Living life on my own termssteemCreated with Sketch.

in ungrip •  5 years ago 

Real freedom requires that we have the courage to live life on our own terms and allow others to do the same.  A core component of freedom is self governance, which demands that we restrict ourselves so that we don't interfere with others in their quest for the same.  

If I was the only one on this planet, then I would be able to do what ever I wanted.  But I'm not alone.  I share Mother Earth with billions of other people and trillions of other spiritual beings expressing themselves in all forms around us.  The relationships that unfold as a result is more complex than any of us can possibly calculate, even with the help of all our scientific tools, past, present and future.  

Science focuses on the physical and natural world, but that is not every aspect of our being here on Mother Earth.  We are spiritual beings and that study has been usurped by the dogmatic approach of religion.  I would also suggest that science has been usurped by the greed of wall street.  So while millions of people argue with one another based on the bias approaches of both sides, Natural Law and Spiritual Law still applies.  It is our duty to study them as objectively as possible.

What I've found through my own life journey is that the primary purpose for being here is to explore what relationships are all about and to step into the duty to steward this land.  To have governments dictate to me the terms and conditions of my relationship with others or how I should act or behave is a repugnant and tyrannical principle that appeals to billions of people.  As a result of their compliance, only specific outcomes are allowed and they are more than willing to engage in violence or even genocide to achieve those outcomes.  

Our children are pumped through industrial institutions to prepare them for the slave trade that will consume the rest of their lives.  If they don't comply then they will be taken away from their parents and put into homes of those who follow the party line.  Some jurisdictions are even willing to separate these children and put them in concentration camps.  Industry is allowed to murder and poison trillions in order to feed the machine.  These abhorrent approaches harm all involved in ways that many are not willing to contemplate or consider.  

When we break free from living life as dictated by others, we are left with our own thoughts, feeling and expressions of spirit. This requires that we find the courage to say no to what all the others are doing and head out on our own path.  That path is often difficult and challenging as we don't have others to break the trail.  It is also dangerous as the majority of the slaves will rebuke the effort as they fear their own privilege or standing will be threatened.  

When I set out to live life on my own terms, the most difficult part of that journey was deprogramming and decolonizing my mind.  I often felt guilt, shame and a lot of doubt as I rejected what most other people were saying or doing and decided to do my own thing.  After 15 years I'm starting to be comfortable with the fact that I don't think, act or live like most other people.  I'm okay with that too!  In fact, I'm grateful as I still believe that the colonial way will implode and it will kill billions of people in the process.

If I engage in violence in an attempt to 'save' people, then I've violated the principles of self governance.  By interfering in the lives of others means that I give people permission to interfere with my own life.  That is war and Spiritual Law demands that we be peaceful.  

All life here is governed by Natural Law, but those that find self awareness are asked to govern themselves based on a higher law, Spiritual Law.  Peace, freedom, patience, prosperity, meekness and a dedication to serve others to do the same through LOVE is the founding principle of Spiritual Law.  That means not engaging in violence, greed, murder or other activities.  Spiritual Law trumps Natural Law and when we step into Spiritual Law, we will find that we have influence over Natural Law.  The duty under Spiritual Law is immense as we are also asked to be a steward, which requires prosperity for all life on Mother Earth.  We have work to do in order to fulfill Spiritual Law!

We save ourselves and the world through Spiritual Law.  Finding the courage and faith to take that leap is paramount, especially as the world continues to swirl downwards.  Imagine being able to clean up the mess that we created and fulfill our duty to bring prosperity to ALL life on this planet?  We are not doing that through the current models and institutions that has gripped mankind in this death spiral.

Living life on my own terms means rejecting the terms dictated by evil men and women in favor for embracing and walking the path of a Spiritual Warrior.  There are still boundaries, but those boundaries are peaceful and loving, rather than enforced through punishment, banishment, jail, slavery, guilt, shame or even death.  

When we embrace the path of the Spiritual Warrior, the flexibility and creativity to do our work opens up and that is when miracles happen.  These miracles will violate science, desecrate religious dogma and break many state 'laws'.  For those who have the courage to live life on their own terms, they will often be called names, rebuked, attacked out of fear and rejected.  

But we will change ourselves and the world in the process.  Life is a miracle and every break we take builds upon that miracle.  Every heart beat is an expression of the divine spiritual gift that was given us all.  To not embrace that miracle fully and walk the path on our own terms and within the guiding structures of Spiritual Law is to reject that gift from Creator.  We owe it to Creator to break free from the bonds that bind us to the control and slavery of us all.  

British school [Public domain]

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