A Disturbance in the Force

in ungrip •  6 years ago 

I woke up yesterday feeling like crap, which was so out of character for me.  What in the hell is going on?  Then I woke up at 3am last night to find out that the US, France and UK were bombing Syria.  Now my feelings are making more sense.  

Trudeau supports U.S.-led military action after Syrian chemical attack

I spent the day yesterday processing and moving energy through my body as there is no way I would permit that evil energy to sit for any length of time within me.  I smudged and spent a good part of the day in the bush so that I could ground myself and reflect on what is going on.  

As with the war that started here on Steemit two months ago, people look to the physical realm to witness the potential start of a war as well.  I'm taking the same approach with the thugs and bullies who command military hardware as I do with those who click the mouse on a computer screen.  

Sword pointed down represents peace.  The cross; Christ-level consciousness.  The flames represent the presence of Creator. Flames are seen as a purifier, testing the 'metal' of faith and works, symbolizing the purification of past deeds.

Except these steps I took years ago.  I refuse to participate, support or condone violent behaviours.  For over a decade I have taken the position that by voting, paying taxes, receiving benefits, privileges, etc are all covert violent ways of me engaging in war against other people.  My whole blog rests on this basic premise, yet people seem surprised by my stance when I confront them on their own behaviour.  

I refuse to put my energy into violent behaviors, whether directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly.  But this whole position goes deeper.  These issues are spiritual in nature, not just fictional or physical.  There are huge spiritual consequences to these wars that are going on and I'm not convinced that people have contemplated that depths of those consequences.

I refuse to let the thugs get me down.  I will do everything in my power to continue working on Spiritual growth for myself and others.  Their goal is to instill fear, anxiety, doubt and all kinds of other emotions to prevent the spiritual awakening that is taking place on this planet.  They will not succeed.  Their own fear of failure is bringing them to desperate measures and they are getting louder and more violent.  

These bullies are working hard to bring about end time prophecies and we can stop it all by continuing on our efforts for peace, freedom, love, compassion, prosperity and empathy.  Not only will I not participate with their wars financially or politically, but I also refuse to participate spiritually and energetically.  

I care not about the judgements against me by those who chose violence over peace.  I care not about the rebukes I receive as I'm accused of being ignorant, passive and weak.  I care not about the violence sent my way as people reject my friendship because I don't follow them into war.  I don't give a shit what other people think of me.  

I care about and love you, Creator and Mother Earth.  I care about the prosperity of all life on this planet and I know through my own experiences that walking this path can and does make a difference.  I rebuke any and all of those who engage in violence, support it through their own participation & funding and empower it through the delegation of steem, authority and / or power via voting OR by remaining silent.  

Silence is acquiescence.  Silence means you agree with what is going on and I rebuke those who take this stance.  

I have rebuked the feudal systems for many years.  Spent countless hours working to bring awareness of our relationships with the fictional constructs that the psychopaths use to engage in war, rape, greed and pillage.  Whether that be through feudal structures we call governments or the dead bodies (corporations) they wear so that there is always somebody to blame and deflect responsibility, they are all used as masks to hide behind.  

Cowards are the ones who engage in violence.  Cowards are the ones who lack the courage to confront themselves and learn what it takes to hold the energy and space of a healthy and powerful relationship with themselves and Creator.  Cowards rape and molest little children, use the coercive power of the state to protect themselves from the consequences of being a bully or bomb the shit out of people with the push of a button.  

Just as here on Steemit, the outside war will have a significant impact on the morale of people all over the world.  We must not let them distract us from our objectives.  I will continue to write and walk the path despite their efforts.  I've allowed their negative energy to flow past and I now confront and rebuke them all for the cowardice and violence they continue to engage in.  

Their righteousness is a fraud as violence can never be used as a foundation for doing the right thing or for standing on a solid moral and ethical foundation.  The truest courage and most humble righteousness I've seen is when people take a peaceful, non-violent approach and still beat the thugs who engage in war and violence.  

I call upon all beautiful spiritual beings to chose the path of peace and freedom.  Make a deceleration of peace and non-violence.  Dedicate your life towards bring prosperity to this planet and take back the power and authority we so generously gave away and learn how to self-govern instead.  Work towards finding that balance and centered approach to life with the level of consciousness that Christ was trying so hard to show us.  That Christ level consciousness is what I work hard to do every single day.  It is not an easy path.  I make mistakes.  But when we get it, wonderful things start to happen.  

I will change the world.  So can you!  Be the change!

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Your message is a great reminder that we have the power to change ourselves and the world as a result. Your message reminds us that we can look past the fear and disgust that we feel and remember love, honor and courage. Thank you @wwf for this reminder and your strong message. Thank you for remembering your own vow to yourself despite the emotions that can boil up and try to sway you from your path. Your message and your actions are honorable. You inspire me to stay true to my own honor and courage despite the challenges.

Just as here on Steemit, the outside war will have a significant impact on the morale of people all over the world. We must not let them distract us from our objectives. I will continue to write and walk the path despite their efforts.

Thank you for these great words.
The only thing constant is change. Now is the time.

I just read @wwf's post write now. Already knowing on what parts I wanted to comment I decided to take a look at before what other people's comments were. Seeing what you wrote, That is the exact part I was thinking of the most.
Everything that is chaos is a distraction of the big picture. And what is the big picture? That agenda they have. (right?)
Watching the news... I haven't done that in, how long? I seen Trump, justifying himself, and the way he cocked his head side to side. It was like he was taunting everyone, and with a 'I will do whatever I want attitude', just everything bad. I cannot come to watch any more of it. It already makes me have that ugly feeling inside.
I am not fit for the news...

I’ve been so sad these last 3 days. For no reason, this all makes so much sense. The turmoil and the grief must be on one heavy wavelength because I cant shake this fear I have, way down at the bottom of my heart.

I found it important to get that energy moving through and I did it by spending time with Mother Earth and focusing on my work to bring peace and prosperity to the planet. Have you taken any time to work that energy through since it first started? If not, I encourage you to reconnect with Mother Earth and spend some time with her. She can help.

I will take your advice and make time to be in nature. It’s a great piece of advice. I often look to the trees for answers.

I had been feeling down and punk for the past week. Not knowing what was happening in the world as I don't like to listen to "news". My son called me to tell about what was happening in Syria. Now I know why and took time to try and heal today. I pray that the Creator will show these leaders a better way.

My friend, we are the new leaders. Those guys are consumed and corrupted by power and greed. We will be the ones that change the world. They are not capable of doing the spiritual work that we are. We can do this.

If the thugs of the world think that they can control the human psyche through coercive force and oppression then they are absolutely wrong.

I refuse to let the thugs get me down. I will do everything in my power to continue working on Spiritual growth for myself and others. Their goal is to instill fear, anxiety, doubt and all kinds of other emotions to prevent the spiritual awakening that is taking place on this planet. They will not succeed. Their own fear of failure is bringing them to desperate measures and they are getting louder and more violent.

Spiritual means belong to the Creator and there is nobody who can compete the will of the GOD,ultimately this world would see the spiritual awakening and everything shall come to it's origin. These thugs are crushing the innocent humans just for the sake of control and power but they will be defeated soon.

I will support you in this cause until my last breath @wwf <3

Hold the space of righteousness, peace, love, compassion, non-violence and empathy my friend. Side by side we stand against those who fail to grasp the spiritual consequences of their actions.