The Royal Jubilee Hospital cardiac ward is needlessly drugging patients with fentanyl and a powerful sedative called midazolam, prior to performing hazardous, non-consensual, undisclosed cardiac procedures.
By Canadian legal definition, this may constitute aggravated assault and battery with intent.
The Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) states: "A physician may be liable in assault and battery when no consent was given at all or when the treatment went beyond or deviated significantly from that for which the consent was given. Allegations of assault and battery might also be made if consent to treatment was obtained through serious or fraudulent misrepresentation in what was explained to the patient."
Unscrupulous British Columbia physicians have a financial motive to underhandedly perform and cover up non-consensual medical procedures...they are paid by the BC Government on a 'fee for service' basis. This is not the 'socialist' health care system often described by mainstream media.
In 2018, Dr. Paul Novak (DR. PAUL G. NOVAK INC.) invoiced the BC Government for $895,258.77, while Dr. Anthony Della Siega invoiced for $783,818.75.
How many of these 'services' were undisclosed and non-consensual.
Dr. Anthony Della Siega: Royal Jubilee Hospital head of interventional cardiology
On Feb 16th 2015, Dr. Anthony Della Siega invoiced the BC Government for an invasive, high risk cardiac procedure he denied performing, when his unsuspecting patient became critically short of breath at rest, incapacitated and nauseous shortly after it:
MSP billing records: Undisclosed Retrograde Left Heart Catheterization procedure (billing code 827):
Dr. Vyselaar, lead cardiologist of Lions Gate, confirmed that Island Health staff covered up the fact large catheters had been plunged through the young patient's severely lesioned aortic valve during an undisclosed Retrograde Left Heart Catheterization, inevitably resulting in catastrophic aortic valve/circulatory injuries:
LV Angiogram (Retrograde Left Heart Catheterization, Left ventriculogram):
Instead, Dr. Vyselaar confirmed that Dr. Siega and his cohort Dr. Paul Novak surreptitiously claimed the dying patient was breathless and incapacitated because of a 'nervous breakdown' (even though the patient had no history of mental illness).
Dr. Siega stated to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC: "(patient) describes breathlessness immediately following the angiogram. He felt the aortic valve had been severely ruptured and that he required emergency surgery.
To perform coronary angiography does not require crossing of the aortic valve...there were concerns by the nursing and medical staff of anxiety as potentially a cause of the symptoms"
On April 12th 2018, Dr. Vyselaar confirmed that the formerly complication free patient entered the operative theater 4 days later, with catastrophic circulatory failure injuries, and was thus expected to die during surgery (in spite of having a surgical risk quote of less than 1% prior).
Dr. Vyselaar discovered an undisclosed Retrograde Left Heart Catheterization procedure, after finding disturbing clinical findings omitted from Island Health medical notes.
Dr. Vyselaar also confirmed that medical staff were surreptitiously tracking the patient's spiraling, unrevealed injuries for 4 days after the undisclosed cardiac procedure, via hidden clinical findings, and physical examinations (where the physical changes were audible by stethoscope).
Island Health staff contemptuously offered the dying patient a cough drop, and scribbled 'stay calm' on a wall in the dying patient's hospital room, as he gasped for air, repeatedly appealing for medical intervention.
Feb 16th 2015: Nursing notes: "Patient (pt) states he feels unable to get a full, satisfying breath"
"Gave pt (patient) cough drop":
Feb 17th 2015: Dr. Vyselaar confirmed that Island Health staff omitted the following chest x-ray from their medical notes, which indicated that the patient was drowning internally with acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema from aortic valve rupture:
Feb 17th 2015 Cardiac nursing staff (Kristina Hoffman, Lindsay Gilbertson, Shannon Wilson, Genevieve Jarvis, April Nonesa, Rhonda Porter et al.) continue to callously track the patient's spiraling circulatory failure injuries, while surreptitiously misrepresenting his breathlessness, incapacitation and nausea as 'psychiatric':
Feb 18th 2015: Nursing staff contemptuously ridicule the dying patient, while continuing to hide clinical diagnoses:
Feb 18th 2015: Dr. Paul Novak and Dr. Amir Tashakkor's medical notes state: "Stable for now, shortness of breath (SOB) associated with stress, not heart failure (HF), deal with anxiety, likely don't need Lasix"
Dr. Vyselaar confirmed that surgery wasn't performed until 4 days after the catastrophic, undisclosed cardiac procedure, after medical staff forced the dying patient to undergo a 15 minute 'psych consult' with Dr. Chris Blashko, to 'discuss his mood state', and 'relationships with women'.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC registrar Dr. John Galt Wilson admitted that this undisclosed cardiac procedure was the only probable way to critically injure the patient, given his severely lesioned aortic valve. However, Dr. JG Wilson also covered up medical billing records, and Dr. Vyselaar's incriminating findings, and libelously suggested the patient was suffering from 'psychiatric disease'.
