The Gay Marriage Threat
Black America can never make their claims come true because the claim of universal cultural equality is a false claim, thus the endless racial cold war between Black and white. Woman is not a race, no matter how hard white feminists, the only real ones, try to make it one. But woman-as-race does not face the problem of uneven cultural progress. It faces a much worse problem. Any time they choose Blacks can stop denying that our instincts evolved in a world where all wealth comes from nature and that succeeding in a world where most wealth comes from human labor requires counter instinctive cultural progress. This is simply a choice and they can make this choice any time they choose. That is what choice means. Women do not have a choice, they can never match the success of men. It is not a choice, it is not a possibility. Women have a vastly lower Variance on intelligence and all other talents and they can never match the accomplishments of men. Women hold up half the sky but they are not half the stars in the sky and never will be. The stars will always be those whose talent shines brightest and that will always be men. Whatever problems the firstness of Black America has are temporary, if Black America so chooses. No matter what women choose their problem is permanent because it is not a cultural problem but a genetic problem with no solution. Cultural progress is uneven, those who are currently behind can move ahead by choosing too. Genes cannot be changed. Women have less Variance on every shared characteristic. This is a permanent feature of the world, a stubborn fact which cannot change. The truth is that which has power over you even if you do not believe in it. Women have a lower Variance of intelligence. This has power over women even if they do not believe in it. This has the power of truth.
Variance is the mathematical measure of how much a group of numbers varies from each other, usually referred to as standard of deviation which is the square root of Variance. The male Variance in intelligence is twice that of women. This means male intelligence is twice as spread out as female intelligence. There are more very smart men than women, there are more very stupid men than women. The numbers for male intelligence are very spread out from high to low producing a very high Variance. Women are just averagey, they are clumped up together in the middle, while men are spread out very far from highest to lowest. It is mathematically certain that both the smartest and dumbest person in the world is a man. The math behind this is too boring to explain, but you can study the normal curve if you want, or more likely if you have to get a degree. But the most intelligent person in the world is always a man and the least intelligent is always a man. The math guarantees it. The average for both male and female intelligence are equal, but men have double the Variance. The math behind the normal curve guarantees that every year the smartest person in the world is a man. This cannot be avoided. The truth is that which has power over you even if not believed. Math has power over you. The Gaussian Normal Curve has power over you. The smartest human is always man. The math invented by Carl Gauss proves it. Carl, that’s a boy name.
The math works and it works even if you don’t believe in it. As you move away from the average you see more and more men and fewer and fewer women. The further you go the greater the proportion of men you see. At the extreme ends it will be almost all men. This math has power over you even if you do not believe it, or more likely, do not understand it. This greater Variance in intelligence is replicated across all shared characteristics. Men always go to the extremes and women are always averagey. The tallest person in the world is a man, the shortest person in the world is a man. The person with the biggest ears is a man, the person with the smallest ears is a man. The math doesn’t lie. Men have a greater Variance on every shared characteristic. Men go to extremes and women are averagey. This cannot be avoided, refusing to believe in this will not take its power over you away.
Men have a higher Variance than women on every single shared characteristic, this cannot be changed. The reason is obvious. Evolution plays it safe with women and rolls the dice with men. You have to take chances and mix up the genes to produce something new. If you never produce something new you will never produce something better. But every time you roll the dice you might lose, this is the risk you have to take. Roll the dice, sometimes it will come out better, sometimes worse. With men this works for evolution. Throw away the mistakes and keep the successes. Roll the dice with male genes and keep the winners and throw away the losers. Throwing away means they don’t breed, they don’t impregnate females. This does not reduce the birthrate as one male can impregnate many women. Roll the dice with men, keep the winners and throw away the losers. Keeping means letting the winning men breed and throwing away means not letting the losing men breed. Roll the dice with men, some will win and some will lose. As time goes by the improvements will add up and improve the genes, all evolution cares about.
There is no reason to roll the dice with women. Throwing away the losers means not letting them breed. If you throw away the losing women you reduce the birthrate, reduce the numbers. Evolution wants the most numbers possible. Throwing away losing women reduces the birthrate, evolution does not want that at all. Evolution wants the highest birthrate possible, evolution wants all women to breed. And so women are averagey. Few highs, few lows, play it safe with female genes. No dice rolling, no chances. Keep female genes safe, keep them averagey, so no women need to be thrown out and the birthrate can stay high. Evolution wants the highest birthrate possible. Evolution also wants the best genes possible and that means risk, that means throwing away the losers. Evolution solves this problem with the sexes. One sex is safe, one sex is averagey. Another sex is a roll of the dice and you throw away the losers. Evolution solves the problem by making the winning men able to impregnate many, many women. Evolution solves the problem by playing it safe with women, by making them averagey. This give evolution everything it wants, it gives a high birthrate and it gives genetic improvements from dice rolling. One sex safe, one sex risky, this gives evolution both things it wants. Evolution has power over you, it has power over you even if you don’t believe in this power because the is the nature of truth.
Women hold up half the sky but all of the stars in the sky are men. The stars of human history are the extreme examples, the extremely intelligent, the extremely talented in some way. These are all men. Women hold up half they sky but all of the stars are men. The stars the most talented individuals and the most talented individuals are always men because evolution rolls the dice with men and keeps the winners and throws away the losers. The winners impregnate many averagey women. The losers impregnate none. The winners become stars in the sky, the losers are forgotten. The history of great achievement is the history of men. Lists of great figures in history are lists of men. Evolution makes it so. Evolution rolls the dice with men, but women are averagey. There are no woman stars, women are averagey and this cannot change.
The feminists imitate the Black firstness of a story of greatness denied, doors closed, lights hidden. But women are averagey. Open every door and women are averagey. Let every light shine and women are averagey. This can never change. The feminists are trying to fight an endless cold war with men the way Blacks are trying to fight an endless cold war with whites. These cold wars are meant to continue until stubborn facts change and become what we want, until stubborn facts support the claims of Black History Strong and Womyn’s Herstory Strong. For women this means cold war until the claims collapse. The science is known, women have a lower Variance on intelligence. Women have a lower Variance on every talent that makes you a star in the sky. The science is done, women are averagey. Blame this on evolution, it is evolution that decides. Woman are averagey and so women hold up half the sky but all of the stars in the sky are men. The feminist movement is about woman-as-race and racial groupings exist to assign regard to the group. But this will fail, the science is in. The science says women are averagey, regard cannot be assigned. This problem cannot be fixed, woman-as-race is a failure. It is a logical failure as an attempt to create a race where none was. It is a practical failure in that woman-as-race cannot serve the purpose of racial instincts and have regard assigned to it. Because women are averagey. Because women are averagey. Because women are averagey. This cannot change, this is eternal. This has power over your life. Women are averagey.