Bypassing the limitations of the vessel to communicate Spirit to Spirit

in ungrip •  7 years ago  (edited)

In Chapter 10 of my book Graduating Life with Honours, I highlight the idea that we are a spiritual being having a physical experience through our physical vessel.  The challenge with this experience is that our physical vessel has instincts that struggle against the outcomes that we are working towards as spiritual beings.  

It is important that we see and recognize that everything here on this planet is made up of divine, sacred, spiritual beings in order to prepare us for this next step, as it is a tricky one.  

I want to use an analogy that most of us are familiar with from our own childhood.  When I was a kid, we used to play 'Freeze Tag'.  One individual was 'it' and when he / she touched another, our play partner would then be 'frozen' and only unfrozen team members could 'unfreeze' them.  We held out our arms and the others could unfreeze us by running under our arms.  Other forms of the game just used a tag to unfreeze somebody.  If the individual who was 'it' managed to freeze everyone, he / she won the game.  

When we engage in violence, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, we end up spiritually 'freezing' ourselves and the other individual.  The results of that 'freeze' stops our spiritual growth as an individual and we stagnate or even start falling backwards as our vibration deteriorates with prolonged freezing.

That is why it is so critical that we resist the temptation to lash out and engage in violence and hatred against others, no matter how justified or righteous it may seem.  Some people manage to resist the temptation, do the work and 'unfreeze' themselves.  The good news is that there are people out there working at 'unfreezing' others, even if we have to keep doing it because they constantly end up frozen again.

Black represents a frozen individual and his / her relationships with others

To 'unfreeze' people, it is important that we look past the actions and behaviours of their vessel and really SEE the sacred and divine spirit behind that hunk of flesh.  This is really tough, especially for the more violent and abusive ones.  It is easier to do this with those that we love.  By pure and loving acknowledgment of the sacred and divine spirit, without judgement or bias towards their vessel, we unfreeze their spirit and ours.  We thaw the spiritual relationship link between the two and see the true essence of who they really are.  If we can manage to unfreeze another, we unfreeze them, ourselves and thaw the relationship between the two.

Green represents unfrozen spiritual beings and their thawing relationship

If we can remain unfrozen until we reach a specific threshold, then we have reached an important milestone of our spiritual growth.  To reach that threshold requires that we heal ourselves and ensure that we don't engage in violence against our self or others.  By acknowledging the spirit within others we start a cascade effect through the matrix that binds us all together which makes us immune to being spiritually frozen.

It is important that we recognize that this is Spirit Centric healing of our self and our relationships.  We may or may not notice an impact within the physical vessels or how it functions or behaves for some time.  What we are doing to healing our spiritual relationships so that we and the other individual can continue the work to heal and grow.  I really do believe that this is where miracles start to unfold.  

To accomplish this, it is critical that we declare peace, be peaceful and forgive those who trespass against us.  The dark forces want war to prevent this spiritual cascade from impacting the web of life on this planet.  We must resist and not participate in the wars, no matter their form.  How many times are we supposed to forgive those who engage in war against us?  

 I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. - Matthew 18:22

This is where I struggle right now and what I will be working on over the next while.  I have faith that when I accomplish this level of healing within my relationships, the remaining struggles I have with violent trespassers will disappear.  How do we be peaceful when others continue to engage in war against us?  I struggled with this question because I find that I am not able to communicate with those who are stuck in the fictional realm or even the physical realm.  How can I communicate with them when they cannot comprehend what I am talking about?  

I needed a way to bypass their physical vessel as it seemed to be a barrier to communication.  There is also a barrier as I refuse to use force to influence their free will, an option many people seem to embrace which results in spiritual freezing.  So I started asking questions about spirit to spirit communication.  A dear friend of mine, Lorene Lund McRobb and my wife helped me work through this challenge.  I will bypass the limitations of the vessel and do this next level of work spirit to spirit.  Then we can unfreeze our brothers and sisters so that they can continue with their free will choices to heal themselves.  Yes, I firmly believe that is what we are here to do - heal relationships!  

I've worked hard to look past the vessel, its own bias, discrimination, violence and abusive behaviours.  To see past all that and peer into the eyes of the spiritual being is an amazing experience.  I do that now with the plants, animals, water and Mother Earth.  My relationship deepens with every passing day.  But to do that with people who are at war are ignorant and refuse to learn, that is a major challenge.  

When their Spirit is unfrozen, it will become easier to then communicate and help each other heal our vessels so that we can then bring peace and prosperity to Mother Earth.  I pray that this will bring down barriers and reverse the insanity that I've been witnessing in the world today.  The fictional and physical constructs, being manifested from spirit won't stand a chance against this level of healing.  

Time to create a ceremony and get to work, spiritual work!  

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Very interesting post. I like how you used the analogy of freeze tag. It is so true is many ways. I would add that often we let others freeze us especially if one does violence to ourselves. And if we don't forgive ourself of that self violence believing we are not worthy of forgiveness, a healer will not be able to permanently unfreeze our spirit.

I do believe that we are at a crossroads, though. We have many more in today's world who truly understand the spirit, no matter the discipline. We healers have a big job a head of ourselves in healing, even within ourselves.

I agree and I am grateful you brought up those points. Our own self-abuse is, at times, worse than what others do to us. Self forgiveness is a core component to self love, self acceptance and self governance. Very well stated.

This is how I see it too - we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The challenge (even break-through) of life is to realise and live this whilst still in the physical vehicle, and against all the obvious-looking indicators :D

I find that I am not able to communicate with those who are stuck in the fictional realm or even the physical realm.

