My Second Case Study - For Flagging Downvoting ( Stop and Think!!! - Before Pressing that Downvote Button )

in uncool •  8 years ago 

Another Downvoting, so call mistaken for being SPAM by @smooth . Well, I said, Stop pressing that Downvote/ Flagging Button, you are hurting all users here in #steemit . No matter how you fix it, the reputation of another fellow user won't be the same. So, stop pressing that button. Trigger Happy Downvoters.

@dantheman @ned please check.

This is #uncool unfair , Happening too often.

This comes to my attention - as by @crok with his post seeking help; please see link

Post from @craigwilliamz (Victim of abuse Flagging ) see link

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I will be representing for Justice, Peace, Neutral Zone here in Steemit

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Maybe they should bring back the down vote button and put some requirements/consequences around the flag. If a person flags a post or comment as spam or improper and it is found to not be the case, the flagger is the one who takes the hit on their reputation instead. Just a thought.

That would be my preference. I do not like that the flag button is the only way to downvote and requires rep damage. For independent incidents and small problems it isn't necessary to give someone a bad rep for it, but the platform currently makes that impossible.

this little group of flaggots getting out of control.

Downvoting blogs or replies is #uncool.

#uncool is the Tag use by @bullionstackers

i have been tooling around steemit thinking that @smooth was a whale that helps minnows. emphasis on TOOLING. is @smooth a bot? with 0 followed and 9 blog posts i guess i hadn't looked. i, personally, try to use language that doesn't get me targeted by flag bots. failure to capitalize, lots of contractions, small mistakes, these seem to get me by. i have enough problems with my unpopular thoughts and opinions being hunted by ideologs, the scientifically limited and people with a lack of critical thinking skills. my english teachers would be appalled but the method helps me avert the madness. good luck. upvote, though i don't think i have enough power to help.

is @smooth a bot?

I'm not a bot. I'm also not particularly a blogger, though I may occasional write a post if I have something important to say. I'm active every day on and in comment threads.

I do have some of my own automation tools that I use for things like following, some limited automated voting, and notably mentions (not supported directly by the platform), which is how I saw your comment.

i am too sorry, no offense meant i am still trying to understand what's what around here. i have already been fooled by several bots. i guess i am getting suspicious somewhat unnecessarily. sorry again. thanks for everything you do here.

Not offended. Pleased to me you. Always good ask questions.

That little flaggot got his own jet airplane...

I believe so.