Confronting authority peacefully takes a lot of courage and faith

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

Most of us should be familiar with the courage it took for the student to stand in front of the tanks during the Tienanmen Square protests that resulted in the brutal massacre in 1989.  News reports are coming out that over 10,000 were slaughtered that day.  

Associated Press

To stand up against authority is one of the most courageous and important acts we can do in this life time.  I've been distracted over the past week as I am witnessing and supporting a mother bear who is standing up to protect her cub against CPS.  As I watch her struggle with the stress and anxiety, I was moved to write a post yesterday about Authority Traumatic Stress Disorder.  I know full well what she is feeling as I've experienced the same feelings during my stand against authority.  

I cannot share her name as I don't have her consent to do so.  However, she is doing well and so far CPS has been held back.  I cannot express enough how much courage, strength and determination it takes to do what she is doing right now.  She is taking her pen and shoving it right into the barrel of their gun!  I don't know what is going to transpire with her situation.  I pray that she starts to blog about it so that we can all share in the experience.  

But her strength and determination is astounding.  She has empowered her daughter to stand up and speak her own truth in this matter, which I think will make all the difference.  Our off spring have a voice and they need to be heard.  It is a great gift we can give a spiritual being who is early in their journey in this physical realm.  

I share this because I've been very distracted over the last few weeks as a result of the help I've been providing people.  I've been writing about posts that people don't want to read, and I get it.  I've noticed a sharp decrease in traffic to my blog as a result of the subject matter.  What I'm sharing is not easy to hear, confronts people on their participation with the state and seems too heavy to process.  

But if we want to confront ourselves on the reality of our relationships, this is the shit that we need to deal with.  People are being sacrificed, stolen, sold and even enslaved.  This mother bear drew a line in the sand and said no more!  It required some coaching and guidance, but so far she is doing great.  We need more mother bears to stand up to the violence!  As we confront people, all the hidden pain and suffering will come spewing out.

This is the apocalypse where the real revelation and disclosure comes forth.  As we open up the vault of our hidden secrets, pain and suffering, it will seem like hell on Earth.  But I ask for a leap of faith as it may feel like hell, but we can work through it all to find peace on the other side.  How do I know that?  Because that is exactly what I did in 2001!  

The disclosure is not only limited to the secrets that our public officials keep or their secret societies.  The biggest secrets are kept within our own hearts that have such painful and violent impacts on our relationships.  It is time to open up the vault and take a look inside.  That requires the greatest courage ever.  A very close second is to stand up to others when they do wrong, no matter if it was done with authority or not.  To confront others takes courage too and I applaud this mother bear for taking a stand!  

Please forgive me as I continue to write about topics that are present in my life as I work through these issues.  I know this is not as fun as talking about gardens, greenhouses and earthships.  But this is important too and is a part of the journey we call life on Mother Earth!

This Mother Bear is a hero, no matter the outcome.  Just like that student during the Tienanmen Square protests.

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As homeschooling parents of 5 kids in the 90’s in the Bronx, my husband and I had our own battle against the CPS. Thankfully we were supported by a legal organization that gave us good counsel. We refused them entrance to our house and the next day the police came knocking on our door apparently with a warrant. Me and the kids had to stay out of the house for almost three days while my husband daily confronted CPS for a copy of the warrant which they refused until the night before we were supposed to appear in court. Our legal support handled everything without us at court and got the case thrown out. The court stenographer actually praised our lawyer for standing against the CPS. She said they were always abusing their power.

I can’t even begin to describe the fear and stress I endured during this time. But I hate even more to think what would have happened if we didn’t make a stand against them.

Your message needs to be heard. I commend this woman for her courage as well. And thank you for offering her the support and guidance to make it a little easier. We need more of your spirit in this world.

We are taking a very similar approach as what you shared. I thank you for sharing our story. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to confront them like you did. Bravo to you and your husband for doing everything you could to protect your sons and / or daughters. To have the court agents commend your lawyer on the efforts is indeed something to carry with you for the rest of your life. It is rare that they make comments like that! <3 Your message needs to be heard too! It is possible to put these pirates back into the box from where they came. You did it! Bravo!

