Water resource is an essential feature or rather playing a great role in mankind. It is known as a basic need for any living being. Scientists are almost certain that at a minimum, life requires a liquid of some sort to survive. In our world that is the water. But even though our planet is covered with 71% of surface with water only 1.7% is in drinking standard.
In the United Nation's Millennium development Goals, especially the goal number 7 is related the access to the safe drinking water under environmental sustainability. It is stated that the "Safe water saves lives". The meaning of safe water is that that it must be unpolluted, free from toxic matters and excessive amount of mineral and organic matters. By provision of safe drinking water other MDG can also be gained as it will create economic opportunities, provide improved sanitation and this can reduce the water borne diseases and ensure the health of a community.
As these issues are emerged, the necessity of water supply scheme is emerged to the society. The objective of the water supply scheme is that provision of safe and wholesome water with acceptable quality, in adequate quantity as to cater the demand and accessible points to the people.
Sustainability of a water supply scheme covers a wide scope and is related to each and every element of the water supply scheme. Sustainability, thus can be defined as, The maintenance of an acceptable level of service throughout the design life of the water supply scheme as per definition by UNDP World Bank sustainability of this project is depends social aspect of the project, institutional aspect of the project and the technical aspect of the project.
In terms of social aspect it consider about the will of people to sustain the water supply system and supporting its survival. Any water supply scheme needs any return of the investment to survive it's in the future. Basically for maintenance cost, a revenue has to be made by means of billing of the water usage. So community play a driving force of the water supply scheme and their contribution is an essence for the sustainability of the project. So without any unreasonable charges, water needs to be distributed while gaining their trust on the reliability of the water supply scheme.
In terms of technical aspects, it refers to the sustainability problems in relation of technical in nature. For instance if the design period of the scheme is under estimated, the scheme will have to be replaced or augmented before the components have ended their practical life period, as the capacity will be not sufficient. If it is over estimated the capacities of the facilities will not be utilized fully before the end of the practical life of the scheme, thus waste of resources and money. Or else if poor construction practices will also lead to issue related to technical aspects. So this will hinder the system survival.
The implemented sustainable aspects of the project are as follows. The using of cascade system for the aeration process is worked under the gravity and no power is required for this process. This is a sustainable aspect to the project which is to be implemented. Also the distribution pipe are laid along the drainage of the road and less soil is excavated leading to less soil erosion. The service reservoir tower is painted with light color so that the thermal gain to the tank would be less.
In terms of institutional aspects it concern about the funding of the project and the operational aspect of the scheme. Any outside party like government or foreign party needs to be invovled in the project to offset the cost of capital at the beginning of the project. So that the project can be initiated with the funding. As the income of the scheme is gained, the lending can be paid back and this will initially hinder the cash at the income of the scheme.
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