Dr. J Galt Wilson: CPSBC Registrar:
Adrian Dix: BC Minister of Health:
The ensuing cover up was systemic, involving multiple groups affiliated with the office of the BC Health Minister, Adrian Dix, all of whom also covered up Dr. Siega's MSP medical billing records, and Dr. Vyselaar's incriminating findings, including:
Island Health
The Health Professions Review Board
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
The College of the Registered Nurses of BC
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
The BC Nurses Union
Patient Care Quality Review Board
Lorianna Bennett HPRB/Kamloops Law - Paul & Company
With respect to political interference, Adrian Dix was previously dismissed as NDP Chief of Staff, after admitting to tampering with a memo which implicated former premier Glen Clark on conflict of interest charges.
Dix stated, "It was wrong, it was wrong. I'm out there and I've admitted it and people will judge. But I'm not trying to hide my mistake."
However, Adrian Dix defended the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, stating “I’m not going to second-guess the college”.
Accordingly, Lorianna Bennett from the BC Health Professions Review Board claimed that the patient's complaint was 'vexatious', necessitating a petition and affidavit to be filed with the Supreme Court of Canada.
In addition, Tina Doehnel, and Nanci Bond from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) enabled Dr. Siega and Novak to omit the undisclosed procedure from the patient's medical chart. They also prevented the patient from receiving the cardiac surgeon Dr. Michael Perchinsky's surgical medical note, which stated that the patient was expected to die during surgery (despite having no complications and a normal operative risk quote of less than 1% before the undisclosed cardiac procedure).
Lucy Greer from the College of Registered Nurses of BC (CRNBC), and the BC Nursing Union, both covered up the undisclosed procedure described by Dr. Vyselaar.
In 2018, Eric Ooms from the Victoria Police Department threatened to arrest the patient, after he reported Dr. Vyselaar's disturbing findings during a taped phone call. Ooms also ambiguously suggested the patient might die if he pursued further action against the subject physicians.
In March 2019, Dr. Siega was forced to admit he performed at least one undisclosed procedure, after the commencement of an ongoing BC Government medical billing integrity investigation, and review of Dr. Vyselaar's incriminating findings (which the CPSBC and others had attempted to cover up).
How many other unsuspecting patients were harmed or killed with impunity by physicians, who openly abuse the BC Ministry of Health's 'fee for service' payment model?
Dr. David Harrison from Saanich Medical Center, and Nickolas Cherwinski from Island Health said that this wasn't an isolated incident, that Dr. Novak 'had done this before'...
Full video:
April 12th 2018 cardiology consult with Dr. John Vyselaar:
Patient: I'm going to get you to take a look at this period from Feb 16th to Feb 20th, what I will add, is that shortly after the (undisclosed retrograde left heart) cardiac cath, I had severe shortness of breath at rest, ...breathing in, nothing happening, which was reported to medical staff.
The next day, on the 17th, acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema was wasn't actually disclosed at the time.
Feb 17th 2015 undisclosed chest x-ray, indicating the patient is drowning internally from aortic valve injury after the undisclosed cardiac procedure:
Patient: One thing they did in advance of cardiac cath, they arranged the daily BUN to CR blood tests, ok, and I'll let you guess what complications were extant going into surgery on the 20th...
Dr. Vyselaar: They did surgery on the 20th? (expresses incredulity)
Well, your urea really climbs, you had worsening renal function, although your creatinine climbs to a lesser extent, so I don't know why you go into cardiogenic edema after the cath, did they do a (undisclosed) left ventriculogram when they did that?
