How current decision making is constrained, which leads to harmful decisions being made.

in ungrip •  7 years ago  (edited)

I hinted a while back about how I explored changing my decision making process from being a purely intellectual exercise to a spiritual, heart centric process.  In my book I suggested that the 'old' me focused on the intellect and made my decisions based on facts, figures and what my brain told me would be right or wrong.  I got into a lot of trouble and oh let me count the ways.  

Through the process of recovering from the depression and suicide attempts, I was shown a new way and I explored it deeply.  By getting in touch with my feelings, processing all the pain so that I could 'let go' of what I was carrying around, it left room for me to then get into contact with spirit and Creator through my heart.  

Now, when I run into challenges, I engage the intellect to evaluate and troubleshoot.  But when I need to make a decision or tap into some creativity, my heart does that work.  I now make decisions based on how I feel, rather than what I think.  Not to be confused with emotions, but what my heart and gut try to tell me about the situation that I find myself.  

Over the years, my life has gone extremely well in comparison to the 'old me' making decisions with intellect.  That is where corporations, governments and even some households get into trouble.  We cannot make decisions based on a ledger or balance sheet.  Many business professions would disagree with me, but I'm going to suggest that there are other factors that need to be considered long before we even look at a balance sheet or other business tools.  

The flaw is that business need to place a dollar value to everything so that they can then evaluate all items within their realm.  But Mother Earth, clean water, clean air, customs, traditions, land, animals, plants and all that is required for a healthy life is sacred.  How can we possibly place a dollar value on that which is sacred?  

I have news for us all, we are sacred too and just as intimately involved and important than any of the other components I just listed.  How do we involve sacredness within a spread sheet?  We cannot.  The decisions that we are facing cannot be made using economic models, forecasts and budgets.  The decisions we face are spiritual in nature and sacred in concept and principle.  

I can testify to the fact that some corporations are so blind, that they would rather dig a hole and bury lumber, trucks, quads, equipment, raw materials, etc.  My wife used to work in the bakery at Superstore in the city.  One day the executive came in, noticed that all the bread they just finished baking was a shade darker than standard and ordered them to throw it ALL away and start over.  She was NOT allowed to take any home.  There was NOTHING wrong with that bread.  The City of Edmonton will soon demolish the Coliseum north of the downtown at the cost of $25 million, despite the objections of citizens and thousands of suggestions on what the building could be used for.  The building opened in 1974 with a 50 year life expectancy and now it will be demolished at the young age of 44.  Shame on the decision makers.  What a waste of resources!  

Edmonton Northlands Coliseum (source: Global News Edmonton) 

It takes a considerable amount of resources to build a building that large.  The moment we demolish that building, the costs paid by the environment, plants, animals, water and air in collecting all those resources is lost and the environment is then disrespected even more.  At times we have no choice, but when the choice is there to honour and respect the sacrifices made to build something, that has significant wait in our decisions.  

But we don't contemplate the trees, water and land that is disturbed so that we can mine raw materials to build these buildings, plants, pipelines, highways, etc.  Raw materials are seen as a resource to be utilized and squandered, without recognition of the spiritual sacredness of life itself.  

Meanwhile, there are people working hard to honour and respect the lives we take in order to build our homes and offices.  A friend working on a pipeline project helped me salvage nearly three lifts of lumber that was going into a hole for burial.  Another friend just help me divert about 3000lbs of cement powder from going to a land fill as well.  People are doing their best, but the corporations and governments must surrender the decision making process.  It is not possible for them to take the spiritual considerations into account when they do business.  They may pretend to be environmentally conscious and aware, but they fail miserably.  

It is time to learn the skills so that spirit can make the decisions, so that all life prospers and we don't harm or injure others in the process.  The intellect, computers and algorithms CANNOT make those decisions, only the heart can when it is connected to our Spiritual universal mind.  

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Your words are very true... And also we can observe the effect of secularism on communities.... Secularism makes society without religion that means without spiritual and without heart .
This makes human a means of producing material things. Human = machine...... He doesn't care about the environment, the family, or the future of this planet. The important thing for him is just physical things.
All this causes danger to humanity because it destroys society and makes society without morals and destroys nature.... Just my own opinion

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are absolutely correct and I just learned something new today! My heart told me there was a problem with secularism and you just clarified the issue for me. I thank you for teaching me an important lesson today. My heart is singing hearing your words. Thank you!!!!

To be honest with you.... I'm getting so ashamed of you. my brother @wwf .. You embarrass me with your words.... Because I'm like a book page but you're all the book... I'm just a part of your thoughts and I'm enjoying diving into your thoughts.

Ah, we help one another out in life. Nobody has all the answers. We each have a page in the book. :) I'm not sure if you meant 'ashamed' but perhaps embarrassed instead. Either way, all is good. <3 Dive away!

Have you heard that Internet is going to be shut off?

Russia and the BRICS have:

If it is and 'they' cut off the power, shut down all telecommunications companies, stop the food trucks from running, turn off the gas pumps, can you survive? I don't think they can without causing massive disruption (which may be their goal, who knows). But if they do, cryptocurrencies and other tools are not going to feed people. Knowledge, skills and resources on how to live off the land will feed people. Mother Earth and Creator will provide food, clothing, shelter, air and water. No corporation or government agency has EVER done that for people. They get it from Mother Earth as well, only they act as middle man to control and profit from it all. That is the message I am working on within this blog.

