbohydrates. By themselves, these two recommendations may already be sufficient to lead to weight loss, regardless of blood type.

This means that weight loss is related to adopting healthier eating habits and physical activity, not exactly blood type.
Therefore, we can conclude that the blood diet works because it proposes a more natural diet and also because it restricts the consumption of certain food groups - and not exactly because foods have a specific reaction according to each blood type.

Foods For Each Blood Type

We have already seen that in the blood diet each of the four blood types must base their diet on a particular type of diet in order to achieve better health outcomes. Based on this Ultra fast keto boost principle, Dr. D'Adamo has divided the food into three main groups: the beneficial ones, which help you lose weight (also called “most recommended”), the neutral ones (or that should be consumed in moderation) and the harmful ones. (which should be avoided).

Then know what are some of the main foods that should (or not) be part of the menu of each blood type (for weight loss):

Type O

Beneficial foods : lean meats, liver, kale, spinach, Ultra fast keto boost broccolifish, olive oil, vegetables and legumes in general;
Consume in moderation : Eggs, nuts, seeds, starchy vegetables.

Avoid : Dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt), pulses, cereals (rice, oats), bread, rice and pasta.

Type A

Free Consumption : Vegetables, whole grains, pineapples, Ultra fast keto boost seeds, nuts, soy-based foods, legumes and fruits, (preferably organic, because according to Dr. D'Adamo, people with blood type A have a immune system very sensitive to pesticides).

Avoid : Meat, kidney beans, wheat and dairy products.

Type B

Free consumption : Vegetables, lean meat and vegetables.

Neutral foods: Lean Dairy Products.

Avoid: Chicken, pork, wheat, corn, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, sesame.

Type AB

Free consumption : Vegetables, seafood, tofu, dairy, pineapple and legumes.

Harmful: Cold cuts, red beans, beef and pork, alcohol, corn, caffeine and smoked foods.


In addition to the special diet, Dr. D'Adamo also suggests Ultra fast keto boost practicing at least three hours a week of specific physical activity for each of the different blood types during the blood diet.

Check out the most suitable for your blood type:

Type O

Since our blood type O ancestors were vigorous hunters Ultra fast keto boost who were always running after food or escaping a predator, the most suitable exercises for this blood type are aerobic exercises, which require a lot from the cardiovascular system.

Activities such as running and cycling for at least 3 hours a week should be part of the O type routine.

Type A

Since they have developed into a period of greater Ultra fast keto boost social coexistence and collectivity, blood type A individuals benefit most from relaxing exercises such as yoga, meditation, moderate walking, tai chi chuan, or golf.

Type B

Dr. D'Adamo recommends for blood type B activities Ultra fast keto boost that have a mental component, such as tennis, rock climbing and swimming. Yoga and walking can also be part of a Type B routine, as they promote mental and physical conditioning.

Type AB

As with eating, the AB Blood Type Exercise Plan is a Ultra fast keto boost combination of Type A and B. Activities such as yoga, light swimming, moderate cycling, and medium intensity walking are best suited for this blood type.


Just like any other eating plan, the blood diet requires some observations to make its results more evident. Check out some of them:

No matter what your blood type is: in order to lose weight, you need to keep a diet rich in natural foods and contain almost no processed products rich in sugar and fat.

When the blood group diet menu says “free consumption” that does not mean you should consume 3 chicken fillets per meal. The word moderation is still more important Ultra fast keto boost than the type of food you eat. Swapping a slice of bread for 5 cheese will not make you lose weight even if you are “respecting” your blood type.

Beware of very drastic changes in your diet, such as the complete elimination of animal proteins without proper compensation for quality plant proteins. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist before you start a diet that restricts the consumption of certain food groups.

For those who do not know and would like to Ultra fast keto boost know your blood type, simply perform a simple blood test or donate to the blood bank to get a card with your blood type.

Drink plenty of water as it will be critical to flush out toxins and aid in the process of weight loss and normalization of metabolism.

Eat every three hours to keep your metabolism going fast and to avoid overeating the next meal.

Those who are Type O and Type A (which are the most restrictive diets) should avoid following the blood diet for more than a week, as they may suffer from nutritional deficiencies and lack of energy (Type O diet eliminates carbohydrates). , which are the main source of energy for daily activities).

To avoid nutritional deficiencies, Dr. D'Adamo suggests supplementing vitamins and minerals during the diet for those who want to follow it for an extended period. If your goal with the blood diet to lose weight is fast weight loss, diet for a maximum of 10 days and talk to your nutritionist about possible nutrient replacement.

Accelerate weight loss with physical activity three to four times a week, seeking to respect the most appropriate activities for your blood type.

We have already seen that the blood diet is unscientific, and for this reason medical follow-up is recommended before radical dietary changes are adopted.

Dukan Diet - 9 Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

The Dukan diet has become well known in recent years. Many people have adhered to this diet because they believe it to be the most effective solution for weight loss as it is guided by many nutritionists. It is a diet developed by a French doctor, Pierre Dukan, that takes into account a protein-rich diet that prevents carbohydrates.

Protein helps build muscle, which increases metabolic rate and aids in burning fat mass. In the Dukan diet the foods on the menu are assembled based on one's tastes. The diet is divided into four phases called: attack phase, cruise phaseconsolidation phase and stabilization, which should be guided by a professional in the area.

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