Daily urea lab readings reviewed by Dr. Vyselaar:
Did they report on your cath report, did they report a pressure gradient? Can I see your cath report one more time? (searches through angiogram report)
Feb 16th 2015 angiogram report pressure gradient discovered by Dr. Vyselaar (and omitted from Siega's medical notes), proving that additional, undisclosed cardiac procedures were performed by Drs. Siega and Bilal Iqbal:
What I was looking for was this, so they actually did instrument your left ventricle, so they would have had to have go through the aortic valve, so that would be the mechanism where your aortic valve could have been injured, for sure.
Patient: If my aortic valve was ruptured, my lungs would fill with fluid quite rapidly?
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea it would, yep.
Patient: And then that would trigger spikes in bun to cr?
Dr. Vyselaar: That would fit.
Patient: I’ve been to that place, where not many people have been. And I was there for 4 days.
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea…that’s terrible.
Patient: And let me tell you…it’s unbelievable. This wasn’t a subtle thing obviously. I went from bouncing around like I am now
Dr. Vyselaar: You were well before you said
Patient: to incapacitated, not able to move. And he was watching it happen for 4 days.
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea…that’s terrible what you went through, that’s terrible, that’s brutal.
You get worse after inserting an instrument into your Left Ventricle…they would have had to go through the aortic valve (during undisclosed cardiac procedures).
Damage to the aortic valve, and acute worsening…If anybody was going to have that problem, it would be you. You had a pre-existing aortic valve with a flail leaflet (severe aortic valve lesions). The BNP pre-(undisclosed) procedure is extremely high, that's something you see with plenty of valve lesions, it sort of puts you at high risk for developing heart failure, which we (they) kind of I guess knew, but...
Patient: They should have warned me of the risk ahead of time, they had a responsibility to?
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea, or at least said we were going to do this, or we want to do this.
Looking at the numbers (daily lab readings), you’d tell me your blood pressure was low, you’re in (cardiogenic) shock, it would fit with the aortic valve being damaged at the time of the catheter.
I don’t know how you can say it wasn’t acute aortic valve regurgitation (valve rupture from the undisclosed procedure)
They had an x-ray, but if they hadn’t, they would have heard it listening to your lungs. (pulmonary congestion and ascites from aortic valve rupture immediately after the undisclosed procedure)
They should have just told you that you were getting worse and discussed why they thought that might be…they should have told you and said, we need to do surgery now for this reason.
Patient: They actually misrepresented it?
Dr. Vyselaar: As psychiatric, and not putting something in their note, and they should discuss with you as well.
Patient: They claimed it was psychiatric by withholding the diagnosis that they were surreptitiously tracking, so it was pretty sneaky?
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea, that’s terrible.
Complications happen but you have to be transparent.
The far better thing to do, I’m sorry this has happened. It is getting worse from the (undisclosed) angiogram, and we need surgery now, and the disclosure would have saved everyone a lot of trouble
Patient: I reported the shortness of breath at rest shortly after the (undisclosed Retrograde Left Heart) catheterization
The 17th (of February 2017), there was the initial (undisclosed) diagnosis of...
Dr. Vyselaar: Pulmonary edema. Congestive heart failure's what's there, yea.
Patient: Interstitial markings have increased since previous of two days before, since (hospital) admission
Dr. Vyselaar: Yep, yea.
Patient: And, February the 18th (2015), he (Dr. Novak and Dr. Tashakkor) writes, 'stable for now, shortness of breath associated with stress, not HF (heart failure)"...
this is while he is tracking, surreptitiously tracking the (daily, spiraling) lab (readings, two days after the undisclosed cardiac procedures).
Dr. Vyselaar: So that's where we get into problems. This is where we kind of get problems when they say it's anxiety.
Patient: This is where it gets funky?
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea...if I had somebody post (undisclosed) angiogram whose blood pressure was going down, I would not usually think of 'psychiatric disorders'?
You have a sudden increase in the amount of regurgitant blood in the left ventricle (from aortic valve injury from the undisclosed catheterization).
Your ventricle can't comply with that and you get sick (critically hypotensive/cardiogenic shock).
You had edema?
Patient: Abdominal edema. I was basically sitting over a toilet vomiting repeatedly.
Dr. Vyselaar: And you didn't have that before the (undisclosed) angiogram?
