Pioneer Recipes: Cornmeal Gravy!!!...

in undefined •  7 years ago 


There's something to be said about being able to use just a few staple ingredients to create a filling, yet delicious, meal for your family. Cornmeal gravy is just such a dish...created, most likely, out of necessity as our pioneer ancestors often had many children and, therefore, many mouths to feed on very little money. Depression era recipes are very similar as well as recipes from the 1940's when staple foods were rationed during WWII.

This 'recipe', however, has never been written down by anyone in our family. It graced our breakfast table often as a child & when the enticing aroma of the cornmeal browning in a cast iron skillet wafted through the house & reached my bedroom on Saturday mornings I knew it was gonna' be a good day.

My mom says she never wrote it down & that it can be a little different each time. It was taught to her as a girl by her grandmother, Effie, who said she had learned it from her mother who never wrote it down either. They use terms like, "just a smid'jin", to describe the quantity of sugar to add.

(my great-grandmother Effie Barton)

Perhaps out of nostalgia...perhaps out of a romantic notion of 'simpler' times...
...perhaps because I have the munchies...or any combination thereof...
...for whatever reason...I've decided to share it with you,...fellow Steemians...

I have my mom teach it to you here:

It's a family heirloom for sure...& I hope that you will try it...experiment with the recipe a little & make it your own...
...maybe even hand it down to your own children...

...Thanks for sharing...& always be Blessed...

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Great description and awesome history in there! I can almost smell it now. And thanks a lot. Now I’m hungry 😜

This is exactly how @melodyrussell's moms spaghetti is!! Just a little of this and little of that!!

nice post! voted! thanks for sharing

check out my post -
...nice blog...& yes...we were just discussing portion control at dinner a couple of nights ago...
...some of the small town cafe`s are crazy with their over sized portions...I don't mind having some to take home for later though... 80)