Do you want Peace on Earth? Really?

in ungrip •  6 years ago 

This time of year seems to bring out the deep desires in us all.  But how far are we REALLY willing to go in order to manifest these ideas that come about once a year?  Social media is a magnifying glass into our darkest psyche. I am continually astounded at how easily we can show the most beautiful parts of our heart and then express the darkest pain and ugliness just as quickly.  It is a double edge sword as it has been used to trigger great change but is also used to suppress, manipulate and control others.

© 2013 Seraphiic. Licensed under CC-BY.  

I'm talking about the words that people use against one another.  There are several terms to describe this behaviour, such as gaslighting, narcissism or even getting to the point of being a psychopath.  But even if we don't fit these labels, I must admit that I've witnessed a pervasive use of shame and guilt over the last few years and it seems to be getting worse instead of better.  If we want peace on earth then it starts within our own hearts.  This is not something that we demand from our politicians or armies but rather a path that we walk ourselves.  We lead by example so that the peace we are searching for will influence others to do the same.  

(meme found on Facebook - author unknown)

Here is a meme that attempts to engage in shame.  Rather than doing the work to debate the issue and leaving other people the choice to choose to drink milk or not, the author of this meme decided to engage in shame to manipulate others to give up milk instead.  The shame comes by implying that those who drink milk do so out of a belief in the fantasy and that their choice to drink milk is not grounded in any fact or scientific bases at all.  This level of shaming does not bring peace at all in our lives as it is an example of how we covertly use shame to engage in violence against our own brothers and sisters.  

Shame is a powerful weapon as we all struggle with our own internal shame.  But when we heal the shame within, we can then look at these memes more objectively and see the covert violent attempt to manipulate and control other peoples behaviour.  That is the root of the issue here and if we want peace on Earth, then we must find within ourselves the capacity to live our lives despite what other people chose to do with theirs.  However, we do have a duty to confront violence but we also have a duty to do so without engaging in violence ourselves.  It is a fine line and most people cross that line when they do it.  

(meme found on Facebook - Author unknown)

Then there are those who just go way over the line and engage in outright violence, discrimination and abuse.  How is it that people don't confront people on this level of behaviour?  This is where I question peoples resolve for wanting peace on Earth.  If we REALLY want peace on Earth, then it will require that we stand up to ALL of this shit, confront or rebuke those who engage in violence, whether covert or overt, and walk the path of peace in all areas of their life.  

Make no mistake, people are being manipulated by others to engage in a silent war, a war that plays out on social media and impacts the spirit of each and every single one of us.  It is a psyop of the most evil kind and we are all trained to participate in it.  However, it is also up to us to draw a line in the sand and declare our intention to walk away from the war and engage in peace instead.

The state is a master at using shame and guilt to manipulate the masses.  Marketing experts are the kings as they use those techniques along with sex and other methods to get people to buy, consume and engage in gluttony.  But what I've witnessed is that social media is giving people a platform to guilt or shame people to manipulate others to move towards their own agenda, believe in their own belief systems and try to get friends to conform to their own reality.  Are we so guilt ridden that the only way we can resolve that guilt inside of us is to bring others into our camp so that we are not so alone?

The trouble with these covert violent attempts to shame and guilt, is that they are often disguised as humor.  While I love humor and joke around a lot myself, I also know that humor is a powerful bypass that people use to avoid talking or dealing with their own shit.  

So what is behind all of this?

May I suggest that when we engage in these types of behaviours we are engaged in covert violence to manipulate or control other people.  These covert violent behaviours are rooted in our own insecurity, traumas, shame and guilt.  When we look into the mirror and start working on these, we will find ourselves looking for other ways to communicate and connect with others.  I also have seen in my own life where this work resulted in my capacity to empathize with others, peacefully confront them or help them work through their own shit.

Most importantly though, I must acknowledge and recognize that I cannot change other people.  I can only change myself, so why would I engage in shame or guilt in an attempt to get them to change?  All it does is create dark feelings in others, reinforce the own guilt or shame that they feel inside already and builds walls between me and those who I love dearly.  Instead I found that by sharing my own stories of healing and recovery can have a huge influence on others.  We have used this technique in some of the healing circles that we do and it really helps people open up and lower their armour.  