Patient: I didn't have any issues
Dr. Vyselaar: Again, puking, that's not psychiatric
You had the findings. The key for me is that you had the development of interstitital edema on your (undisclosed Feb 17th) chest-xray
Patient: Well, he's (Dr. Paul Novak's) claimed there were no complications resulting from the (undisclosed) cardiac cath, but he was tracking the complications?
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea, the blood work that you show, that's hard to explain otherwise
Patient: He was tracking it through the BUN to cr tests he arranged in advance (of the undisclosed cardiac procedures)?
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea...he would know (that the shortness of breath at rest was not psychiatric). I mean, anxiety and stress doesn't do that to your BUN. You were volume overloaded, acute renal failure and not responding to diuretics.
Patient: One of my friends is a specialist medical doctor...she said that the physical changes (increasing edema) are audible by stethoscope?
Dr. Vyslaar: Yea...yea...the changes of the fluid on the lungs and the other changes...that's hard to explain away. Well, they should have had another explanation other than 'anxiety', they should have just come and told you basically (sardonic laughter).
Patient: Well they knew?
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea
Patient: He was making money off invoicing the BC Ministry of Health for 'psychiatric services'?
Dr. Vyselaar: Right
Patient: Because had he arranged immediate surgery on the 16th (February) when I went into shortness of breath at rest (after the undisclosed cardiac procedures), he wouldn't have been able to invoice?
Dr. Vyselaar: Right
Patient: The staff, as you can see, were actually surreptitiously tracking this for 4 days (after the undisclosed cardiac procedures), and nothing was said, except 'everything's fine'...
And then it was only on further examination of my medical records, that someone notified me that I had been diagnosed with 'anxiety' in hospital (4 days after the undisclosed cardiac procedures)
Dr. Vyselaar: mmm hmm
Patient: I actually meditate, and one of the things he claimed were 'objective observations' (following the undisclosed cardiac procedures)...he criticized me because he's sitting in the bathroom by himself.
And basically at that time, I was fighting off death, closing my eyes in a quiet space, because I knew I was about to die...I mean, it was clear to me.
Dr. Vyselaar: Mmm hmm
Patient: And so I'm actually getting criticized, as if this this is a 'psychiatric'
Dr. Vyselaar: Because it's your way of coping...yea, that's terrible.
Patient: This psychiatrist came in and asked me about my relationships with women, and asked me to describe my mood state and these kinds of things (3 days after the catastrophic, undisclosed cardiac procedures, while the patient was incapacitated).
Dr. Vyselaar: That's kind of odd (sardonic laughter).
Patient: This is Auschwitz territory (with respect to cruelty)
Dr. Vyselaar: You were that sick, yea.
Patient: You can probably see from the lab results, physiologically what I was going through?
Dr. Vyselaar: mmm hmmm
Patient: We're talking about a level of suffering that is unimaginable...and he was watching it happen for 4 days (after the undisclosed cardiac procedures)
Dr. Vyselaar: You're justified to have concerns for sure...I mean, I was wondering what the hell happened.
Did you ask him (Dr. Novak), was this a complication by cath? Like he said no, or what did he say?
Patient: I have his (College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC) formal complaint response letter...he claimed that there were severe complications in advance of the (undisclosed) cardiac catheterization...
Dr. Vyselaar: hmm...
Patient: But as you can see from the cardiac cath report, there were no congestive heart failure complications (in advance)?
Dr. Vyselaar: Right
Patient: and there was certainly no cardiogenic shock based on the readings
Dr. Vyselaar: At the time
Patient: He said the valve was not ruptured, and that your condition 'stabilized' after the (undisclosed) cath, and that the symptoms you were reporting were 'psychiatric' in nature (shortness of breath at rest, incapacitation, nausea etc).
Dr. Vyselaar: Huh...(expresses incredulity)...that doesn't explain your blood tests...yea...that's kind of funny...that's bizarre.
Patient: So...the aftermath obviously...I entered surgery on the 20th (February, 4 days after undisclosed cardiac procedures) in complete cardiogenic
Dr. Vyselaar: Shock
Patient: (reads from medical chart) "Patient had significant renal, respiratory and hepatic dysfunction going into surgery
Dr. Vyselaar: mmm hmmm
Patient: The ejection fraction dropped to 15%
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea
Patient: I bet that was generous too
Dr. Vyselaar: Mmm hmmm. This is an anesthetic record, so they probably had a TEE, so something to put down your throat
Patient: They did
Dr. Vyselaar: So your heart function was that during the OR (operating room).
