Confrontation in the Court

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

The last time I was in 'their' court was June 2008.  It was in regards to 'driving without a drivers license'.  As I shared in previous posts, my experience with the courts have been different.  By telling that Crown Prosecutor, who is also an officer of the court, that the ticket was not me, I avoided joinder or making an oath of fealty which shut down their whole game.  But is this a unique situation?


Scripture shares a story where a fellow we have all heard about did a similar thing.

And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest. And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. - Matthew 27:11-14 

The people took council to judge him by forming a Great Sanhedrin, found him guilty of not paying tribute to Caesar.  

tribute:  rent or homage paid in money or equivalent by a subject to his sovereign or a vassal to his lord. 


Many priests and scholars would explain this as him surrendering to ensure he fulfill prophecy, and they may be right.  However, I cannot help but recognize that what he is doing is setting the boundary and making it clear that he is not a vassal or subject to any king, feudal lord, fictional construct, state, or body politic.  He recognized that if he spoke in court he would be testifying against himself and submitting to their jurisdiction and authority.  This impressed the governor as I suspect he knew exactly what was going on and what he was doing.  

The other thing to note here is that the council that the people put together trumped Caesar's court and in fact demanded that Caesar carry out their orders.  Caesar did not crucify Christ, the people did, through Caesar's monopoly on violence, coercion and force.  A great Sanhedrin consists of 71 men, but a Sanhedrin consists of 23.  When a Sanhedrin sits to judge over another, they must find a majority within the Sanhedrin.  A majority means at least 12 must find the individual guilty or not guilty.  Does that number sound familiar?  It should, that is how many people sit on a jury in today's courts.  

The jury, when assembled is THE MOST POWERFUL AUTHORITY IN THE COURT.  They have the authority to nullify (jury nullification) statutes and regulations that they feel are unjust, morally or ethically wrong.  They can set people free even if they are guilty of violating statutes that in turn violates the principles of a peaceful, compassionate and just community.  


What I did in the court room almost 10 years ago is no different than what Christ did.  He knew that if he submitted to the courts jurisdiction that he would have violated his commitment to God and abandoned the spiritual jurisdiction he worked his entire life to honour.  Being convicted by the people for not paying tribute to Caesar also proves that he was no feudal serf, citizen or slave.  I recognized the same and followed by example and some people don't like what I do.  

I don't actually fear the government much any more.  It is the mob that has lost their minds, hearts and compassion.  They have no issues with calling upon the government and reporting people.  They cannot engage in violence themselves without being charged, so they call upon the state instead.  It is abhorrent behaviour.  I've witnessed similar behaviour even on this platform where loving caring people turn to the dark side and express the most ugly hate, anger, violence and vengeance.  

If we want to find peace in our lives, it requires that we walk away from Caesar (state), not depend on him to engage in violence and coercion and find ways to be peaceful and forgiving.  We are not going to resolve the issues of this modern world by resorting to violence when ever somebody does us wrong, is engaged in greed, violates our sensibilities or just pisses us off.  

Despite all the accusations, not once did Christ lash out, go to war or even acknowledge them.  He never paid tribute or swore an oath of fealty to Caesar either.  He was nobodies slave or feudal serf but instead dedicated his life to serve God.  That is powerful!  That requires forgiveness and spiritual strength.  

To stand before a judge scared the hell out of me, but I did it.  I did not have to utter a single word to that judge for her to dismiss the case.  She made it very clear that it was not a precedent setting case and I now know why.  Because I was not the first to do what I did.  Many have gone before me with the same results!  I have not stepped into their court room ever since.  

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A very deep idea. my brother @wwf .. This will help me in the future ... Now I'm on the list of wanted by the military because I refuse military service (military service is two years in the army and it is obligatory for all citizens)... For me, I don't agree with that, and I won't agree to it in the future...
I'm refusing because I think a group of military are the ones who put this law on the whole people... This is not fair and they have no authority over us because we are all living under God's care... And God did not cost anyone to put these laws...
I'm having some problems when I move out of the cities
... But most of the time, the soldiers don't ask me about my ID card because I'm with my son, and that makes them think I don't have problems with military service... this situation will not last long... and this makes my freedom very limited...
When my son recovers, I will go to court (Military Court) by myself and I will not fear them because I am under God's care.
peace for you brother @wwf

I did not realize that this weight was on your shoulders. That is a great physical, emotional, mental and spiritual weight to carry around. Thank you for sharing. I pray to Creator that this resolves soon so that you can live in peace. I agree with you, it is not fair to force people into military service, which in itself is a violent act to ensure everyone participates in violent acts. Please forgive me as my memory is not the greatest. What fictional construct is claiming jurisdiction over you?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I didn't understand the question well: I am accused of evading military service and not respecting military laws... And I know the court was sentenced in absentia to a year and a half in prison...the court issued an arrest warrant against me...
But don't worry about me because I know how to avoid this...
If arrested, I will be taken to a military court and then imprisoned and forced to stay for two years at the military barracks...
But I want to surrender myself to the court... But not now.
When I'm going to court I'll submit documents proving that I have surgery on my knee and there are artificial screws in my knee... And that makes me unsuitable for military missions. And my son is sick and needs to be cared for...
When I decide to go, I'll explain everything to you... thank you brother @wwf

Please forgive me. I asked the question in a way that may seem confusing. Which country do you live in? As for your 'surrender' why not wait for them to come and get you instead? Christ did not surrender. He made them come and get him as well. Or is this to ease the stress ... one day?

I live in Algeria... I mean surrender: go to court by myself (The translation wasn't clear.)

if they catch me... That means I'm wrong and they're right...
because who's wrong is Who's afraid...
Christ was not afraid of them and did not escape them... Because Jesus was right.
I want to go to court by myself... for proved to them that I was right and I'm not afraid of them...
Second reason: I am moving a lot between the hospitals for my son...
And at any moment they can catch me, and I don't want to leave my son sick with his mother because they need me a lot now.

impressive ... thanks

To me there are two intentions behind large trade agreements among two different nations. Actually the countries have to follow the so called international laws to minimize the hatred to exchange different things with each other on macro level. This thing also build a good relationship among the trading countries, yes trading agreements benefits the governments as a whole.

I think you posted this in the wrong post. You need to move this to the debate forum post. :)

I do not understand with subsection Matthew, but I need to read more about your story!!
Thanks @wwf

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What is it that you don't comprehend? Perhaps I can explain it further for you or even clarify my post.

now obvious,!!Justice will in favor of the right though it is difficult to face.
I love your principles.
do one as long as it's true.

this is great investing sir and thanks for sharing this, this is something new to me.

The son of God was unjustly accused as we all already know, and his blood was shed for all of us and that we have to value and much. Thanks for sharing this post