David vs Goliath

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

There are days when I ask myself 'what in the hell am I doing?"  Yesterday was one of those days as I heard from a friend about their recent encounter with a corporation who used four armed police officers to enforce the easement so that they can get onto my friends land to perform work.  This is despite their efforts to open non-violent forms of communication so that a mutual understanding could be found.  

Desiree Kane [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Why is it that the corporation is so quick to resort to violence?  Could it be that they are feeling a tremendous amount of pressure from the people and that pressure is beginning to get hostile towards them?  Could it be that their efforts to leverage the coercive power of the state to ensure their empires continue to grow has touched a nerve with the people?  

I learned something new about easements yesterday as a result of this encounter.  Let's go through it and see what they REALLY are shall we.

EASEMENT An interest one has in the land of another, known as a privilege without a profit; an incorporeal hereditament. The owner of the dominant tenement has the right to compel the owner of the servient tenement to do or refrain from doing something in respect of the dominant tenement. - Canadian Law Dictionary 5th Edition
DOMINANT ESTATE [TENEMENT] An estate whose owners are entitled to the beneficial use of another's property; property retained by an original grantor when a particular tract is subdivided and a portion is conveyed, and to which certain rights or benefits are legally owned by the conveyed or servient estate.  These rights and benefits may be in the nature of an easement, so that the owner of the retained land (dominant estate) is said to have a right of easement in the servient estate. - Canadian Law Dictionary 5th Edition
SERVIENT ESTATE [TENEMENT] In an easement situation, the estate that is subject to use in some way for the benefit of a dominant estate, the dominant estate being one to which certain rights or benefits are legally owned by the servient estate. - Canadian Law Dictionary 5th Edition

The big lie

Fraud is so rampant yet they get away with it all because everyone participates with it.  What most people don't realize is that you don't actually 'own land'.  Instead you purchased a feudal tenure to possess the land.  That tenure is often called a 'fee-simple title' where your fiction is listed as a tenant.  When you swear fealty to your lord and master, you owe him / her service as a feudal tenant.  That consideration for the property that was granted to you is the service you owe the feudal lord.  You own the servient estate and must pay each year for the privilege!!!!

If the lord needs land for roads, power, cable, phones, etc, he petitions the servient estate to grant an easement to their corporations.  If the servient estate refuses, then he will invoke his power to make the grant him/herself as the lord is the ultimate owner of the land.  Most people call that eminent domain, but in short it shows just who owns the land.  

I say 'owns' but even that is a misnomer as nobody can 'own' land as it all belongs to Mother Earth and Creator.  The powers that be created fictional constructs to try and bypass the problem that people only live for a short period of time.  They needed a way to retain ownership for longer periods of time.  The corporation, being a dead body in stasis, was one way of passing ownership from one generation to the next.  That is how the corporations grew in size until one day they will own the entire planet.  They are not allowed to decompose to release the resources back into nature for the benefit of the living.  As such, the living is dying. 

This life and death struggle is a David vs Goliath struggle.  The problem is that most people are caught up in supporting Goliath as their very survival depends on it.  They are so enslaved by Goliath that they fear upsetting him / her as it could cost them their lives.  What they don't see is that it will cost them their lives one way or another.  They can take the risk now or face their mortality later on.  

The corporate machine is literally destroying the biosphere of this planet.  The planet is on fire right now and yet people are still not taking steps to slay Goliath or remove their dependency on it all.

I weep often as I contemplate the scope of what I am doing.  There are many days where I question my own sanity as I speak my mind and very few 'hear' what in the hell I'm talking about.  Even fewer are taking the steps to do anything about it.  Most people would rather go to war and fight the war which would destroy both sides.  

There is a way to slay Goliath without violence.  Stop giving him our energy.  It is as simple as that.  Stop doing business with the beast.  Starve the bastard to death as the beast is completely dependent upon us for it's very survival.  These fictional constructs that the beast created so that it could control the land, people and resources is nothing but a big fat lie and we bought into it hook, line and sinker.  Land is, by far, the biggest control mechanism the beast has.  They will not hesitate to engage in violence when it comes down to land use, easements or right of ways.  Ask any water protector when they go up against the big oil pipelines.  It is this dominant easement over riding the servient easement that they take advantage of.  They are more than happy to engage in the coercive power of the state to enforce that right.  

The feudal system is designed to enslave people.  We are the land.  We are the highest authority on this land as we were granted the right by Creator to be stewards of this land.  We were commanded to bring prosperity to all life and we then handed it all over to the beast.  

I'm hurting a lot as I witness the violence that manifests as a result of these choices people make.  People all around me are being violated with this violent behaviour because all of it is being supported by millions of blind, scared, cowards.  Too scared to stand up and confront the violence as they benefit from it all or to heal the pain and fear within.  Privileged as the beast looks after those who support it and punish those who goes against it.  If one stands up against the beast, the supporters will attack, demean, discriminate, steal or even kill in order to maintain their privilege.  The spiritual consequences of those choices is clear, yet easily ignored or dismissed.