So, on this Christmas Eve, while we contemplate our desire for Peace on Earth, let us all also contemplate on what we can do to manifest that peace.  We can engage in critical thinking and not use guilt or shame to manipulate others or even ourselves.  We can confront or rebuke those who engage in that level of violence by pointing out the violence in their own behaviours.  But we must do that within ourselves first!  We must do our own work so that when we go out into the world, we are doing so from the paradigm of the Pacem Arts (The Art of Peace) and not any Martial Arts (The Art of War).  Shame, guilt and other covert violent protocols belong in war and I refuse to engage in war.  

Instead I want to increase my own consciousness so that I am fully aware of my actions and the impacts those actions have on others.  Now is a time for self reflection and doubling down on my efforts to be peaceful, confront peacefully and ensure that I no longer engage in violence of any kind.  When I am brutally honest with myself, I must confront all aspects of my life.  That is why I refuse to participate with the state and work hard to completely eliminate my participation with all the corporate thugs out there.  That is why I am unfriending hundreds upon hundreds of people on Facebook and confronting my friends and tribe members whenever I seem them sharing meme's that engage in covert violence.  If we all did that in 2019 we would find that Peace breaks out on Mother Earth and isn't that what we all desire?  

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Wise words, as usual. An excellent example that I think of would be the debate about vaccinations. I'm sure both sides are guilty of using these shaming tactics, but generally, the one side tries to use facts and common sense in their posts to others on Facebook, while the the other side uses fear, shame, and guilt much more often. One side wants to have their own choice on what they do with vaccines and want to give that same choice to everyone. The other side doesn't usually want to give that choice and probably relay their own fears and doubts onto others so they are not the only ones with those feelings. If people could just live their own lives and let others do the same, this world would be such a different place; most likely for the better.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree. The problem is that we often settle on a belief and when we argue with others and facts no longer apply, we resort to shaming and guilt to ensure others fall into line with what we believe. The challenge is that even the facts have been manipulated so in an era of information over load we are confronted with an avalanche of data that allows us all to skew the information to fit our own agenda's. It is really messed up.

Vaccinations is a perfect example of that issue. In the end, it is my choice how I treat my vessel. All life on this planet must find a way to reconcile with the fact that we are all going to lose our vessels to death. Whether that be through old age, accident or disease. I've come to terms with that reality. That is why I work on accepting my eventual death and work hard to ensure that it will be a good death and not sacrifice my spirit in the process. Personal responsibility is a powerful Allie!

I often wonder why it is our instinctual reaction to lash out in a violent way to get the result we want. If there is something you don't approve of our believe in then by all means state you case for others to come to their own decision, but if they decide something different to you, manipulation isn't the way forward.

When we raise our children, the best way to discourage unwanted behaviour is to remove attention from it and not support it. Violent behaviour gets time out and attention removed, rather than giving them the attention they are after. I believe this works in the adult world too. Treat people respectfully and they may actually approach you to find out more about your beliefs.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not sure if it is instinct or just a learned behaviour that we all engaged in due to the colonization and indoctrination process. But either way, we all have the capacity and duty to question that behaviour and work to decolonize or deprogram ourselves as a result of the answers we find.

I agree with your statement and I'm touched by your contribution to this discussion. Thank you.

I've never really thought about how flagrant those memes are. Capitalizing on humor to insult intelligence as part of a debate. It certainly is a clever way to tap into the darkness and strong-arm a person's opinion through insult, if anything.

The fear of being called a fool is strong. No one wants to be the one that gets duped into believing falsities. How ironic that this tactic is just a twisted form of the thing we are trying to avoid.

The dark energies are very sly. It requires a lot of due diligence to ensure that we don't slide down into the depths of their violence. It can be quit tricky.

You and I were thinking on a similar page this morning. I just wrote another aspect of this same idea. What the world needs is not a lot of ashamed people walking around trying to be some prototype for a perfect human and feeling bad that they always fall short. We offer the world so much more when we are confident, happy and free. I would rather live in a world of diversity than shame everyone into living just like me.

I agree, we were thinking along the same lines. Spirit is in motion now and I've found many people starting to talk in a similar fashion. Spirit is amazing and I'm not surprised at all to find out you wrote about a similar topic. Peace to you!!!!