Atlantis and lemuria where real arent you ?

its okay

all of this art is literally channeling of real places that exist.. earth is real art as well also!


its not fanasty all of this exists... unicorns are very real or whatever mythical beings you want to speak with you actually are more then powerful enough to manifest.!
but if u wish to give your power away which still is yours and filter it threw self doubt angry hatred or sadness or dispair or violence nothing wrong with that!


anywhere u see as one of these images you can bio locate to open a portal and walk there if u wish .. or use the natural stargates and portals on your world or create a device to do it for u but ur still the one doing it..
even if ur not physicaly pushing the buttons from ur perspective the 1 or one's who are are u and ur creating them to fucking do so they are you! this isnt about a controlling natartive at all! your imagination is fucking beautiful and amasing!

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