By Cameron Strandberg from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada (DSC_7139) [CC BY 2.0]  via Wikimedia Commons

I'm tired of this shit.  I've been standing up against the violence, abuse, theft, murder and genocide for nearly 20 years.  I'm tired.  I weep as my message is ignored by all but a small hand full of people.  I know in my heart that I'm going to witness the world burn as the beast fulfills its mission.  The consequences are going to be dire.  Don't complain that you were never warned.  These warnings have been around for all time.  Now is the time to start paying the consequences.  

The alternative is to heal, take 100% responsibility for oneself and start learning the spiritual laws of this planet and living by them.  Natural law is what others call it, but it is not the man made laws.  Peace, freedom, consent and non-violence are the primary tenants that we need to learn.  If you want a hint of what life would be like living under those spiritual tenents, I wrote a short story.  I hope you enjoy the read..


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I know in my heart that I'm going to witness the world burn as the beast fulfills its mission. The consequences are going to be dire. Don't complain that you were never warned. These warnings have been around for all time. Now is the time to start paying the consequences.

I see it coming. It frightens me to death what kind of world my children and grandchildren will live in. A hand full of people can not stop the raging bull that is heading towards catastrophe. You and I can do our part and help those who want to be helped. But it is a tiring and thankless job. Will we make a difference? I pray to the Creator that we can.

I pray constantly as well. I feel very small and completely over whelmed by the shear volume and scope of what I'm attempting to do. I can only seem to influence one or two individuals, yet there are billions in the world. I feel it is but a drop in the ocean, but I will continue despite the huge task. If I don't do the work, who else will?

I hope for the ripple effect. If I cast my stone upon the water and it affects one or two people and then those people cast their stones, affecting a few more and so on, perhaps I can make a small difference. It is better than sitting back and waiting for the catastrophe to happen. I have never been one to sit, wait and do nothing. Don't get discouraged, my friend. You are making a difference. More than you realise.

Thank you my friend. I know I am making a difference. I struggle greatly being a witness to what is unfolding before my eyes. Even among my friends, my views are not shared but by a small few. I do get discouraged as I process the sadness, pain, fear and violence into love the best way I know how.

I have those "what the hell am I doing", moments ofte..What I have come to realize that whichever direction we chose in living with/around the corporate beast system it seems as if there is a lion hiding around every corner with its mouth open waiting to devour the ususpecting. Many times those who know the lion is waiting, turn the corner ready to be devoured 😑. I had long thought of starving them to be the best option. I do not know how this would ultimately turn out but...I figured if many thousand or millions of people coorfinated an effort to stop paying for select services or items all at once then how would the beast eat? Furthermore, how can they pay for a reposssession of a car without funds to pay the recovery companies. They cannot work for free .Would they not starve to death?

I read this and i must say you are so on point. When talking of oppression, my country is number 1. My country has so many oppressor and are ready to take what belong to you especially if you are damn poor. I bought a land through some money i got from steemit, do you know even passing through the law process and all the necessary process, different people keep troubling my life that they own the piece of land. The person that sold the land to me was also playing with me, he is not taking responsibility. I have to act fast by telling them to give me another piece of land coz they got a lot of land. I place a date to pay the money coz were they give me is more developed and is 100 by 100ft through measurement. Well as God we have it, after i put a date to balance the payment, crypto dip and things got to worse. If i could not balance back, i will loose the said land. But God sent a good steemian, a Samarithan @rok-sivante who helped me to pay the entire big amount of money as he places me on auto upvote. He never know what he did for me coz at a time, i was posting more than 7 days which was affecting his vp so people were complaining to him to remove me from the auto upvote. The pressure was much and he listen to them. I keep praying for him all day, for God to bless him more and more, i am a regular 2 post or a post blogger but i posted more than 6-7 times coz sbd,steem were all down and i even have to powered down to balance up also. The money i am to pay the land owner is so big that is why i need post like that to meet up.

Thanks to him for saying those people who wants to cease what i laboured or. Those gold digger who are found of collecting sleepless night.

Am just looking for money to start the building so as to secure the place properly. It was you post that draw my attention this. Some persons are just in this life to ruin people happiness. Thanks for this lovely post sir and finally God bless @rok-sivante for me and God should protect his life day and night. I will never cease to pray for him unless am dead.

Thanks to God, am now back to my regular single post or double daily post coz i dont need money under pressure right now

Yet one more case in point proving where application of blockchain technology may serve in addressing land dispute issues, as Bitland has been working towards on the continent...

That will definitely be cool

There are lies, big lies and statistics. Or is this a wrong calculation ???

great post