The entity / the inner strawman/ the fake-self - which is composed of the personification of fear, conditioning, trauma etc, and which convinces the self that it exists and that it is the real self - is what I find difficult to communicate with directly and clearly. Trying too hard to will often upset my own inner balance - ie will bring forth the entity inside me!

It is always possible however, but rarely easy, to retain one's balance, and to communicate directly with - speak directly to - the spirit presence behind the entity. Refusing to engage with the entity's games and retaining an intense focus on communication with the spirit behind the mask, such that it is encouraged to express itself without pressure. At times it is even useful to point out the presence and behaviour of the entity, but this may not always serve. Quagmire indeed!

The power of healing intention and energy, such that spirit of recipient can decide whether to accept or not (no breaking of freewill), is as powerful as it is unseen! I am with you entirely on this.

The metaphor of 'freezing/unfreezing' the spirit is so very apt. This is a very timely post for me @wwf. I have this issue before me atm!

Thank you, as always.

Thank you for another excellent post.

I always learn something when reading your words. Keep posting this message...I can attest that your words do have an impact and you are creating an uplifting change simply through what you do on here.

While it might not seem like it, it is happening. I, for one, am an example of that. There is much which you write that I ponder.

Also, I am now seeing the violence you discuss much clearer than I did before. Certainly it is easy to see what is on TV or in the movies but the violence of government, elected officials, voting, personal attacks, anger, coercion, etc...

Thank you for all you do on here.

You have no idea how important it is for me to hear your words my friend. Thank you for letting me know how much of an impact my outlook has on you and others. I will keep writing. No doubts about that!

Yes, the violence is starting to be exposed which makes it easier to see, but not so easy to accept. As it is exposed, we will be confronted with the consequences. The violence has been overt but also covert for far too long. Now that a lot of it is exposed, we must confront ourselves on our participation with it all. Like you hinted at, even putting a pencil mark in a square box during an election is a violent act. I wrote a post about that 5 months ago.

I hope this helps you to make a difference without resorting to violence, whether it is physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual. Spiritual violence? Ahhhhh, yes. A topic for another day. <3 Hint: I talked about it in my book.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Isnt that the saying.

The journey is always within. Creating awareness among each person is a big step. Most will ignore it, but there are some who will begin to question what they are doing. They will start to look at where they are being violent.

The violence that goes along with battery or something like that is easy to spot. What is difficult is the sarcasm, the making fun of others, the encouraging of enslaving people or institutions, the overall system that promotes a lack of freedom.

This is where the true violence exists because each and every person is battered. We all suffer from this abuse.

I agree. Much like the post I wrote to demonstrate four levels of violence: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Most people recognize the physical violence because we can see it. The emotional abuse is starting to be recognized as well. But the mental and spiritual abuse is still a struggle for most.

The Creator is Spirit so it makes perfect sense that is we truly want to communicate with God’s creation we must use the language of the Spirit. But that is a lot harder than it sounds.

You are gifted in Wisdom and your advice reminds me of this passage:

James 3:17-18 English Standard Version (ESV)
17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

It is hard. I struggled on how to have this level of communication without resorting to spiritual violence as well. Forcing our will on others to heal them is spiritual violence. However, acknowledging their divinity and sacredness without judgement frees them and us! I think the passage you quoted is perfect for this conversation. Thank you so much for sharing it. It is what we need in order to do this acknowledgement. Wonderful!

Being a student of Sociology, this very concept i read in our course of criminology. This is so true and logical that those who do violence their spiritual growth stops, valid point.

When we engage in violence, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, we end up spiritually 'freezing' ourselves and the other individual. The results of that 'freeze' stops our spiritual growth as an individual and we stagnate or even start falling backwards as our vibration deteriorates with prolonged freezing.

I am really thankful to you for clarifying the concept in a very detailed way. You are always at giving end Rob that is why you are inspiring the several lives across the globe, yes i am one of them as i am spiritually connected with you @wwf :)

It is interesting to have my thoughts confirmed by others. Thank you for sharing that. It is very helpful and helps validate that my spiritual path is supported by the work of others. Thank you. <3

It is the nature of spirituality that it has certain power of attraction. Offcourse it attracts and ypur thoughts attracted me and encourged me to live my life in a more peaceful way for that thank you brother Rob <3

But to do that with people who are at war are ignorant and refuse to learn, that is a major challenge.

It becomes very difficult when folks engage in violent behaviours time after time. I forgive and move on, only to have the same violent behaviours repeated against me. It is time-consuming, physically, mentally and spiritually draining. Eventually, I pray, that the Creator will give guidance to these folks, so that they too may follow the path of peace and tranquillity.

That is exactly the same situation I'm currently in and struggled to find a solution. I will be implementing this strategy and pray that miracles happen. I feel that it will. I noticed a huge shift already and it has been only 12 hours since my talk and revelation. I will keep you posted. <3

I will pray for you too. Some people just need more encouragement before that lightbulb switches on and they are enlightened.

Interesting perspective and approach - "bypass the limitations of the vessel and do this next level of work spirit to spirit".
I have been working on patience and forgiveness. The freezing and unfreezing, I believe, are a good picture and forgiveness unfreezes ourselves, IMHO.
All the best!

I agree with you. Forgiveness is so important! I've spoken about that many times, but I think it is so important that you brought it up here too as I feel it will help with this level of healing.

I am relating to the unfreezing because forgiveness is the key - by unfreezing us so that we can move on and past the events and people.
I also believe that there are no accidents and everyone that we meet in life is what God put there and is either a blessing or a lesson - sometimes both with the same person.
Our job is to discern - seek wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. Lessons are often learned at the point of forgiveness.