This momma bear and cub thank you from the bottom of their hearts.
So much i want to share, yet words escape me. Sitting in heart space. Grateful. Trying to navigate with grace, love, forgiveness and peace.
The support of so many people. I stand in awe.

My dear friend and sister; I am grateful that you are finding the support that you need to stand your ground and confront authority! We stand in awe side by side. <3

I really appreciate your posts on these subjects. You are right, and we need to read these stories to become aware of them but also to know you aren't alone if it is happening/has happened to you.
There is a lot of secret shame and a lot of public judging when it comes to this. It needs to come into the uncomfortable as it may be.
I applaud and have the deepest respect for all of those who publicly share their stories and I thank you for helping who you can <3
Have a wonderful day <3

Thank you Karen. <3 I want to write more but you have me at a loss of words. Rare indeed!

That made me smile <3 enough said <3 <3

There is no trait better than confronting. I have a huge respect for the Mother Bear who is confronting the authority in a more powerful way that is usage of her Pen, yes i urge her too to write about it in detail as we want to read it through her angle,

But her strength and determination is astounding. She has empowered her daughter to stand up and speak her own truth in this matter, which I think will make all the difference. Our off spring have a voice and they need to be heard. It is a great gift we can give a spiritual being who is early in their journey in this physical realm.

I am so impressed that she put that energy and beautiful trait of Courage in her daughter too, Supporting. The news of young student is quite new for me as i was not born at that time when he did this courageous act, this thing just gave me goosebumps, Bravo Bravo Bravo <3

P.S: This is so true that Authority can not harm you if you are courageous.
Well my Friend and Spiritual brother i can understand your situation and yes you have been forgiven for this, so don't feel down. You are true source of love and peace for all of us Rob <3 <3

I don't actually feel 'down', just working through some ATSD at the moment. I will be okay. Talking about it helps a lot as we start to come together on these issues to show solidarity.

I am sure we would achieve the state of Peace one day if we make the masses aware of the brutality they are facing through the coercive means of authority because freedom is their utmost right, freedom of choice, freedom of life as a whole.

It does take a tremendous amount of courage to stand up against authority and even more to do it peacefully. Kudos to this mother bear for standing up for her cubs. I know what it feels like, trying to be peaceful when inside all you want to do is rip these people to shreds. You stand before them with your calm exterior when inside you are a quivering bowl of jelly. But you look them in the eye and stand your ground. You know in your heart what is right.

Indeed. Hero's are the ones that find the courage to stand even though their heart is trying to jump out of their chest. Well said my friend. <3

Seems like i have nothing and a lot of things to say...we have been taught wrong and ego-centric version of anti-conformism. As only some of the people are capable of doing so, the chosen ones, the ones full of knowledge. However, it is the ordinary people that can be the best options in the times where conformism is a crime. This is because those "ego-centric" heroes only show up in the movies and we keep on waiting for them in our daily lives and they never appear. No hero appeared in case of Rohingya, no hero is planning to. This division between "common people and heros" have ruined heroism for ordinary people so they never speak up..we need to empower the powerless to stand against power..
Kudos to mama bear..

I agree. The hero is actually within each of us. I would also suggest that the savior that lots of people are waiting for is within as well too! Well written!

Forgiven if it means that we get to witness your process in all of its honesty @wwf. We can learn so much from the people who are on the frontlines directly confronting the 'authority'. We all owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you and the mamabear. Heroes.

thank you @myklovenotwar! It does feel lonely at times, but having people like yourself express gratitude and appreciation for the work that we are doing does indeed help! I appreciate it very much and I know for a fact that mamabear is spending time with her mother birch tree as the emotions are flowing out of her as a result of this post and the feelings that she is processing. All in a healthy way as her tears are of gratitude and appreciation as well. She reads these posts.

^^^so much this. <3

Thank you so much! Please dont stop!

I will do my best to keep going until my vessel breaths no longer! Then when I pass into the Spiritual Realm, I will continue to stand for righteousness, peace, freedom, prosperity and love.

Nice post...

Thanks for your great post
Its great post .............. @wwf

how strong ... machine!

Courage will make the enemy fear and weapons

Wonderful information shared about BITCF taken action.