Patient: The cardiac surgeon (Dr. Michael Perchinsky) stated that I wasn't expected to survive surgery, based on these (findings), despite being given a normal operative risk previously (before the undisclosed cardiac procedures).
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea, your risks should have been really low
Patient: It was less than 1%
Dr. Vyselaar: That would have been my guess, yea
Patient: It was less than 1%, that's what I was provided
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea, it was quite a bit higher by the time you went to surgery. I can look up what your operative risk score was.
It would have been higher with the renal impairment, and the CHF, and everything else
I'd be willing to come up with something for you, for sure.
So you want something that would support what you think happened?
Patient: Not what I think happened...the medical facts.
Dr. Vyselaar: Ok
Patient: There were no congestive heart failure complications prior to (undisclosed) cardiac catheterization
Dr. Vyselaar: Right
Patient: There were severe (undisclosed) cardiac cath complications, repiratory, renal and hepatic, that were withheld
Dr. Vyselaar: Sure
Patient: and misrepresented at the 'product of psychiatric disease'...
Dr. Vyselaar: Right, ok.
Patient: Thus preventing me from receiving emergency surgery for 4 days (after the undisclosed cardiac procedures).
Dr. Vyselaar: Ah yea.
Patient: I've actually had this verified by a medical doctor (Dr. David Harrison from Saanich Medical center).
He's a scientific guy, and he clued in that my heart walls were hypertrophied (thick and muscular) in advance of (undisclosed) cardiac cath
And when I went into surgery 4 days later, my left ventricular heart walls were paper thin and floppy
Dr. Vyselaar: Mmm hmmm
Patient: So...something to the effect of, confirmation of the severe volume overload (from acute aortic valve injury from the undisclosed cardiac procedures).
Dr. Vyselaar: Sure
Patient: My lungs were filling with fluid. It was triggering spikes in all these systemic cardiac markers, like BUN to CR, ALT
Dr. Vyselaar: Right, yes.
Patient: My ALT going into surgery was 1000+ (20x a high normal ALT reading, due to critically low blood pressure).
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea
Patient: This was extant, from what I've been told, going into surgery, and it didn't happen after surgery, because it (ALT) dropped rapidly
Dr. Vyselaar: Once the valve was corrected, yea
Patient: It (acute circulatory failure) didn't happen during the surgery
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea
Patient: The only way that I pieced together what had happened, because no one explained anything to my family or me.
The only way that I pieced it together was by discussing this with my family doctor (Dr. David Harrison from Saanich Medical center).
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea
Patient: With my personal code of ethics, there's no way that I want anyone else to go through that
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea, for sure
Patient: Because not many people would have survived it
Dr. Vyselaar: Yea, yea
Patient: Because I'm physically doctor (Dr. David Harrison) said that most people would have been taken out within several hours
Dr. Vyselaar: Yep, you can, you can.
// end of consult transcript
Physicians involved:
Dr. Paul Novak:
Dr. Amir Tashakkor:
Dr. Chris Blashko:
Dr. Manjeet Mann:
Dr. David Harrison:
Dr. Michael Perchinsky:
Dr. Elizabeth Swiggum:
Dr. Safia Chatur:
Dr. Lynn Fedoruk:
Dr. Paul Novak ratemds:
Dr. Michael Perchinsky
Dr. David Massel
Dr. Indeep Sekhon
Dr. Anthony Della Siega
Dr. Richard Little
Dr. Michael Joseph Kinahan
Lorianna Bennett HPRB
Ruby Sihota HPRB
Tina Doehnel and Nanci Bond Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC)
Dr. Chris Blashko
Dr. Amir Tashakkor
Dr. Bilal Iqbal
Lucy Greer College of Registered Nurses of BC (CRNBC)
Dr. J. Galt Wilson CPSBC
Dr. David Harrison
Dr. Randall Sochowski
Dr. Elizabeth Swiggum
Dr. David Massel
Dr. Safia Chatur
Nickolas Cherwinski Island Health
Dr. Manjeet Mann
Dr. Lynn Fedoruk