Peace to you.

Just like the day before 9/11 two Trillion missing dollars.
This time the whole finacial market will come down when the Internet is turned off.

Be prepared for a Major earthquake or event to be blamed!

Would you be able to support yourself and your family if it happened?

Crypto's, cash, silver, stock certificates, home in mexico

It's really good to hear you describe moving from a head based mode of operation into a place where feeling and sprit are involved.

I've been on a similar path, and what you said about depression really struck me. I think that relying too much on the intellect makes it hard to be confident about doing the right thing and leads to too much focus on metrics, money, and what can be quantified. We try to make decisions based on adding up all the pros and cons, but this never leads to the kind of deep certainty that comes from trusting your whole being.

The fact that our hearts and guts are actually their own autonomous nerve centers is fascinating to me (i.e. hunger is actually a "thought" happening in the "stomach brain"). It seems that science may be catching up to the fact that trusting your heart or trusting your gut isn't just a figure of speech. What science is not ready to accept is the spirit, which is not surprising because this is a realm of deeply personal experience which cannot be objectively measured but is real nonetheless.

Each of these four aspects of our being have important contributions to make to our decisions. Learning to listen to them all when facing decisions is the challenge for me right now.

I agree with you @scottyeager. In fact I just posted a blog entry talking about these issues in much more detail. You may enjoy that post as well. <3

In my book I suggest that Spirit talks to us through the chakra points. How ever we try to explain it so that we can communicate the concept is irrelevant. The point is, our physical mind is but a small part of the whole and we have a lot of clearing and learning to do if we want to master this vessel that was given to us. Science is way behind and until they take these topics seriously, they will remain behind and unable to explain the physical realm as it is created from Spirit and intimately connected to spirit as well.

I love your post. Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for the link—I'll check it out!

I'd agree that the metaphor we use to "communicate the concept" isn't important, but it is fun to explore different expressions and look for new ones through creative work. Indeed, there's much to unlearn and to learn as we grow into greater human potential. Science is one tool in the toolbox, not the end all means of obtaining truth, and consensus is hard to come by on the ultramicro and ultramacro levels. We're all energy vibrations like music or speech, apparently :)

Happy to share, and to build understanding.

Well said!

We have taken Secularism to new heights. People are meant to be spiritual beings. We have lost that part of our humanity. We are destroying what we have for a false promise of better things to come. We are no longer one with the earth, or the environment. We live now for an empty future.

There is so much waste all around us and to recycle and re-purpose materials should only be common sense... unfortunately you are right @wwf Some may not be in need of the larger materials but even something as simple as shopping at local thrift stores can have a positive impact somewhere.

While recycling and re-purposing materials is important, I would like to see us not engage in waste so that there is no need to recycle or re-purpose. That would have a far better impact on the environment and our health if we can move past these simple measures and get to some meaningful changes.

Wish it were that easy to get people to look at alternative ways of doing what they do. One good example for me was something called I was introduced to the developer through a nurse working in the gulf helping those sick after the use of Corexit on the big oil spill in the gulf (which btw she is still doing)

I drove from California to Darby, Montana to meet Doug Toups. We spent an entire afternoon together, I looked at the procedures, the patent and even watch the fuel burn. The background on this is amazing. Keeping it simple: It is taking the trash or any carbon based material, even hemp would work and converting it to a high grade fuel which is ready to fill any tank, gas or diesel with no modification to engines at all.

He answered all my questions about the possible potential to harm the environment from the process of making it. Little to NONE compared with the current oil being used. I've introduced it to the fracking activists, the indians protecting their sacred ground etc. Seems no one want to put the effort into learning about it or even getting their questions answered directly from Bioroot Energy (Doug Toups).

Where do we start with promoting the out-of-the "norm" so people will actually take notice of the possibility of A BETTER WAY?

I've heard of him and there are others too with technology ready to go. Perhaps what is needed is a steemit based funding program to help get this stuff going so that we can shift the economic model. I don't know what the answer is. Lots of people are also overwhelmed. It may be that we need to flip the political and economic models first, get our ducks in a row and then tackle the issue of clean up and engaging in spiritual creativity to heal the world and all our relationships. Even my work overwhelms people. Making the smallest change is a huge burden. When people are stressed they can only function at 10 or 20%. Healing will need to take place so that when they get to 70 or 85%, they have the energy and resources to engage in solutions like this.

Agreed, you are spot on. I was reading a book, "Power vs Force" by David Hawkins a while back. He addressed the need also for a rise in the energy being important so what you say here, makes perfect sense. (laptop is dying on me at the moment otherwise I'd had a much longer comment) :(

I would love to hear more about how the transition from making decisions with your intellect to making them with your heat and spirit. What do others need to do to make that same transition?

I'll make that my next post. <3

Omg...I had no clue they are demolishing the coliseum...that is next level destructive wastefulness! The world has indeed gone mad...

Yes, I felt the same way. Especially when the city had lots of suggestions on how the building could be used. But they killed the building with the new arena and forced them into a non-competition clause. So they killed it on purpose to make the new one viable. Insane they are! Completely insane.

Your post is very nice